Question 7:
Do nodes always have unique names? And are they always recorded after their parents in the mdl file?
node trimesh Cylinder
parent 1test
I am working on my importer script, and decided to perform operations (creation and modification of actual objects in Cheetah3d) according to each line of the file as I read it in.
As you can see I'm currently dealing with setting the parent of a node. Given the mdl data above when I reach the "parent" declaration, I look through all existing objects named "1test" that I've created in my Cheetah3d scene. The first match I find gets returned and becomes the proud new parent of the node I last created.
If the answer to either of my questions above is "no", I will need to put some serious thought into how I handle this (perhaps read the entire mdl file in all at once, and use various string parsing functions on that data rather than execute the code of the mdl immediately).
My find Node by name code
function getNodeByName(name,mdl_base)
// create a check list of nodes to check
// start with the mdl_base
var check_list = [mdl_base];
// start with the last index of the array of nodes to check
var node = check_list.pop();
// check its name
return node;
// add its children to the array of nodes to check
return null;