Author Topic: AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements  (Read 3188 times)


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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:58:18 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2010 Community Contribution Award for Neverwinter Nights!
  • The Neverwinter Nights Podcast  -- The only podcast devoted the Neverwinter Nights roleplaying games, it does absolutely invaluable work in creating a sense of a community that is still thriving, still producing things, and still worth getting excited about.
  • NWNCQ by Chico400 -- This amazing piece of work completely revamps most of the default Bioware tilesets. An essentially "drop-in" update, it allows modders to quickly, easily, and radically update and improve the look of areas built using them the default game resources.
  • The Custom Content Challenge -- This outstanding contribution has breathed new life into the NWN community, inspiring and encouraging both CC veterans and beginners alike to produce custom content on a regular, nearly monthly basis for themed compilations of brand new, high quality work.
Congratulations to all of our finalists! The finals review for this category should be complete and the winners announced at the end of September.

The Academy for Modding Excellence is actively recruiting for new members to help us in our mission to give recognition to the content creators who keep this great community alive. Thanks to those of you who have already answered our Call for Volunteers, four of our NWN1 2010 Awards categories have now been able to enter the finals: Community Contribution, Veteran Author (Modules), Veteran Author (Custom Content), and Best Tileset. In the coming days and weeks we'll be posting the rest of the finalists for those awards, new categories as they are identified, and, of course, the winners.

We do, however, need just a little more help. In particular, we could really use a few more active players of NWN1 modules to reach the "critical mass" of voters and nominators required to get those awards fully back on track again. So if you are an avid NWN1 player, modder or reviewer, and think you might be interested in helping with the AME's mission, then please feel free to contact me (andarian at ame-gda dot net) about joining or learning more about the AME panel. '<img'>

Chairman, the Academy for Modding Excellence (AME)


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 02 août 2011 - 11:59 .


Legacy_olivier leroux

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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2011, 05:01:31 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2010 Veteran Author (Modules) Award for Neverwinter Nights!
  • Baldecaran -- Author of the highly acclaimed Hall of Fame modules "The Cave of Songs" and "Honor Among Thieves", he's been providing the community with quality modules since 2003. His chef-d'oeuvre, the continueing "Prophet" series, features one of the most clever and intriguing plots ever seen in a NWN module, the equivalent of a perfect page-turner.
  • Fabien Cerutti -- His genuinely original and extensive series about "The Bastard of Kosigan" (translated from French by Ginni Swanton) steeps in a real knowledge of and appreciation for European history, with lots of complex ideas, roleplaying opportunities and witty dialogue. He's seriously committed to the series and his enthusiasm and dedication shine through in all of his work.
  • Andarian -- "Sanctum of the Archmage" is not "only" an ambitious story within a rich setting that's heavy on character interaction and believable romance - another of its prominent features is the ongoing support and high level of polish. Although further installments of the series are still in the works, Andarian constantly upgraded and also completely overhauled the available chapters over the years with the inclusion of some of the community's best custom content available.
Congratulations to all of the finalists! The finals review for this category should be complete and the winners announced at the end of September.

The choice isn't easy, of course, as all candidates deserve to win the award - and every vote counts. So if you're familiar with these module authors and have an opinion who should be the Veteran Author of 2010, you can help us give them their due by joining the AME now!

Olivier Leroux,
Team Leader NWN, the Academy for Modding Excellence (AME)


                     Modifié par olivier leroux, 05 août 2011 - 04:07 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 08:30:26 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2010 Veteran Author CC Award for Neverwinter Nights!

  • Lord of Worms   is widely recognized in the NWN community as one of the finest CC builders in its long and illustrious history. He's a three time GDA finalist for:Undersea Tiles in 2006Seasonal Forest in 2007,

    LOW's Creature Pack in 2008, and winner of the NWN 2007 Best Tileset GDA for his legendary Seasonal Forest tileset.

  • Six_Six_Six –Gavin "Sixes Thrice" Jones is in the forefront of excellence of tileset building in NWN.  He works tirelessly and diligently to produce the finest work in NWN and is the author of:

    Wildwoods, Wildlands & Wildlands Winter

    Undead Redux 2

    Colossal Arena / Spectral Woods / Rural Interior

    Dwarven Chasms / Catecombs / Dwarven Lands / Deep Dungeon /

    Undercity Sewers

  • Helvene –Helvene has shared her work with the NWN community since 2006 - a lot of it tileset-related (original, reskins, merges and fixes) but also placeables (very nice texture work).  Her 2006 reskins of (and additions to) BioWare's Castle Interior tileset, namely White Marble Castle and Arcanum Castle. Her Maze (2006) is a limited set with few tiles but it's the best looking maze we've seen so far, with beautiful mosaic textured walls, and she also offers a version with a mini map of empty squares that prevents the players from cheating their way out.

