Author Topic: Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod  (Read 4793 times)


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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« on: April 13, 2016, 10:45:38 pm »


Hello there everyone,


I have been working on my mod orlanthia on and off for about 12 years. A lot more on than off. I am at my bakery right now between bakes and so will be adding to this thread more about the project as time permits.


Firstly, I am self taught and someone who has learned through many years the in's and out's of the Aurora engine. I am an accomplished scriptor. I know biff files, now to read, maniplulate, edit, etc. I understand and can code SQL for database MySQL. Understand Pheonix Leto and can work it. I have no practice with Unicorn though. I have developed many systems for the mod that have never been shared. I have modified other systems to fit my needs. I have hosted my mod/PW for many years and have hosted other servers, Menzzoberanzan, Lands of Acheron and have implemented/modified source code/maintained forums on my own machines.


I'm looking for people who wold like to learn how to perform all aspects of making/running/maintaining a mod or PW server.


I would also welcome those of you with experience as well. This would be one of those rare times when you would not be carrying the load. I know how to do pretty much anything worth doing (and several things not lol). I am looking for anybody wanting to have a good time working on a project without the heavy commitment required by those who ask for help because they can't do the work themselves. I have commit ed over a decade of my life to this mod, so be assured, this project is not one I am walking away from, It will be here until NWN dies and is dust.


Ok, gotta go, will continue post tonight.





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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2016, 07:31:37 pm »


It's been a busy set of days, but I wanted to let you all know that I am putting together a project outline so that everyone can see what I have in mind.




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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2016, 12:09:18 am »


This seems to me that you're asking for a training staff... We do the work building, DMing, etc., in exchange you teach us what we need to become half as experienced as you. Sounds like a fair trade to me. I'm in when you have everything ready to start taking on new apprentices. '<img'>




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2016, 04:37:42 am »


I'm just looking for a group of people I can help and who can help me. I have to date never really asked for help other than a question or two many years ago, but it occurred to me that I was in a unique situation. I don't need help with the heavy lifting, what I need is people who can help with the fun stuff, lol, and those that want top really learn something would get a good chance to do so from the access to everything I have created and everything I know. I actually hope to have a good time with anyone involved. Maybe we can all create something together that would be better than any single one of us could do. I'd like that.


Developing, hosting and being responsible for the all aspects of a server is very hard work, and while a single person can learn to do a lot, it is easy to forget things. You can't can't focus on everything all the time. You must wear many hats, but you can only wear them one at a time and when you don't wear a specific hat for a while, you lose a little of the sharp edge needed to quickly get done what Is needed in the moment.


I look forward to working with you and anyone else, learning what you know and getting to help you with what you want and need.




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Looking for a group of people to polish a pw mod
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2016, 09:29:25 am »


I would say your chances of getting 'staff' together would be higher if it was a new project from scratch that other team members had the ability to affect the early direction of the modules development.


A well established mod, where the game world is already built and the systems are all in place - builders might feel disillusioned, feeling that they are not going to get the chance to build what they want to build or have their ideas added.


What options have you looked at for hosting?

Linux, Windows etc




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« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2016, 03:20:03 pm »


Windows based system, everything has been self contained within my own series of machines. I looked into Linux at one time and again recently. While it makes for a solid rock of a server and an interesting platform, It is a difficult operating system for pc's. There are a few platforms like Ubunto that might make it interesting though.


I understand your thoughts on mod development, Baaleos, and have had them in mind while creating the project outline. I think I have an idea on what I can do about it. Time will tell once my paper is finished and submitted for all to see.




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« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2016, 05:18:05 pm »


You can go ahead and use a windows system for the server, but linux is a more flexible and easier to maintain OS. It is far more difficult to maintain the windows system.


If this is a home machine, I understand. But if you are going to be using a virtual server, your argument of it being a difficult os for PC's makes no sense at all to me. You get one click deployment for whatever OS you want. Then you install nw server on top of it.


Maybe there is some hangup I am not thinking about, but I was particularly surprised by your claim that windows is easier to deal with than linux. That would only be true based on the user's personal experience. windows is actually a hell of a lot more trouble. i use both, and pull my hair out far more often when using windows than any other OS.




