Author Topic: NW Vault  (Read 11811 times)


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NW Vault
« Reply #45 on: September 15, 2011, 02:39:57 pm »

               I agree with QSW, and Web. The vault is worth the wait. I have also posted on other topics in the past, that if it isn't on the vault, I don't download it. I don't feel I am the only one who does this. Is the Vault perfect, no. But it is time tested.



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« Reply #46 on: September 15, 2011, 10:38:34 pm »

               Couldn't have said it better myself Q.  The Vault is awesome.  I am endlessly grateful to BTP, Maximus, etc. for all the years of totally free gaming hosted on the site.  Perfect?  No, but what the heck is?  

The day the Vault is no more will be a sad, sad day indeed.



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NW Vault
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2011, 06:24:14 am »


Queensilverwing wrote...

_Guile wrote...

Sethan_1 wrote...

On the bright side, when the issues get resolved, we should see a lot of new content going up in a fairly short period of time - all the things submitted while stuff wasn't working.  '<img'>

I'm not waiting, I'm using the bioware board to post links to download @ megaupload...

That is your perogative of course _Guile, but I can't help but get the feeling that whenever the Vault is mentioned, you seem to push a negative view of it on these boards. If megaupload works for you, great, nothing wrong in that.

For a great many of us though, the Vault has been our home for 9 years, and in all those years, while there may have been a few problems within the community, the Vault has been a reliable source for NWN1 & 2.

Personally, I'm happy to wait for however long it takes the Vault to get fixed, because I know that they have supported us all these years and it has to date, the largest file base for NWN1 & (likely) NWN2 mods and custom content.

There is only one question left in my mind..

Will Neverwinter Nights still survive if the went down (for whatever reason)?

That's a question that everyone should look at, not to be skeptic or cynical, but prepared for the worst...

For in life, one can only hope for the best, but should always expect the worst, really...


                     Modifié par _Guile, 17 septembre 2011 - 05:24 .


Legacy_Borden Haelven

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NW Vault
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2011, 11:35:00 am »

               The vault is paid for by the revenue from the advertisments on it (including the really annoying re-direct ones) so it will most likely be supported as long as enough people visit the site. A harsh fact of economic life I know but there we have it. I am getting Vault withdrawal symptoms though...



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« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2011, 02:39:38 pm »

               No, NWN would not survive.

The loss of all that would kill the game.  There would be absolutely no hope of regaining it - there is simply far too much.  We are talking literally of YEARS of added content, by hundreds, if not thousands, of contributors.

The loss would be fatal.



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NW Vault
« Reply #50 on: September 17, 2011, 03:49:17 pm »


_Guile wrote...

There is only one question left in my mind..
Will Neverwinter Nights still survive if the went down (for whatever reason)?

That's a question that everyone should look at, not to be skeptic or cynical, but prepared for the worst...

For in life, one can only hope for the best, but should always expect the worst, really...

As Borden has said, the Vault or IGN, rely upon advertising, of which there is no short supply! The NWVault has in the past been (and may well still be) the busiest of all the game Vaults.

I see no reason why it would be going anywhere for a very long time. IGN appear to be a strong company. The problems encountered at this time indicate this to be the case, they are moving to a new data server. It is likely they need more space because of their growing business.

As Web says, if there were no NWVault, there'd be be no NWN - it is the custom content and modules by the community that make NWN (1 & 2) what it is today.

However, I have no worries or fears concerning the NWVault .


                     Modifié par Queensilverwing, 17 septembre 2011 - 02:50 .



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« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2011, 07:21:33 pm »

               Woo....its much faster now! Woot woot woot....



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NW Vault
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2011, 07:48:59 pm »

               The vault has started posting new files again!

They are not appearing on the front page yet, but you can access them from the "New Releases" pages:




                     Modifié par UrkOfGreyhawk, 20 septembre 2011 - 06:49 .



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« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2011, 07:51:57 pm »

               I still cannot log in..

gives the ERROR message, tried reseting password, no go..



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« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2011, 07:54:11 pm »

               _Guile, send BTP a mail giving your profile url and ask him to reset your password for you.



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« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2011, 08:00:01 pm »


Queensilverwing wrote...

_Guile, send BTP a mail giving your profile url and ask him to reset your password for you.

I sent him the email, we shall see how this goes...

What does he mean by:  "We are still chasing down the kobolds in the Vault," ???


                     Modifié par _Guile, 20 septembre 2011 - 07:01 .



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« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2011, 08:08:23 pm »

               Replace the word "kobolds" with the word "bugs".

Server migrations are always messy, but especially so when you try to move dynamic content off a really old server onto a really new one.


                     Modifié par UrkOfGreyhawk, 20 septembre 2011 - 07:10 .



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« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2011, 08:25:18 pm »

               Dynamic content...




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« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2011, 08:59:34 pm »

               Laugh if you want, Guile. But in 1999 when the vault network was merged under IGN (then Snowball) it was cutting edge. Now... not so much. And therin lies the rub. It's hard to get an obsolete CMS to run on modern hardware, but it's even harder to try to manually migrate tens of thousands of files, comments, ratings, and users into a whole new one.


                     Modifié par UrkOfGreyhawk, 20 septembre 2011 - 08:05 .


Legacy_Borden Haelven

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« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2011, 10:59:46 pm »

               Coo! death by MySQL... That's a new one. LOL