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I thought all of that was for a separate mod and not updated to the current version. Sorry for the misunderstanding.




Hhm...  click link to Ancordia's Vault entry (in Grani's sig) , download Ancordia EN version, unpack archive... hey look!  haks and TLK file and other stuff '<img'>




Well since I still can't find the haks to your server, I'll take a pass. Thanks anyway!




Well, the haks are required for the module to work, so creating a character without them is pointless even with NWNCX or other means of hak preloading.




Nope I don't have the haks at all. I didn't look very much into the forum (most of it was in Polish and I can't read it) so I just attempted to login.


Shadooow, since you know so much about NWNCX maybe you could also explain it to me. I have looked over the page, but what it doesn't say is what it IS and how it WORKS. It does go into benefits and such, but I'd like a better understanding before I go installing even more NWN bits and bobs to my 37GB NWN folder.


I've never used nwnpatch.ini and have no intention to.




I really have no idea what that NWNCX does or what benefits it offers, or how it will affect my other mods, server connections and characters, so I won't download it.


I guess I will try the other way, but I don't want that many characters on your vault, so I hope you can delete the invalid and unnecessary ones.


Or maybe you could link your haks here? That way I don't have to bother creating an unnecessary character in the first place.

Grani posted you a link that explains what NWNCX is and how to get/install it. Its pretty safe, it won't change anything unless the module depends on its features.


Also, you already have hak packs for Ancordia (assuming you downloaded them from Grani PW link). This is absolutely normal, haks are not loaded in character creation.


Grani already mentione two workarounds for this issue. There is third and thats preloading the PW haks manually via nwnpatch.ini (which will affect your singleplayer modules - but then you can disable that ini fille if you will play SP/other PW).




I really have no idea what that NWNCX does or what benefits it offers, or how it will affect my other mods, server connections and characters, so I won't download it.


I guess I will try the other way, but I don't want that many characters on your vault, so I hope you can delete the invalid and unnecessary ones.


Or maybe you could link your haks here? That way I don't have to bother creating an unnecessary character in the first place.




I just tried your server and I got the error: ''Player login refused, character has too many feats.'' I made a character - human cleric, used suggested for stats, and feats power attack, divine might. Character name: Jena Goodman. Login is the same as here. Can you fix this? Thank you.


The reason for this error is that haks are not yet loaded, so the game uses vanilla feat/spell/skill selection, which has been modified for my module.

There are two ways to overcome this:


1. You can use NWNCX along with nwncx_connect plugin, which will preload the haks and allow you to create a legal character.


2. If you don't want to download NWNCX and/or nwncx_connect, you can create a character that would be considered legal by the module (a fighter with all "Recommended" settings will do just fine), log in with said character (this will load the haks), log out and create your proper character then.


NWNCX can be download here:

nwncx_connect plugin for Windows can be downloaded here: http://neverwinterva...dows-unofficial


Hope that helps.




I just tried your server and I got the error: ''Player login refused, character has too many feats.'' I made a character - human cleric, used suggested for stats, and feats power attack, divine might. Character name: Jena Goodman. Login is the same as here. Can you fix this? Thank you.



Added the 1.06 update to the module's Vault entry!


I hoped the next update would be the one with new features and not just bugfixes, but it will be easier to release a bugfix patch first. And this one has the highest number of bugfixes so far!


Note that you can read the newest version of the readme without downloading any files here:



Also note that you don't need to download this update if you wish to play on the public server. Direct connect to

and roll a character!


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