Author Topic: Boss creatures not attacking  (Read 554 times)

Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« on: June 09, 2011, 12:55:26 pm »

               I have a problem with a couple of boss creatures not attacking.   They just stand there and get beaten to death.  If they have spells then they cast them, but then just stop and stand there.

This is happening to two completely different bosses, both of which have been completely remade from scratch with no difference.

The confusing part is that it happens on the server ... it happens on my computer (the one that all the modding is done on) ... but it doesn't happen on my husbands computer.   He can load up the module and test out the bosses and they attack just fine.

We can't figure out why these two bosses don't attack, but there are no issues with any other these two.

Any one have ideas?




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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 02:20:14 pm »

               Check the scripts that your boss is useing.  

Compair the scripts between the two computers.

Check to see if the scripts have been added to the override folder or any of the haks on the two computers.


Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 11:27:25 pm »

               These two bosses are using the standard x2_ scripts except for their OnDeath.

The only override I've ever had on my computer is one to make the hands show.
Only haks attached to the module are CEP 2.3.  I have started putting scripts into the custom.hak but this problem has been nagging since before then.  It started out as only one boss doing it, but we recently put a new area in and the new boss started.




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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 12:26:03 am »

               Make sure the ai is not set too the low setting.


Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 01:31:39 am »

               Okay, AI setting is not something I have played with ... a quick search on the Bioware forms leads me to think I need to look at a variable on these particular bosses ... is that right?



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 04:56:34 am »


Tassie Wombat wrote...

The confusing part is that it happens on the server ... it happens on my computer (the one that all the modding is done on) ... but it doesn't happen on my husbands computer.   He can load up the module and test out the bosses and they attack just fine.


This tells me that one of the two computers is overriding the script.   If it is your husbands computer,  No problem once you find the problem and fix it, it will work correctly on your machine.   If however it is your computer that is overriding the script even if you find the problem and recompile the corrected script you will still have to place it in a place where it can override the other script,  If not it will have no effect and your problem will presist.  

Tassie Wombat wrote...

These two bosses are using the standard x2_ scripts except for their OnDeath.

That does not tell me much,.  So I would guess that you are either useing nw_c2_* or nw_ch_* 

Still your first goal is to find out why it is differant on one computer form the other Once you figure that out you probably even know the script to change.
I guess I should also ask.  Is the creature painted in the toolset or spawned in during play.





Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2011, 05:52:32 am »

               1.  The override folders on the server, my computer, and hubby's computer are all script free ... they have TGA files and not much else.
2.  The custom.hak has NO x2_ or nw_  scripts in it ... all other haks are the standard CEP 2.3 .. and are identical across all three computers.
3.  The creature uses the x2_ scripts calling the default nw_c2 scripts.
4.  The creature is spawned in during play.
5.  Other creatures are using the exact same x2_ scripts and behave normally.



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2011, 06:06:56 am »

               Well to me there is nothing standard about CEP 2.3   I myself do not use it just because of the use of the updater.  There is no good way to know for sure if the content between two different installs are the same or not.  

The only thing other then a script being overriden ( a .ncs file) that could cause this would be for the monsters blue print  to be overriden.  (a  .utc file)

Out side of that I am at a loss as it does not run the same on the two computers.



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2011, 06:13:42 am »


Lightfoot8 wrote...

Well to me there is nothing standard about CEP 2.3   I myself do not use it just because of the use of the updater.  There is no good way to know for sure if the content between two different installs are the same or not.  

The only thing other then a script being overriden ( a .ncs file) that could cause this would be for the monsters blue print  to be overriden.  (a  .utc file)

Out side of that I am at a loss as it does not run the same on the two computers.

Well thanks for the reply there friend.
seems wifey and me will keep bashing our heads, I will remake the creature and try renaming and new resref etc.


Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2011, 06:25:52 am »


Lightfoot8 wrote...
Well to me there is nothing standard about CEP 2.3   I myself do not use it just because of the use of the updater.  There is no good way to know for sure if the content between two different installs are the same or not.  

We downloaded CEP 2.3 once and copied it across all three computers so we knew we had the same version.

Lightfoot8 wrote...
The only thing
other then a script being overriden ( a .ncs file) that could cause this
would be for the monsters blue print  to be overriden.  (a  .utc file)

There are no .utc files for this creatures in the haks or overrides.

Lightfoot8 wrote...
Out side of that I am at a loss as it does not run the same on the two computers.

You and me both !!  The one good thing from this is that it has made me double check that all the important files are identical across all three computers.

Oh well ... guess it's time for me to look at the AI ... something I've put in the too-hard basket until now.

Thanks for your help Lightfoot8




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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2011, 07:43:49 am »


Tassie Wombat wrote...

I have a problem with a couple of boss creatures not attacking.   They just stand there and get beaten to death.  If they have spells then they cast them, but then just stop and stand there.

This is happening to two completely different bosses, both of which have been completely remade from scratch with no difference.



  It sounds as though they're trying to call a talent that isn't there, but the engine thinks is.  If the two bosses have any spells or special abilities in common, try removing one of those at a time.



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2011, 08:29:07 pm »

               1) Do the "bosses" cast Invisibility or Improved Invisibility? If so, remove and replace with the Monster version under Special Abilities.

2) If they work on one machine, but not the other, then compare what differs between the two machines (or three)? Perhaps those not running the bosses correectly need their CPU Affinities set.

3) When in doubt, erf and send them to a third party for testing. Being able to "get hands on" something is much easier than second guessing. '<img'>



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2011, 09:48:27 pm »

               Besides these ideas, checking for special abilities, invisisbility etc...Look to see if the boses have any variables set in their behaviors under the advanced tab.  Though there is probably something in the override scripts that is interfering with their normal combat ai.  If all else fails you can always alter their, on physically attacked or spell cast at, and say get last hostile actor and then direct them to attack that object. the fact that normal monsters are attacking normally while the bosses are not though would seem to indicate the ideas kalbaern is pointing at, that something in their abilities, spells, etc.. is causing the problem.  One easy thing to try is to set the module to D&D harcore for instance and see if that has an effect.  Sometimes on easy mode monsters seem to act really stupid.  The ai check is something that is checked when the standard hb is fired.  You can try just commeting out the creature ai line there which stops the script if the ai is set to very low.



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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2011, 10:06:16 pm »

               The last resort thing is adding something like this to the onphysically attacked and or spell cast at of the boss.

 object oAttacker = GetLastAttacker(OBJECT_SELF);
 if (GetIsEnemy (oAttacker) && !(GetIsInCombat()))

So this would presume the boss is not in combat and since they are doing nothing that presumption is probably correct.  Something like this to get them started or at least fight back.  Won't fire again as long as they are in combat.  Not the best solution but if all else fails this should work.


Legacy_Tassie Wombat

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Boss creatures not attacking
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2011, 11:21:18 pm »

               Thanks for the further responses everyone.   At this stage we've fixed it by removing a spell and changing it for a monster ability.   It looks like that is what it was.   I think it was the fact that it worked on one computer and not the others that was really throwing us off the right track.