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Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Wallack on April 24, 2016, 01:07:02 am »


the standard NWN setting penalizes parties.  e.g. if you kill a goblin and got 100xp solo, you'd get something like 80xp per goblin if there was 2 of you.  Most popular servers tend to do this the other way - e.g. if goblin gives 100 solo, it gives 110 or 120 PER PC if in party.  Or the killer gets a bonus, or something like that.  Remember, the individual player is looking at the xp their PC gets, they don't care about total party XP.  


That will encourage parties, particularly combinations of newer and older players.  If it's the other way, it discourages older players from partying with newer players.  


I'll keep that in mind. I was thinking about that if you get 100 xp per minute alone you would get 160 xp per minute with 2 guys in the party. I wasn't talking about individual monster xp but a more global xp gain. But will take a look at that.


I do enjoy a fun server. I hope there will be tailor models for appearance. I do love having wings, so I hope that will be available as well.


Tailors, of course, and probably will enable the wings as well but will have to be careful as there are a lot of wing models in the CEP that shouldn't be used.


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Li'l Rose on April 24, 2016, 12:50:40 am »


I do enjoy a fun server. I hope there will be tailor models for appearance. I do love having wings, so I hope that will be available as well.


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Dante2377 on April 23, 2016, 11:28:25 pm »


Don't know about the party. I think a 80% with two people in the party is much more than what standard NWN servers do. It is actually 70% with 3 meaning a total of 210% experience from a single mob rather than 100%.


Won't be changing anything regarding UMD so everything should be pretty easy to use. At the end what I plan to do is to have a fun server rather than a restrictive one.


the standard NWN setting penalizes parties.  e.g. if you kill a goblin and got 100xp solo, you'd get something like 80xp per goblin if there was 2 of you.  Most popular servers tend to do this the other way - e.g. if goblin gives 100 solo, it gives 110 or 120 PER PC if in party.  Or the killer gets a bonus, or something like that.  Remember, the individual player is looking at the xp their PC gets, they don't care about total party XP.  


That will encourage parties, particularly combinations of newer and older players.  If it's the other way, it discourages older players from partying with newer players.  


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Wallack on April 23, 2016, 11:19:59 pm »


Also, about spells per day, they will keep getting more slots up to level 40. And will try to modify the spells to increase its damage output to double its limit so spell casters doesn't become useless. This means that if a fireball does 1d6 up to 10d6 will end up doing 20d6.


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Wallack on April 23, 2016, 10:34:40 pm »


Don't know about the party. I think a 80% with two people in the party is much more than what standard NWN servers do. It is actually 70% with 3 meaning a total of 210% experience from a single mob rather than 100%.


Won't be changing anything regarding UMD so everything should be pretty easy to use. At the end what I plan to do is to have a fun server rather than a restrictive one.


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Dante2377 on April 23, 2016, 10:27:55 pm »

               also, how easily available will scrolls be (eg how useful will umd skill be)?

Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Dante2377 on April 23, 2016, 09:32:42 pm »

               one other thing - if you really want to encourage partying, have the xp be the same (100% or more of solo) in a party, rather than only 80%.

Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Wallack on April 23, 2016, 12:19:15 pm »




Keep in mind that this is more an action PW rather than a RP one where PVP can exists. But here we go with the answers.


The AB and the saves are scaled the same way, if on normal progression from 20 to 40 you get +1 to AB and saves every 2 levels, the scaling has been done so from 41 to 60 you get +1 every 3 levels and from 61 to 80 you get +1 every 4 levels.


To say it with numbers. If from 21 to 40 a character gain +10 base attack bonus from 41 to 80 a character gains an additional +12 so is not that much.


Ability scores, feats and skills gain I'm pretty sure is hardcoded. So you still get a feat every 3 levels and an ability point every 4 levels. Then you get bonus feat if your class allow it. The ability cap is up to +20 instead of the +12.


