Motrax85 wrote...
So aside from finding out which chests have fixed loot through the reference you named, my best bet would be to just save before opening any container that's around after I've defeated a tough enemy?
Use quicksave. Most of the so-called boss (high-end random loot) chests are consistent in their appearance, at least in the OC... sort of pyramid-shaped and often trapped. (I never trust my Search check so I have gotten in the habit of this method to prevent a surprise deadly from zapping my toon. ) I'd guess there are somewhere around 50 or more chests in the OC modules that use nw_o2_boss.nss to spawn loot. There are, however, very few of the class/feat specific ones.
Besides the reloading method, seeding is based on character level (again, in the OC anyway) so the longer one waits to open a chest, the more likely a better item will appear (for example, a dagger +1 at low character level will appear as a dagger +2 after a few more levels). As MrZork indicated, most chests in the OC seed randomly and can be reopened for different loot (I hate those stinkin' books myself