Author Topic: Crowley's Magnificent Adventure  (Read 461 times)

Legacy_Dragon Studios

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Crowley's Magnificent Adventure
« on: December 18, 2011, 02:56:42 am »

               Welcome. I believe that I have discussed Crowley's Magnificent Adventure (CMA) here before but I would like to post all the latest news, updates and reports as CMA has progressed considerably these past few months and I'd like all of you to know what CMA is about and what you can expect from it.

Seventh progress report:

There is so much to write about when concerning Crowley's Adventure. This is because there's just so much to do in the module. There's a lot to speak about when concerning characters and there's a lot to speak about when concerning play style. In this article, we will be discussing about the characters, lore and areas that you will come across when playing this mod. With that said. Here's the report:


There are many characters that you will encounter when playing Crowley's Magnificent Adventure. Characters range from honorable knights, noble ladies and repentant warriors to deranged bandits, twisted dark beings, dark wizards, cruel lords and knights to ungodly demons themselves. Each character has their own story to tell and each will respond to the player in different ways. The player can interact with characters in a multitude of different ways. By using persuasion, the player can influence characters to help them out. The player can also intimidate, bribe and bluff to characters but take heed...not all characters will respond to certain actions. A brave knight who has faced demons of The Abyss will not respond to intimidation...he may even well attack the one who dares to even think of threatening him. Likewise, a wise wizard will see straight past a lie and a honorable and righteous lady will not accept bribes.

Apart from skills, characters will also respond to the player based on his statistics. Giving Crowley high charisma can get someone to help him without him even needing to use any persuasion or intimidation skills. High intelligence can improve how he talks in certain situations which leads to him gathering better information and in one case, having a certain amount of dexterity will net him with a quest that he wouldn't receive otherwise. So remember; while some characters don't interact with you differently due to statistics, some will.

Here's a list of just some of the characters in Crowley's Magnificent Adventure along with information about them. We shall begin with Crowley himself:

                                                                                    Crowley          'Image

Crowley is a strange and eccentric man. At times, Crowley is foolish, brash and quick to act. He is stubborn, arrogant and ignorant. At other times, Crowley represents what a knight should be: brave, honorable and righteous. If you ever find yourself travelling to The Hells or The Abyss, take Crowley with you. Sure, he may be annoying at times when he starts singing because he's drunk - and he's ALWAYS drunk - but when you're facing hordes of demons or your nagging wife, there's no one braver than Crowley. A good fighter and a man who knows right from wrong. Crowley is someone to be respected. Though many are quick to dismiss him due to his brash personality and due to the fact that he's always drunk.

Seriously though. You will not find a better man than Crowley for miles. None of us are perfect. Crowley has his flaws and sometimes makes the wrong choices but his heart is in the right place and that's what matters. I personally believe that Crowley is a rebel - based on what I've seen - and chaotic in the things that he does. You see, he acts as his conscience tells him. If he sees that something is bad, he will try to stop it. If he sees evil, he will try to stop it. He doesn't care about rules and regulations and he has a great hatred for nobles, lords and kings.

~~ John, Paladin - Ventured with Crowley for several days.
                                                                                    Lionel           'Image

Lionel is a sexual deviant. He is obsessed with women. He believes women are better than men and that men should obey a woman's every command. He literally believes that the gods made him so that he could fulfill the sexual pleasures of women. Sexy and handsome, Lionel has had many adventures in the bedroom and his sexual exploits are well known among many women. Noble women, commoners, peasants; Lionel doesn't care. He seeks to "serve" them all if they would allow him.

Lionel describes himself as a "lover, not a fighter" and states that he tries to avoid getting into fights because he must preserve his "beautiful, sexy and godly" body for women. However. He caries a scimitar and magical shield around which suggests that he must know how to use them.

Lionel seems to have codes and laws that he follows. He has deep respect for women and wouldn't engage in any sexual acts with them unless they ask so. He also claimed to me that he has never slept with a married woman because even he has "limits" to what he does.

A worshipper of the demigoddess Lastai, Lionel believes that pleasure, passion and love are the most important aspects of life. Lionel seeks to experience the best pleasure, passion and love that the world has to offer and then one day - "gods willing" - sleep with Lastai and "serve" her eternally with his divine, sexy body that "even the gods are jealous of."

