Author Topic: What Are The Best SP Modules  (Read 1089 times)

Legacy_olivier leroux

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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2011, 12:00:26 am »

               1. First got to the according page on NWVault where the module files are hosted (if there is no link to the module page of your choice here in this thread, just use the Vault's search function to find it).

2, Download all files that are hosted on the according page or linked to there (either directly by left-clicking on the links or if that doesn't work by right-clicking and choosing "Save Target As" from the menu - sorry if that's obvious to you, I only mention it just in case). Often there's also a readme file with instruction on how to install the modules.

3. If the module itself does not offer any instructions for installation, you do the following (assuming you know how to unzip archived files and how to extract or copy files into folders on your harddrive - if not, please ask):

All files with the extension .mod go into the folder "MODULES" in your NWN folder.
All files with the extension .hak go into the folder "HAK" in your NWN folder.
All files with the extension .bmu go into the folder "MUSIC" in your NWN folder.
All files with the extension .bik go into the folder "MOVIES" in your NWN folder.
All files with the extension .bic go into the folder "LOCALVAULT" in your NWN folder (these are character files, btw, just in case the module provides pre-made characters).

Quite easy actually, once you know how to do it. Hope that helps.


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 25 février 2011 - 12:04 .



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2011, 12:11:39 am »

               hah, once again,  my inner scrub is showing.  Please show me the way of unzipping/ect           also,     wtf is with this community expansion pack and how do i apply THAT as well?!?!?  thanks oliver!!


Legacy_olivier leroux

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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2011, 01:10:05 am »

               Ok, I suggest you start small then and forget about the Community Expansion Pack (also known as CEP) for now until you're comfortable with the rest.

I suggest you try installing this little community module, The Sunken Shrine of Ahmenkatja by Jesse Sky, just as an example. It doesn't require the CEP or any hak files, you just have to manage downloading the archive file on the Vault page, opening it and extracting the .mod file within into you "MODULES" folder.

1. Click on the link given on the Vault page to download the .rar archive.

2. Assuming your computer uses Windows (XP, Vista or 7), press the Windows key on your keyboard (showing the Windows symbol on it) in combination with the letter "E". This shortcut will open the Windows Explorer. You should now see the directory structure of you harddrive in the left window.

3. Find your "DOWNLOAD" folder and click on it. In the "DOWNLOAD" folder, find the file you just downloaded, "The_Sunken_Shrine_of_Ahmenkatja.rar".

4. Double-click on this .rar file. Chances are you already have a program installed than can open archived files with that extension.

5. If Windows gives you an error message or asks you what program you wish to open this unknown file type with, go to step 6. If it automatically opens the .rar. file for you instead, skip step 6 and continue with step 7.

6. If step 4 didn't work, you need to download and install a free file archiver, e.g. 7-Zip first. Clicking on this link will dowload the 7-Zip installation .exe unto your harddrive. Find this file called "7z920.exe" in your "DOWNLOAD" folder, double-click on it and follow the instructions to install. After that, repeat step 4. In theory, it should work now.

7. Your file archive should now show you the content of the .rar file in a new window: In this case it should only be one file, named "The Sunken Shrine of Ahmenkatja.mod".

8. Click on the window of the Windows Explorer again, find out where your NWN folder is on your harrdrive (e.g. Program Files/NWN), click on it to open it, then open the MODULES folder contained in it.

9. Now switch back to the file archiver window by clicking on it, then move the mouse cursor over "The Sunken Shrine of Ahmenkatja.mod", press the left mouse button and keep it pressed while you move the mouse back to the "MODULES" folder in the Windows Explorer window. Once you let go of the left mouse key, the ,mod file you selected should automatically be extracted to your NWN "MODULES" folder.

10. Now start NWN, in the menu choose "New", then "Other Modules" and see if the window that opens contains a module called "The Sunken Shrine of Ahmenkatja". If so, congratulations, you've just installed your first community module. If you like, you can try to play it now, it's a short story and shouldn't take more than an hour to complete.

This all sounds rather complicated and inconvenient if one takes the time to write it down step by step (or maybe I'm just not good at it, heh) but in any case, it should come quite natural to you once you've done it a few times.