The AB is scalling only to an additional +12 (plus all the feats that you can get in those extra levels) so is not that much. A +20 AC on every item will give you an un-hittable character probably.


Casters now in NWN stop progressing past level 25. This is a shame. I would like to scale duration and damage of every spell to LVL 40 so you can have pretty powerful casters and not what they are now. But is a massive amount to modify so if there is no script pack available yet it will be a progressive modification to make casters useful.


Ok, so here is the thing. We will have standard NWN shops and then all the random generated items:


So you kill an enemy. A rat won't drop an item but a goblin will probably do. Chances vary from 8% to a 15% to drop a specified item. Rolls are done separately, so for every possible type of item (armor, weapon, shield, misc item (here I include clothing and helmets), scrolls ...) a roll is done and is compared. For example, only monster that cast spells will drop rod, wands or scrolls.


Now, we see the number of properties the item might have. It can go from 0 to 8 properties:


Inferior 02% 0 properties

Superior 25% 1 property

Enchanted 20% 2 properties

Powerful 15% 3 properties

Champion's 13% 4 properties

Epic 10% 5 properties

Heroic 07% 6 properties

Legendary 05% 7 properties

Titan's 03% 8 properties


And then, the quality of the properties are defined by the level of the mob. A BOSS mob will have more chances to drop good stuff and will go from 3 properties to 8.


Then, the bonus, the attack, enhancement and AC bonus is up to +16 on level 75+ mobs. Then, the bonus can be a normal bonus or against an alignment group (good, evil, neutral ...) or against a racial type. If is not a general one, the bonus is increased in 2d4. Meaning you can get a +20 bonus against a special racial type or alignment.


Armors and shields will always have an AC bonus property if they have at least one. Same with weapons, will have an enhancement bonus if they have at least one. Then if the weapon enhancement bonus is against a racial group, the damage bonus will also be targeted to that racial group.


The Runemaster is able to create items up to +20 but that will take time as they need to find all the needed runes and items with sockets. So that is an advantage for the pseudo class runemaster. Each pseudo class or subclass or profession has its own advantages.


About immunity on items. They will have a maximum of 1 immunity.


If you have any questions feel free to ask. But also give all the suggestions you want '<img'>


Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Dante2377 on April 23, 2016, 12:21:13 am »

               a couple of questions

- I see you've scaled AB past 40, are you also scaling ability scores and saves?  what about feats and skills?

- are you raising the various ac caps (dodge) or providing a way to scale AC since ab is scaling up?  

- how will casters scale, particularly if you're limiting one class to 40 levels?  will spell slots scale beyond level 20? what about spell damage and dc?  if enemy hp and saves scale to 80 then without this, casters become useless at high level.

- what level of magic items will be available? +5 +10 +20? will there be a lot of immunity items?

Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer / World of Antaris (Action PW)
« Last post by Legacy_Wallack on April 21, 2016, 10:49:54 am »


Sounds like it will be fun to play. I like those subclass ideas.


Just wondering if it will be launching soon, and if it will be using any haks, like cep or project Q.


It should be ready in a month or even less, at least the first part of the server up to level 20.


Most of the systems are really escalable, meaning that we might start with 5 subraces and only 4 appearances to copy from or souls to hunt, but will be easily extenteded.


Will use only CEP as is the most common one but open to ideas!


I'm currently polishing the random item generator. I started using commche's random loot generator but it has some issues. The system is done in a way that easy monster give items with few and bad properties and high level monsters will give items with a lot and good properties.


I tweaked it and changed and optimized it so is easier to add more customization. Now, the level of the mob will determine the quality of the properties the item will have but the number of properties will be determined randomly. So a low level mob can give you an item with 8 properties but being them small.


Also added damage, ca and attack (and enhancement) bonus vs alignment group and races. And is done in a way that all the enhancements will be targeted to the same group, meaning that you won't have an item +3 vs evil +2d6 fire vs undead +1d4 cold vs neutral, all the vs will be the same.


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