~~ Mather, Guard Captain of Naer Ron - Had Lionel in the dungeons for three days for disturbing the peace and quiet along with his accomplice - a lady.                                                                     


Paladin Greten:

Paladin Greten is the greatest paladin ever to have walked across Devron (and some say, Toril as a whole). Greten slew many of Devron's greatest demons and devils that had dared to break out from the planes that they came from and once, Greten even traveled to The Hells and The Abyss to slay devils and demons in them. Greten was a man of the greatest courage in the world. He had no fear and it was said that he was greatly blessed by his god - the overdeity - Lord Ao. Though this is in dispute as Lord Ao is said not to bless his worshipers. Others have claimed that Greten worshiped The Divine which is a greater god than Lord Ao. 

Greten is the only human to have returned from Chashak which is the highest mountain in Devron. Chashak can be located in Highland. In the depths of Chashak are eternal dark flames which burn brightly. The flames can produce powerful weapons, items and armor if used correctly. Greten - seeking to create a powerful weapon - fought the dragons located in the depths of Chashak and successfully created one of Devron's most powerful weapons ever. Only 50 (estimate) dwarves have ever successfully done what Greten did and all of them fought in groups whereas Greten ventured into Chashak alone.

There are numerous relics, weapons and armors - that belonged to Greten - scattered across Devron. Some have fallen into the hands of great warriors whereas others lie forgotten in caves and in forests. How did they leave Greten's hands? Well, Greten was always changing his equipment and making sure that he had the best gear necessary to defeat whatever evil he encountered next. The sword that he forged in the depths of Chashak has never been found though and it is said to be where Greten lays...another place that has never been found.

The Source Below Haven:

Haven is a town in Highland. A great magical source lies beneath the ground that Haven has been built on. When the followers of The Divine (a god whose believers believe is the main creator god, perhaps Lord Ao or even greater) built their Church in Haven and prayed to The Divine, the magic that laid beneath Haven activated and filled the town with brilliant rays of magical energy. This energy is being harnessed by wizards who use it to power magical instruments. Since the activation of "The Source" Haven has increased in trade due to the magical items being produced from the magic there. This has led some to believe that within years, Highland will soon have greater magical equipment and knowledge than the mages of Naer Ron.

Many have speculated on the magic. Some believe that the followers of The Divine are simply powerful mages who activated the magic themselves and that their prayers never did a thing. Others believe that the magic beneath the ground isn't coming from the natural environment but rather from a terrible and deadly powerful creature that lives below. All claims have been dismissed by the Varoth who manages the town.                                                                   


Naer Ron:

Naer Ron is the oldest Midland city to date. Its name literally means "Glory Land" and it has been the capital for Midland ever since the Midland Kingdom was established. In its history, Naer Ron has only ever suffered from two sieges but it has never been conquered.  The greatest mages in Devron all come from Naer Ron and they are taught - and teach - at The Arcane Mages Guild where years of magical experiments have "blessed" the ground with magic which give of rays of healing and other good properties.

If you're a poor person. Naer Ron is the worst city to live in as the poor area is literally rich with crime and corrupt guards who turn a blind eye. The buildings in the poor area are run down and there are not streets or roads. The rich area however is beautiful and is well protected by guards who perform regular patrols. Every road in the rich area has a name and there are plenty of shops, theaters and sights to see in the rich area. The Arcane Mages Guild resides in this area as does the castle and docks. Midland nobles and lords are rather proud of Naer Ron and Knights often shout "for Naer Ron" or "for The Glory Land" before rushing into battle.     



Nortgoth is Highland's oldest city. It was built by the Faerunians  and predates even Naer Ron. The age of the city can clearly been seen from the dark cobbles and houses. It isn't the capital of Highland any more due to its poor strategic location. It would be the first city to be besieged if Midland entered far into Highland. However, it remains one of the most richest cities in Highland and a great portion of Highland's army is stationed there. It sees many travelers and merchants from all over Toril who trade there.


                     Modifié par Dragon Studios, 18 décembre 2011 - 03:15 .


Legacy_JM Scion

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Crowley's Magnificent Adventure
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 06:49:58 am »

               Ah, I've been following this on Looks like a real outside-the-box adventure!


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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Crowley's Magnificent Adventure
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 01:11:47 pm »

               Thanks. That's a compliment. That's exactly what we are attempting with CMA; to make it unique and creative.

And yet more lore for everyone to swallow up:

The Triumvirate.


Legacy_Dragon Studios

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Crowley's Magnificent Adventure
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 04:18:07 pm »

               We have written a new progress report. This is a special progress report because some mages have joined us:

Progress Report 8 - Special.

The mages also gave us a video. Here it is: Video.

Enjoy. '<img'>