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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2011, 03:56:49 am »

               i got as far as DLing and installing 7 zip but it still wont let me open the file as if i had no such program '<img'> thanks for your help otherwise though you have been very helpful thus far. any ideas as to what now? :/


                     Modifié par Koseath, 25 février 2011 - 03:57 .



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2011, 04:09:09 am »

               actually,    with a little innovation i got This one working    THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS THE  1ST STEP TO MORE AWSOEM NWN MODS!!!!!!!!



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2011, 04:44:44 am »

               ok so,  i have  beat this mod     It was..... very basic  lol      but i liked it none the less    i LOLed    anyways,    i want more    no  I NEED MORE       GIMME MORE!!!!!!!!!!


Legacy_olivier leroux

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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2011, 12:00:52 pm »

               Great! If that was helpful, maybe we should put the instructions in a new thread "Installing Modules for Dummies" and get that stickied? What do you think? Anything that's missing or could be improved?

As for you, Koseath, what kind of modules would you prefer? There are so many to choose from ... Would be easier to suggest one if I'd know what it is you're looking for in a module.




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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2011, 03:20:53 pm »

               Hi everyone, what single-player mod would you recommend me, if I'm looking for dialog-heavy story with consequences of my decissions, with battles challenging, but not insane, preferably with henchmen who have their own opinion on events in game? (Some romance would be nice too, but not necessary.)



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2011, 03:22:00 pm »

               The only mods ive ever really played were the single player campaigns and those side mods that come with nwn diamond.  I really liked those campaigns as they were lenghy, had an intrigueing plot, and overall were just very epic imo.  I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO FIND A MOD WHICH IS LIKE THESE CAMPAIGNS.   Basically i just want an epic story line to follow again, as ive played the campaigns a few to meny times to be considered fresh XD    Hope this helps oliver!! 


Legacy_olivier leroux

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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2011, 04:26:11 pm »

               If you want to try installing CEP 2.3, download and extract this to your main NWN folder and from there run the CEP updater afterwards ("CEP_Update_Test.bat", I guess). Be aware that it will require up to 5 GB of space on your harddrive.

In case you manage to install it, you could try the Aielund Saga linked to in my first post in this thread. That's as epic as it gets. Or if you don't want to install CEP just now, go for the other link, Darkness over Daggerford.

The Bastard of Kosigan series linked to somewhere above could be given as an example for a dialogue heavy module where different decisions lead to different consequences (to a certain extent).

The Sanctum of the Archmage series is very story- and dialogue-oriented, too, and has good combat balance. It's heartily recommended, just keep in mind that the final chapter is still in the making.

Actually, I believe all of the modules mentioned in this thread will fit your preferences, Zirael & Koseath (most good modules would '<img'> ). Just try any of them that arouses your curiosity.


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 25 février 2011 - 04:27 .



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2011, 04:38:03 pm »

               I would second anything said by Olivier, even if he forgot to say it...
So here we go:
Again, read this:
The Best Module in your opinion is

I've been thinking making such a "best SP, a community list" (hopfully stickied) thread. But how could we do such a list without being partial and unfair? We're so all different, for the beauty of it.

:innocent: Doing nothing is always the less risky possible action. :innocent:
... right after Death itself. ':devil:'


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 25 février 2011 - 04:47 .



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2011, 06:59:18 pm »

               Thanks for replies.

I think I start with Aielund saga, and The Prophet looks promissing, too...



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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2011, 02:35:51 am »

               A few  I enjoyed, once upon a time....

A Hunt Through the Dark - XP Edition V. 4.0

Shadowlords, Dreamcatcher, and Demon campaigns

Honor Among Thieves

In The Company Of Thieves 1: Grand Theft Otto




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What Are The Best SP Modules
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2011, 08:01:20 pm »

               Another Vote for Aielund and Prophet (the final part is still being built, should be out this year).

I have played most of top mods/series and IMO these are the best two.

Aielund is truly epic and massive. Unbelievable size/scope hours of play.
Prophet is smaller, but more story driven with beautiful cut scenes and a very unique plot.

I also like all of Baldercaran's Work .    I have played the same character through CoS, HAT, and Prophet.