Author Topic: Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod  (Read 4503 times)


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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2016, 07:33:12 am »


Project Orlanthia:



Back when I started developing "Orlanthia" I was working with the HCR, Hard Core Rule Set, project. We developed with the idea that the work we did should be implemented through scripting so as not to force any adopters of HCR to require external resources, haks, etc.  We wanted to minimize the hurdles  that would keep players from playing on any HCR server . I developed "Orlanthia" using the same philosophy. Apart from the ubiquitous CEP and the Dwarven tileset from CTP, all development implementation has been server side. The override folder has been utilized for some work to date, but the goal is to utilize server side haks using the CEP hook. Some work may remain in the override folder.


I also found as I played many servers that rule enforcement was always an issue. To that end I decided long ago that I did not want any DM or server staff to be police. If it can’t be scripted, it isn’t to be enforced. Because of this I have created hard code rules and systems that can’t be avoided or evaded.


"Orlanthia" has developed with the thought of creating a pen and paper version of AD&D for NWN. The current version of AD&D utilized by NWN, v3.0, has been the focal point for game play development with specific aspects of prior versions being incorporated. Some of the best original content modules created for previous editions of AD&D have been used as story lines. To date the Giant Series G1-G3 have been added and are in various stages of completion, with the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief completed. The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl is about 70% complete and The Hall of the Fire Giant King is about 50% complete. Additionally, several areas have been developed with custom lairs dedicated to particular creatures. The AD&D Monster Manual has been used to design the lairs.

Though the modules mentioned above were originally designed for The World of Greyhawk, "Orlanthia" is an amalgam of all the AD&D universes. Most of the rule set is based on the Forgotten Realms universe but some rules from pther universes may be found.

Several systems have been created to implement AD&D rules. Many, if not all of the HCR systems are in place though several have been modified to allow the use of an external database so that persistence thorough server resets is maintained. Reading the attached HCR info will provide an excellent description of the systems available. Other systems have been added that will not be listed in the HCR info. A short list includes:

·         No hoarding of skill points, only one point may remained unalloted between leveling as per pnp rules

·         Indescriminate leveling in classes has been restricted to the Forgotten Realms guidelines.

·         Gold occupies one inventory slot per 500 coins  and weighs 5 pounds.

·         Leveling costs gold per pnp rules, trainers exist to allow cost savings.

·         Experience is saves as a persistent variable during adventuring and is only earned once a PC returns from adventuring and rests at an inn or at home.

·         Item identification cost is based on the level of the item. The NPC’s lore skill is used to determine if the item can be identified. It is possible that no NPC might be able to identify an item, requiring a PC to do it themselves.

·         Etc….


NESS has been set up to handle most of the spawning in the module. I have made fixes to all systems that didn’t work properly and added my own custom work to it. I have created a custom loot system that is derived from the AD&D reference manuals. Many custom items have been created from the pnp reference manuals and many more will be created….I feel these are some of the coolest creations I have made. The spawns have been made using the guidelines from the pnp reference material with loot tables from the above mentioned loot system.


CNR is installed, but only parts are currently utilized and shall be used as a base for developing a new crafting system.


The areas in the world have been designed as follows:

·         Communities

o   Communities are those areas where civilization is found, the places standard PC’s can call home.

·         Lairs

o   Areas and communities where a monster calls home

·         Travel areas

o   The areas between the two above areas.

Travel areas have been designed with random creature and spawn locations. A player can never entirely know what or where something may spawn. Areas have specific tables for encounters to be found and a theme is followed for areas.




Areas need fleshing out.


·         While a storyline has been thought of, there has been little added to help PC’s along the path. Existing NPC’s need to be modified to add references to the storyline and additional NPC’s need to be created in the communities and travel areas that would provide the PC’s with a path to start upon. Conversations need to be created/modified to add references to the plot line.

·         Additional creatures need to be created using the Monster Manual to add to existing areas and to add to new areas and lairs…along with references to the side story be added to the NPC’s mentioned above.

·         Existing areas need embellishment for the benefit of players. Life needs to be seen happening.

Storyline additions needed.

·         The goal is to add more of the original works, weaving them together to create multiple interconnected storylines. Most immediate would be the completion of the Queen of the Spiders super module of which the Giant series was the first part ending with the Queen of the Demonweb Pits module. Module series prequels to the Queen of the Spiders super module, the T1-4 series The Village of Homlett and the Temple of Elemental Evil and the A1-4 series The Scourge of the Salve Lords need to be added over time.

