im presenting here my first module, a castlevania remake called Arise Again. ive spent about the last 3 months working on this project and it has been so far the most rewarding and fun experience ive had with module building.
ive worked and played on neverwinter nights for almost 8 years now and thought to give back to the community
my vault and online name is raven_blood (123) and i have madea f ew submissions here and then, but nothing like this.
Now even though Halloween has come and pass, i tend to find my mind more focused towards things that go bump in the night during the coldest days of the year (who'd think that it would make sense)
my intention for the game is to bring back the old nostalgia of video games in there early days, so i will be including many elements that the fans may be familiar such as "super castlevania 4" or "Castlevania" from the nes
ive made a few custom content contributions, including a soundtrack from "Bloodlines" and "Super Castlevania 4"
so! without further ado i present to you:
Castlevaina: Arise Againwww.youtube.com/watchlet me know what you all think about it! and cheers!
Modifié par oOKyeOo, 14 décembre 2012 - 02:43 .