Metaldwarf wrote...
Thank you both for replying.
It's a bit difficult because one of the doors is hidden in a mine shaft, and the other leads into a different tileset.Our lead builder said it would be easier for them to do it than explain it but that was some months ago and I'd like to see if I can manage. I will let you know if I'm successful.
Since you mentioned a "lead builder" I assume this is for a PW project. Most head builders prefer to set up transitions themselves as it makes maintaining correct TAGs much easier. Head Builders often double check areas prior to importing them to make certain no script changes were made (often inadvertantly), that doors, placeables, etc... are set as they prefer and add event scripts to the areas, doors, placeables and what-nots themselves.
While I understand that builders, especially on a PW are eager to see their stuff added and connected as soon as possible, it saves alot of time in the long run when the head builder handles the details themselves. I can't even begin to calculate how much time I've spent tracking down issues on PW's that stemmed from a recent import of an area. Sometimes, the "conflict" isn't even apparent for days, weeks or even months, which makes it all the more difficult to figure out in the end.
My advice ... just be patient and let your head builder handle it if that was their initial request.