·         In the future, the bloodstone series needs to be added.

·         Additional side plots need to be introduced.


General work and additions.


·         While I have created many items for the loot system from the pnp reference manuals, much still remains to be done. This will require knowledge of scripting and engine mechanics.

·         I have studied the game engine and have found how to implement true races. This requires knowledge of nwscript, programming with the phoenix version of LETO, what I have installed, and the AD&D 3rd ed. reference manual  Monster Races.

·         There is a persistent housing/container system that needs expansion. Existing buildings need to be incorporated and new building need to be created. Knowledge of area creation/modification required for part, nwscript knowledge  is needed for a different part.

·         Server testing for exploites.

·         Any additions suggested by anyone that would further the pnp value of the module or eliminate exploits.




I am looking for anyone who would like to help me develop the server. I would welcome any ideas for further development of the server as well. Experience is helpful but not required. A willingness to learn and experiment is a must. Any of you developing your own work are welcome to offer suggestions as to how we might be able to incorporate your ideas into “Orlanthia”.

·         I need area developers to flesh out existing areas, plan and implement new areas following the server guidelines

·         I need people who want to work the game resources to modify/create resources for server side implementation of several existing systems.

·         I need scripters to help create and implement systems for area/world development and implementation of additional pnp systems.

I have a real life apart from NWN that can exclusively occupy my time. I also realize all of you have your own lives and goals that can take your time. I have worked on “Orlanthia” since 2006, at times sporadically. I will not demand any time of you that you cannot give. I want people to have fun with this. I will ask that anyone taking on a task give what they feel will be a realistic deadline they can keep, however long that may be. While experience is helpful, I do not require it. I will share my knowledge and whatever I have to assist any who wish to help. For those of you wanting to create your own work, I will be available to assist you in your endeavor, though I hope we can find a way for any of you joining me at this time to stay on.


I posted recently that I had a problem with my server, I have almost repaired it. I should be far enough along to begin hosting “Orlanthia” soon. I will post when I have it up again so that any interested may contact me to schedule a tour.


To all those I have already received word from, contact me with your thoughts.








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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2016, 05:28:52 am »


For those interested, I have the nwserver back up. You can find Orlanthia at




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2016, 03:30:24 pm »


I will post a link to the copy or the dwarven tile set rerquired for play from the CTP later today.




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2016, 05:23:57 pm »


The hak is located here http://www.orlanthia..._dwarf_hall.rar The download is rar'd to 10mb, doesn't take any time to download.




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2016, 02:20:15 am »


I agree that if you use  a virtual machine/outside server, Linux is the way to go. As A PC platform, though,  it can have stability issues and is more imited than windows when used for everyday personal use. Use as a strictly development platform or in business application are another thing entirely altogether though. Open source vs. free are other considerations that many don't realize or understand. It sounds like you would, though.


I don't mean for this to be an Mac/Windows kind of thing. I do believe linux and windows have heir strengths and limitations. I intend no slight on either. I have done my homework for my particular needs only. Your needs required you to do yours. I'm am glad you found yours.


Having worked with computers since 1981, I cannot count the many thousands of windows crashes I've observed. Where linux is concerned, I could count crashes on my fingers alone during that same span. To say linux is at all unstable is contrary to all I have observed.




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2016, 04:46:59 am »


The stability issues were not a comparison with windows, but as an operating system for pc home use vs a strictly server install was the comparison intended.


The research I did pointed to the possibility of stability issues when used as a desktop operating system, thus my use of "can have" vs "does have" stability issues. Windows is in any comparison less stable than Linux, but that was not the concern for the operating system for my home use computer. The legacy development software I have, Corel Draw, VS 2005, etc is all windows based, whats even worse is it's XP based. You can therefore see why why my specific needs require windows...... Too many thousands of dollars to switch/upgrade just for a hobby. Additionally, while the varied desktop linux distributions are increasing their market share, they still have a long way to go to catch up to huge market share of Microsoft Windows. This in no way means that Windows is a better built product, quit the opposite. It has only been a better marketed system and having it means that pretty much all hardware and software will work.


I also do indie game development in my spare, spare time...(lol, no, not a typo) and until linux distrubutions are more ubiquitous, I just can't take the time or money to spend on the learning curve and the investment in the engine, graphics, and development programs to switch platforms just for my hobby. '<img'>