MrZork wrote...
Weren't mind flayers introduced to the game in HotU? Where were you encountering them in SoU?
BTW, I liked both campaigns, though they each had a different flavor. The scope of HotU was broader and it was a great expansion of the game (new classes, better scripting, etc.), but an overabundance of loot by the end really impacted the challenge.
Methinks he means Skeletal Devourers, MrZ.
The thing is, if you start SoU with a new level 1 toon the way they recommend, the chances of getting many of those SDs is slim (the CR scales with the PC level). Usually each group has 1 (or 2, at most). It's when you are trying to romp through SoU with the OC toon, usually starting at level 17 or so, that the encounters in the 2nd level of the tower become uncharacteristically overwhelming. SoU is designed very well to finish a toon at almost exactly level 13 every time, a level or 2 higher for pure solo.
It's really hard to compare the 3 campaigns because each one in the series had increasingly-more sophisticated and enhanced resources available and incorporated. Had the designers ever been afforded a chance to go back into the previous campaigns, rebalance and paint in the eye candy, I suspect that except for the stories themselves, they would all
appear very similar.
One aspect of these campaigns that I really appreciate (and HotU had it working for 2 chapters at least), is a transport vehicle. Granted, it can impact the combat challenge if left uncontrolled by inadequate scripting, but the tedium of moving a character back and forth through the same visual area repetively really tests my patience and bores me to tears. But that is just my own preference and I like the way HotU allowed the player to manage the access to different areas very quickly. (That shadow door thingy in SoU was handy, too. Too bad it was available only near the end of the campaign.)
There are just so many community modules to sample, I wish more of them removed the tedium in a simlar manner.
Modifié par HipMaestro, 15 décembre 2011 - 01:53 .