You should post questions like this that do not involve the OC campaign in the subforum for General Topics. But since you are so new and probably unfamiliar with the boards...
davydov.sergey wrote...
1. How to back up my game keys?
That is totally up to you. I recommend at least 1 electronic resource like a removable/remote disc or flash drive and a physical one like a sticky on your computer screen border or a designated notebook. I suppose you could keep a record in an email account though the security could be an issue unless you trust it. Unless you uninstall the game, the keys will reside in the file nwncdkey.ini so there is no need to create an additional file on your harddrive with the same info (if the drive fails, usually
all files are inaccessible by normal means).
I am register NWN Gold, 2 times.(I have 2 boxes ogf Game).
All that means is that you have two sets of keys so can either interchange them yourself if only you play with them or use one set on each of 2 machines you may have in your household connected to the Internet or for LAN games.
2. How to download patch 1.69 for NWN?
Click hereBe sure to use a Critical Rebuild for your Gold editions and no others.
Welcome to the NWN forum, comrade!
P.S. It is possible to retrieve information off a damaged hardrive by remounting the hard disc(s) in another drive. Most computer businesses will provide this service for a fee. It depends how important the information was on the drive that had not been backed up, though. Fees vary.
Modifié par HipMaestro, 14 janvier 2012 - 05:36 .