    Among other things, she is the author of the famous Wood Elven Interiors tileset (2006/07) that's also

    part of CEP 2 now and you might have come across the Suspended City (2008/09) tileset, too.
Congratulations to all of our finalists! The finals review for this category should be complete and the winners announced at the end of September.

The Academy for Modding Excellence is actively recruiting for new members to help us in our mission to give recognition to the content creators who keep this great community alive. Thanks to those of you who have
already answered our Call for Volunteers, four of our NWN1 2010 Awards categories have now been able to enter the finals: Community Contribution, Veteran Author (Modules), Veteran Author (Custom Content), and Best Tileset. In the coming days and weeks we'll be posting the rest of the finalists for those awards, new categories as they are identified, and, of course, the winners.

We do, however, need just a little more help. In particular, we could really use a few more active players of NWN1 modules to reach the "critical mass" of voters and nominators required to get those awards fully back on track again. So if you are an avid NWN1 player, modder or reviewer, and think you might be interested in helping with the AME's mission, then please feel free to contact (andarian at ame-gda dot net) about joining or learning more about the AME& panel. '<img'>


QSW (Queenilverwing) AME Member.


                     Modifié par NWVaultQSW, 15 août 2011 - 08:02 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 01:04:55 pm »

               Wow -- tough crowd.'<img'>  No one has any thoughts or feedback? Suggestions for new nominees or thoughts on new categories, perhaps?

We've stried to come up with some new one-time "Special Recognition" categories that open up the field of nominations to works published in previous as well as recent years. After our finalists for Best Tileset are posted (coming soon), We'll share some of those categories with you. In the meantime we'd be interested in hearing suggestions for such categories from the rest of the community. What would YOU like to see as a new "Special Recognition" category for NWN1?


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 23 août 2011 - 12:05 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2011, 08:01:27 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2010 Best Tileset Award for Neverwinter Nights!

Wild Woods by Sixesthrice -- This is a truly extraordinary NWN tileset, both in terms of visual quality and creative use of effects. Wild Woods is gorgeous, effective, and has an efficient design that doesn't try to be everything -- allowing for greater depth to the design as a result.

Senemenelas' Underdark Tileset -- This tileset package brings Terror back to BioWare's tamed Underdark, along with both claustrophobia and agoraphobia. Vast halls and caverns or deep dungeons, large or narrow staircases, well of souls and irradiating mushrooms - Senemenelas' tileset finally offers us a convincing impression of what the Underdark really must feel like.

Roman City Tileset by Zwerkules -- Part of the November 2010 Custom Content Challenge, this tileset looks good and has a number of original features in it. Zwerkules tilesets excel not just in how they look, though, but how well they play. Form and Function are well linked in his work.

Congratulations to all of the finalists! The finals review for this category should be complete and the winners announced at the end of October.

The Academy for Modding Excellence is actively recruiting for new members to help us in our mission to give recognition to the content creators who keep this great community alive. Thanks to those of you who have already answered our Call for Volunteers, four of our NWN1 2010 Awards categories have now been able to enter the finals: Community Contribution, Veteran Author (Modules), Veteran Author (Custom Content), and Best Tileset. In the coming days and weeks we'll be posting new categories as they are identified, and, of course, the winners.

We do, however, need just a little more help. In particular, we could really use a few more active members to reach the "critical mass" of voters and nominators required to get our awards fully back on track again. So if you are an avid NWN1 player, modder or reviewer, and think you might be interested in helping with the AME's mission, then please feel free to contact Andarian (andarian at ame-gda dot net) about joining or learning more about the AME panel.

Member, The Academy for Modding Excellence (AME)



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 04:02:20 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the Golden Dragon Award winners for the NWN1 2011 AME cycle!

Golden Dragon Award Winners for the NWN1 2011 AME Cycle

This cycle included awards for works released in 2010.

Feel free to use the thread below to discuss the nominees and the awards, and congratulations to all the winners!

