The whole idea stems from a PC Customizer I have in use on my PW. It allows a PC to reset their portraits, but does so using portraits listed in the 2da entries only. So I've been toying with two distinct ideas.
1) Rescript the portrait selector so that only portraits that would be allowed at creation (if properly resref'd) would be available. I.e., a female gnome would only scroll/sort through portraits set as po_gn_f_###, instead of having to click thru all the elves, monsters, placeables, etc... just to find a new portrait for their female gnome.
2) I've been gathering alot of nice portraits from NWN Vault and renaming them so they don't overwrite Bioware and CEP stuff (should likely check Project Q while at it) and they now follow the "proper" Bioware naming formats. Since portraits quickly escalate into huge files, I was hoping I could make them "optional" to players, but still include them in the Portrait 2da so they'll sort nicely and possibly be available for NPCs as well.
Now that I'm thinking on it, could I also make new 2da files by race that would be checked instead?