Author Topic: Eonswar Chronicles Seeking Builders  (Read 517 times)


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Eonswar Chronicles Seeking Builders
« on: August 23, 2011, 01:41:30 pm »

               Hello everyone!

I want to make a public announcement of the
Eonswar Chronicles Persistent World project for the Neverwinter Nights
community. Currently, I am looking for additional builders and also some player beta testers to knock out any kinks before this is launched. I also am requesting for suggestions and ideas to what is currently being offered or what should be offered so I encourage you all to please come to the Eonswar forums (or PM me).

Included in the website address below is a custom introduction
movie explaining some of the lore of the setting and the destination
that starting players will begin their new journeys. I am also seeking some voice actors, and if applicable, some graphic designers/illustrators that enjoy making fantasy setting pictures to help out in further movie developments.


Direct Forum:

lot of background lore will be uploaded soon in the form of short clips
much like the one on the front page of the website with a narrator and
depicting images while explaining certain aspects of the universe. I
also plan on creating short clips explaining the events that the players
will create through the roleplay in the server.

Some Server Features: (Would love some builder perspectives on these)

class-related Experience System:
A simple system developed that will focus on allowing different classes
to acquire experience points that will not require repetitive slaying
of hostile creatures (BUT there will be hostiles, dungeons, etc. Don't
worry!). Some examples are: Wizards reading books, Sorcerers practicing
magick, Druids calling upon animals and communicating with them, etc.
(Suggestions on what other ways would be applicable for the certain
classes is highly encouraged.)

class Based Resting System:
There will also be different forms of resting and sleeping for certain
classes and races. Resting can happen once every 4 hours and sleeping
can happen once every 8. Different forms of resting examples can be: 
Monks meditate, paladins and clerics pray/worship, sorcerers and wizards
conjure magickal energy. An alternate form to sleeping would be an Elf
going into reverie.

Afterlife System:
This is going to probably be one of the most unique systems inputted
into the module. Imagine having your characters only beginning a new
journey when they die, venturing through the infinite planes that
consists of many heavens and hells (and whatever else is in between?).
You could go on the path of becoming a more enlightened spirit, or go
deeper into darkness as a demonic spirit. In other cases, spirits can
also attempt to return to the mortal world by finding dimensional rifts
throughout different Astral planes in the afterlife, either to haunt the
living, watch over loved ones, or even to try and find a vessel in
order to return to life.

This is an idea that can be incorporated (still testing), but it will
only happen when a player decides to choose the "Sleep" option from the
rest menu. They will travel to the Astral and experience a dreamscape
environment for a short timeframe while their body is slumbering in the

Ritual Magick: This
is a system that will encompass a lot of the spellcasting classes,
allowing them to conduct very powerful forms of alternate conjurations,
be it shifting the conditions of weather or causing a celestial tear in
space and time to bring forth a host of dark spirits or elder daemons.

Astral Projection:
Depending on your chosen class, you will be able to project your spirit
from your body and travel around the world, or attempt to find
dimensional rifts to venture into the Afterlife to seek answers or speak
to a dead loved one.

Religion will offer both polotheistic and monotheistic forms or even
agnosticism and atheism. Players can worship the dead pagan gods, or
fanatical ideologies based on fear and sin. It's up to you as the player
to choose what you believe in.

Yes, if you have the right idea in mind. As the server progresses with
player actions, there will be opportunities for players to advance into
divine power. There will be many ways to accomplish this, but it is up
to the player to attempt to discover those ways in game, or die trying.

world itself will be very rich and offer an alternate universe to that
of the many Forgotten Realms servers. From taking airships to the
gnomish sky cities or venturing to other dead worlds that were ravaged
by an ancient war known as "The Great Contention". On the Eonswar
Chronicles server, players will have a chance to not only shape the
future, but to also discover the past. This will be a highly DM/Plot
oriented server with the players directing it's fate. There are many
lands to visit, to discover, and to conquer.

There are currently NO HAKS REQUIRED to play this module, unless the playerbase wants them.
I agree that some of the NWN content is dull and boring, but if modules
are designed well enough they are perfectly playable. It's the roleplay
that matters and who you interract with, not just the content (as much
as I love some of the work that is out there).

far as a timeframe goes, if I can get enough staff and player support
this could be up and running in less than a few weeks.

Please let me know if you can help!

