There are two ways to go about it.
OneMake it to where the Item cam not be destroyed using the SetIsDestroyable function
// Set the destroyable status of the caller.
// - bDestroyable: If this is FALSE, the caller does not fade out on death, but
// sticks around as a corpse.
// - bRaiseable: If this is TRUE, the caller can be raised via resurrection.
// - bSelectableWhenDead: If this is TRUE, the caller is selectable after death.
void SetIsDestroyable(int bDestroyable, int bRaiseable=TRUE, int bSelectableWhenDead=FALSE)
Two]Give the Item an Odd number of charges that will never be able to reduce the iten to 0 charges.
Have the item use 2 charges per use and have 11 charges.
that way after the item is used 5 times it still have one charge but can not be used again.
EDIT: Option 2 is better then option 1. Even if the item is not destroyed after using SetIsDestroyable(FALSE); on it. You will find that other things will arise that will have to be dealt with after the item drops to 0 charges.
Modifié par Lightfoot8, 06 décembre 2010 - 09:54 .