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« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2016, 06:50:19 pm »


You can go ahead and use a windows system for the server, but linux is a more flexible and easier to maintain OS. It is far more difficult to maintain the windows system.


If this is a home machine, I understand. But if you are going to be using a virtual server, your argument of it being a difficult os for PC's makes no sense at all to me. You get one click deployment for whatever OS you want. Then you install nw server on top of it.


Maybe there is some hangup I am not thinking about, but I was particularly surprised by your claim that windows is easier to deal with than linux. That would only be true based on the user's personal experience. windows is actually a hell of a lot more trouble. i use both, and pull my hair out far more often when using windows than any other OS.

I agree that if you use  a virtual machine/outside server, Linux is the way to go. As A PC platform, though,  it can have stability issues and is more imited than windows when used for everyday personal use. Use as a strictly development platform or in business application are another thing entirely altogether though. Open source vs. free are other considerations that many don't realize or understand. It sounds like you would, though.


I don't mean for this to be an Mac/Windows kind of thing. I do believe linux and windows have heir strengths and limitations. I intend no slight on either. I have done my homework for my particular needs only. Your needs required you to do yours. I'm am glad you found yours.




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« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2016, 08:30:44 pm »


Ah... you are not using a virtual server? OK then. If you need to manage your own desktop machine at home i suppose use whatever you want. I still think you could find a distro of linux that will server you better. But if you are more experienced with windows then yeah... using it makes more sense on a home machine.




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« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2016, 05:18:49 am »


A wrinkle.......


T have a tenant/boarder using the guest connection on my router.....He works for a defense contractor......


A THIRD HD has FAILED on the server/dev machine......


I suspect something I won't say, but think outside the country...errrr box, or something along those lines.....but setting up a separate server machine at a different physical location and ip, will not be using the domain,  setting up a stand alone lan disconnected from the Net for my dev machine except when up or downloading to new server.


Machines behind the NAT and firewall have not been affected, only the two I have exposed.....


Will need time to restore my machines again ':angry:'  ':angry:'  ':angry:'  ':angry:'




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« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2016, 09:49:07 am »


You can go ahead and use a windows system for the server, but linux is a more flexible and easier to maintain OS. It is far more difficult to maintain the windows system.


If this is a home machine, I understand. But if you are going to be using a virtual server, your argument of it being a difficult os for PC's makes no sense at all to me. You get one click deployment for whatever OS you want. Then you install nw server on top of it.


Maybe there is some hangup I am not thinking about, but I was particularly surprised by your claim that windows is easier to deal with than linux. That would only be true based on the user's personal experience. windows is actually a hell of a lot more trouble. i use both, and pull my hair out far more often when using windows than any other OS.


I have little experience, but isn't NWNX less problematic on Windows than on Linux? As far as I can remember reading about various plugins and other stuff, I got the feeling many of them had bugs on Linux, but little to no problems whatsoever on Windows. I don't remember any specific examples at the moment, though, so I might be completely wrong.




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« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2016, 11:27:07 am »


I have little experience, but isn't NWNX less problematic on Windows than on Linux? As far as I can remember reading about various plugins and other stuff, I got the feeling many of them had bugs on Linux, but little to no problems whatsoever on Windows. I don't remember any specific examples at the moment, though, so I might be completely wrong.

yes nwnx is definitely easier to setup and work with on windows


however, linux plugins have more functinalities that windows plugins doesnt offer at all...




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« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2016, 12:46:50 pm »


yes nwnx is definitely easier to setup and work with on windows


however, linux plugins have more functinalities that windows plugins doesnt offer at all...


I would say that this works both ways - there have been a few plugins that were made in Win32, which were never ported to Linux. (A few hidden Gems - such as nwnx_cool)

I do agree however, the main focus of the community has been on linux, so there are more plugins, with more functionality on Linux.




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« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2016, 01:29:28 pm »


Easier is relative to the experience of the user.  I personally find Linux easier and nwnx on Linux works very well.  I would not know were to start getting it working on windows. I also can't imagine trying to run a real server and manage it, debug it etc on windows, but again that's be due to being a Linux/Unix person.




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« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2016, 04:51:34 pm »


NWNX is less problematic on linux because its actively developed and improved. The only hurdle on linux is building NWNX for unusual architecture (64bit, non typical distros). You can even download pre-built binaries for 32bit ubuntu.