neonscale wrote...
To explain the kind of effect I am going for, I'll use a boss fight from one of my table-top games and hopefully someone can tell me the ways to make that happen efficiently.
The party walks into a room. There are six statues, three on the north wall and three on the south, and a tree on the far side of the room. The room is also covered in grass, shrubs and moss, as though it were an exterior.
If the players touch anything in the room, phase 1 begins.
The heads of the statues detach and start flying at the players bashing and attacking them. Once all six are defeated, a loud voice tells the players to leave. Phase 2 begins.
the STATUES should be NPCs you make, two versions of them, the first with heads, apply stoneskin effect and cut scene freeze to each as it spawns, be sure there are no scripts on this version. The second version is in two parts, the head which is actually a creature all to itself with invisible body parts save only the head, this would have all your usual scripts on it too. The other half is the same as the creature described in the first half but with an invisible head type. When PHASE 1 begins, your script should destroy the six STATUES of the first type, and create in their location the pairs (head&no_body, and no_head&body). The on_death script of the heads should increment a 'dead_head' counter (I'll just keep truckin like there was no pun there at all) - when this counter >5 you can trigger phase 2.
neonscale wrote...
Some of the grass and dirt on the ground, on the side the players entered, turns into an Earth Golem and begins attacking the players. Once the Earth Golem is defeated OR if another player gets too close to the tree at this point, phase 3 kicks in.
There is a animated dust vfx that might be nice to trigger during the 'animation of the golem', followed by spawning in of the actual golem. Lightening vfx might also be a nice touch. The golem's on_death script should trigger phase three
neonscale wrote...
The Tree is revealed to be a treant and starts fighting the player group as well. Once the treant is defeated, phase 4 starts.
Again a simple lightening vfx, DestroyObject() on the placeable tree, followed by spawn in of the monster treant would seem the simple solution. the on_death of the treant should spawn the titan in the middle of the room, and also cause that titan to dialog with the party leader as you'd indicated. Skill checks can be handled within the convo with ease, there are many standard nwn scripts that you could use for this.
neonscale wrote...
A titan appears in the middle of the room and must be engaged in dialogue. This becomes about skill checks, and if the checks fail, the titan becomes angry and kills them.
Hope the outline helps. If you need each script written you could request each one here as needed, else, just follow the outline and I'd bet you might find scripting these easier than you originally thought.