Author Topic: Module concept - Hex Wars  (Read 532 times)


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Module concept - Hex Wars
« on: September 08, 2012, 05:34:14 am »

                I have an idea for a module concept that is sort of an indirect PvP game. You have all the fun of PvE parties, but with a two team turf war mentality.

I'm posting the idea here cause I'd like to see what interest there is in the idea and if I can get people to help me build this module. As for my background, I'm one of the former team leads of project Q and have extensive custom content experience (definitely enough for the idea I'll present). I also had years of experience coding for persistent world modules (aka the hardest kind of coding).

I'll have the help of another coder (professional and also very experienced with NWN). 

I'd need play testers, challenge designers, possible another coder, and just people that want to discuss overall game design.

This is the basic concept:

* The module is collection of randomly generated areas (using initialization scripts and area instancing in NWNX) that are assigned to a virtual hex grid.

* Each hex is a single area challenge that can include traps, puzzles, monsters, or anything else that is DnD related. There would be a start point and a main obstacle to overcome. Some challenges may require multiple players.

* Players are on either the red or blue team.  Each team has their own staging area that are on polar opposites of the hex grid. This staging area displays an interactable map (aka, the custom art I'd make) that allows parties from that team to teleport to an area.

* Players can only party with people of their own team (duh), but a team can have as many players as the server host allows.

* Teams can claim an area for themselves by sending a party to it and having that party overcome its challenge. The hex map in both staging areas will reflect current ownership of areas by having the hexes appear red or blue.

* Hexes can have restrictions to who can enter. This will usually be a limit on the size of the party that can challenege it.

* Parties can only challenge hexes that a path of team owned hexes from their staging area can be drawn from.

* Parties can only challenge opponent's owned hexes if their team currently owns TWO adjacent hexes.

* Hexes are locked down from being challenged by the opponents team for a brief time when newly conquered.

* Conquering an area will give the conqueoring party money, magic items, experience, and possible team based benefits.

* At no point can players from opposite teams directly fight each other. Its ONLY PvE. However, players can spend in game money to fortify areas they own by adding additional monsters, traps, etc. 

* Hex challenge difficulty grows the further you are from your own staging area for unowned hexes. Owned hex challenge ratings are determined by how much money the owning team wants to spend on upgrading them. 

* The objective is to make a path to your opponents staging area and defeat their King before your opponent accomplishes the same to you.

The Hex Map:

Here is a link to a simple graphic I made of a top down view of my hex map.

Hexes with thick yellow lines are in lock down, as their teams just recently claimed them. The green area is a randomly appearing unique encounter that exists for a limited time.

The map would be constructed of a series of custom interactable placeables, each with an effect attached of a various color hexes. Anyone can touch them to learn basic information about the area it represents, but party leaders would also get the option to teleport his or her entire party to the area's starting location.

Additional Information:

The module core scripts would revolve around a modular system of adding new challenges to the module. This would allow other people to develop new challenge maps, and as long as they followed the basic rules of how to make a challenge, it could easily be imported into someones server and added to the game.

Basic game play would be standard Bioware AI and code, so the learning curve would be easy. Since its not PvP, all the silly game inbalances between classes and particular builds would be irrelevant.

The server host could set the challenge and level of play through a simple in game DM interface, and choosing which challenges to import into the module.

Overall, the goal is to create a module that is easy to set up and host, allows players to jump onto a server and spend as much or as little time as they want playing (as none of the challenges should take too long to complete), and add strategic elements of an overal player vs player conflict without the tactical problems associated with PvP in NWN.

I'll be waiting (hoping) for some insightful responses.



                     Modifié par Morikahn, 08 septembre 2012 - 04:45 .



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Module concept - Hex Wars
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 05:51:16 am »

               After a minute thinking about it, it would be easy to add 3D icons to the map as well, to represent hexes that have direct team bonuses. Things like miniature wizard towers, crypts, haunted forests, dragon caves, etc.

They would pop up over the hex once discovered.



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Module concept - Hex Wars
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 03:59:01 am »

               Hmm, no one likes the idea? Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Each hex would be a mini DnD adventure, which would require standard multi player party oriented tactics to overcome. The overall game would be a sort of multiverse connecting them and giving these mini adventures context outside themselves.



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Module concept - Hex Wars
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 01:33:51 pm »

               I find the idea intersting but I don't think I have the knowledge to help you build such a project so I can't be anything but a supporter '<img'>



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Module concept - Hex Wars
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 11:39:04 pm »

               Ok, at least I'm not talking to the void. Part of the reason I placed this post was to gauge interest. No point in me working on this if no one cares.

If it worked, and people liked it, it would be my hope it would spark interest in people to design modules again, at least small challenge ones.