NWN1 2011 AME Cycle GDA Finalists and Winners Discussion thread



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2012, 11:06:10 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce the new finalists and winners from our Spring 2012 Quarterly Review:

AME Spring 2012 Quarterly Review

Congratulations to the new Finalists and Winners!

AME Chairman



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2012, 08:25:12 pm »

               news update from The Academy for Modding Excellence:

"There has, conversely, been a reduction in membership and activity on our Neverwinter Nights 1 awards over the last year. I think that’s partly been due to the game’s continued aging (it’s now 10 years old), and the understandable tendency for players to gradually move on to more recent ones. From my contacts in the community, however, it is clear that there is still considerable interest in Neverwinter Nights 1, and that it is not yet time to draw a line under this remarkable game.

"...there are also a number of ongoing module development projects for it, as well as releases since last year of significant new works such as the conclusion of the Prophet series by Baldecaran."

For more, see here:

AME News Update: Summer 2012

AME Chairman


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 26 août 2012 - 07:27 .



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AME Golden Dragon Award Finalist Announcements
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 11:18:52 pm »

               The Academy for Modding Excellence is pleased to announce new finalists for Neverwinter Nights 1!

NWN1 Fall 2013 Finalists

NWN1 2010-2011 Best Storytelling Module - Finalists

Prophet - Chapter II - The Century of Sorrow by Baldecaran

The Prophet series features one of the most gripping plots  ever written for a NWN module. A  mystery thriller set in a fantasy universe, it is the NWN equivalent  of a page-turner. The PC has a strong personal involvement in the story  right from the beginning and it’s kept up all through the series, never  losing anything of the menace and mystery connected to it. This is  conveyed by the convincing and highly polished writing as well as by the  use of cutscene and atmospheric scenery, featuring intelligently  complex construction and stunning cinematic presentation. Baldecaran makes perfect use  of selected custom music and some of the best tilesets available, and he  manages to exploit their full potential by careful use of lighting and  well thought-out area design. Every new area is a surprising sight, and  every conversation is interesting and adds to the plot.

The Relbonian Chronicles - Chapter One by Quillmaster

This is a strong story driven module with a good immersion  factor. The attention to detail, area design, well written conversations, cutscenes and last but not least the numerous custom  books, were all impressive features of this work. Relbonian Chronicles is not set in the Forgotten Realms but has an original and  interesting setting with its own history, pantheon and a mythology that’s  exciting to learn about.

FA1 - Halls of the High King by Udasu

This module has a strong story/plot that keeps the player interested. The polish  level is very good, and there is lots of background  information to be had as the story progresses. It is visually impressive, with lots  of attention to detail and a fun romp for low level PC’s. At first glance it may seems more of an hack and slash action module  with only basic story and NPC development, but the care towards  atmosphere, area design, lighting and music, as well as some hidden side  stories and books add greatly to the storytelling experience and drive  the player on with curiosity to see what’s next.

NWN1 Special Recognition Award: ‘Coffeebreak Module’ - Finalists

This is a special recognition category covering the whole of the history of NWN1, for development of a short module that can be played “on a coffee break” (typically under an hour).

Celestial Chronicles Part 1  by Madhenchbot

This short module is a very polished and professional-looking work, and an excellent example stylistically of a dramatic NWN module. The  writing, scripting, cutscenes, structure, pacing, and attention to detail are all flawless. The area design was well done, the story pulls you in  nicely, and all the NPCs had well written believable dialogue.

Science Macabre  by Tempered Moon

Science Macabre[/i] is a very well written and dialogue-heavy module that packs a great deal of reading into its short, “coffeebreak” format. Designed essentially as a “portfolio work” to showcase the author’s writing skills, it combines well structured dialogue and conversation options with an intriguing “alternate history” setting that does a good job of delivering what the title claims: a combination of science and the macabre.

The Sunken Shrine of Ahmenkatja by Jesse Sky

This is a short and enjoyable mini-mod from 2007 that feels just like a  full NWN story, only more compressed.  Its forte is the story-telling, drawing you in with just the right  amount of background information and well-made cutscenes to get the  story across, without requiring lots of reading. But it also features  exploration, combat, puzzles and neat scripting ideas. A good recommendation for anyone who wants to learn what  NWN is about in less than an hour!

Congratulations to all the finalists!


                     Modifié par AndarianTD, 22 décembre 2013 - 11:25 .