Author Topic: Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld  (Read 5606 times)


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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:20:43 am »

               Ansalon - The World of Krynn
Over 6 years in the making - 700+ Areas
Massively Customized

Small list of features (Detailed descriptions at
Level 3 and Haste from the Start
Custom Portal System
Custom Database Driven Treasure System
Custom Script Driven Spawn System
'Party Friendly' Experience System (no split exp)
Module support for Level 41-Level 200 (scripted)
Ansalon Persistant Bank
Maps and Information on entire world
Persistant World

Neverwinter Nights HotU 1.69
CEP 1.53 or later Required

LameSpy seems to be screwed yet again. Direct connect to

CEP153_DRAGONLANCE on Gamespy PW Action


                     Modifié par Ansalon_Krynn, 16 septembre 2011 - 09:31 .



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 10:48:08 pm »

               Is this module available for download?



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 02:23:49 am »

               No, its a superworld run here, tied into a MySQL server and a Web Server.
Check the Website for details



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 01:25:10 pm »

               Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards?  Custom heads?  Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 08:07:25 pm »

               This is posted to the wrong board, the category

NwN 1 Persistent Worlds & Multiplayer

is where this belongs.



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 08:29:51 pm »


WebShaman wrote...

Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards?  Custom heads?  Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?

If builders only realized the importance of PC Crafting & Tailoring....

I see customizing at the top of the list for players, they love this and custom items, forges, and anything that give them...




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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 02:40:57 pm »


Yeah, I am totally in agreeance here.  For me personally, being able to customize my character AS I SEE FIT[/b] is absolutely critical to my gaming enjoyment.  I absolutely HATE it when PW and MOD creators attempt to prohibit this.  It crushes any enjoyment that I may have immediately.



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 02:50:23 pm »


WebShaman wrote...

Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards?  Custom heads?  Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?

BTW colored eyes lips and beards are client-side so if you got them from my unofficial patch (v. 5 where i fixed texture pack issue) then you should be able to see them on all PWs unless that PW added for some bizarre reason unmodified PLTs into their haks.



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 03:10:09 pm »


unless that PW added for some bizarre reason unmodified PLTs into their haks.

Uh huh.  

I know that one can use overrides to fix this Client side, but that is not what I asked here, is it?  I asked SPECIFICALLY if it uses colored eyes, lips, and Beards.  Obviously that would imply that it was Server Side (re: haks or other resources).

Also, and this is starting to peeve me here - if one does not actively BUILD with colored eyes, lips and beards, then created NPCs in stated PW/Mod/whatever do NOT have such - as the tattoo colors have not been set to the appropriate colors!

So your character runs around with such, but no-one else has it.  And some with tattoos have bizarre colors for eyes and lips...etc.



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 07:57:16 pm »


WebShaman wrote...


Yeah, I am totally in agreeance here.  For me personally, being able to customize my character AS I SEE FIT[/b] is absolutely critical to my gaming enjoyment.  I absolutely HATE it when PW and MOD creators attempt to prohibit this.  It crushes any enjoyment that I may have immediately.

Not to mention how much it makes you own your PC.
Like he/she could be yourself.
The least you could do is spending some time shopping (for no money) with the one pretending to be you when the module begins.
That for roleplaying...':wub:'
Yes, essential. 
I have heavy red (artificially colored) hair in real life, so do all of my PCs. 
I am the hero. They have to look as great as I do. 
Even if I'm fully aware it's nearly impossible. 
Impossible is not NWN!
Let's override the rules!


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 16 septembre 2011 - 07:00 .



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2011, 10:26:56 pm »


WebShaman wrote...

Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards?  Custom heads?  Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?

Those attirbutes are CLIENT SIDE ... YOU do those not me. Please research before accusing people of leaving out something YOU need to do,


PS: BTW LameSpy seems to be screwed yet again. Direct connect to


                     Modifié par Ansalon_Krynn, 16 septembre 2011 - 09:30 .



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2011, 10:43:09 pm »


Ansalon_Krynn wrote...

WebShaman wrote...

Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards? Custom heads? Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?

Those attirbutes are CLIENT SIDE ... YOU do those not me. Please research before accusing people of leaving out something YOU need to do,


  WebShaman quite specifically pointed out why he was asking if those were done with a hak. Yes, they can be done client-side with overrides, but they're better handled with a hak, so that all players see the exact same thing, and see the NPCs and such as the mod creator intended.

  Your reply to his valid question was factually wrong, and in a tone that reflects poorly on the server you're advertising.



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2011, 05:45:25 am »


Those attirbutes are CLIENT SIDE ... YOU do those not me. Please research before accusing people of leaving out something YOU need to do,

Well, at least my question got answered (not very nicely, but answered).

So it does not include such.

See ya! *waves goodbye*



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2011, 06:02:11 am »


Failed.Bard wrote...

Ansalon_Krynn wrote...

WebShaman wrote...

Does it use colored eyes, lips, and beards? Custom heads? Can I customize my character and how he looks as I see fit?

Those attirbutes are CLIENT SIDE ... YOU do those not me. Please research before accusing people of leaving out something YOU need to do,


  WebShaman quite specifically pointed out why he was asking if those were done with a hak. Yes, they can be done client-side with overrides, but they're better handled with a hak, so that all players see the exact same thing, and see the NPCs and such as the mod creator intended.

  Your reply to his valid question was factually wrong, and in a tone that reflects poorly on the server you're advertising.

This ^

Being a Server Admin or DM, can be summed up by 3 words...

Respect the players..  (for if you cannot or will not do that, then you won't have any!)


                     Modifié par _Guile, 17 septembre 2011 - 05:58 .



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Ansalon - The World of Krynn - NWN Superworld
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2011, 11:52:53 pm »

               I do just fine, unfortunately you can't please everyone all of the time.
