Author Topic: Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?  (Read 1123 times)


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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:05:53 pm »


I started out writing a fan fiction, at first because I had a character and storyline, but it became very addictive. I ended up with about 80,000 words of what I thought to be compelling fan fiction. I kinda fell in love with the character I created and the relationship he had with the other characters.

Then I decided I wanted to try publishing - but the main problem I faced was the copyright issues.

It was fan fiction, which meant that because my character existed within a Marvel universe, and had elements from other 'universes', that professional publishing, with any hope for monetization was out the window.


So, I started writing a new story, from scratch, trying to re-invent the character, new back-story, new personality (had to happen - without the original history, the personality was affected).


So I have made a start at writing a new Sci-Fi/Fantasy story based around this character.

I am getting to the point where I am tempted to publish on Kindle Store.


I was wondering if anyone here has tries their hand at publishing on Kindle Store, or had any experience with publishing/writing they wished to share?




Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 06:30:38 pm »


Why Kindle? What about Smashwords? KooKoo (under his real name) has a number of short stories published there. Also you could publish your fan fiction work on deviantArt. Also why tie yourself to the Kindle format. There are a number of publishers out there and (I am making an educated guess) most of them use the epub format. One I know reasonably well as a customer is Nook. And they have a number of ebook only stories.


One other thing to consider before going to a large name publisher is do you have a literary agent? A lot of publishers won't even consider you if you don't.


Anyway, good luck with this.






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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2016, 10:47:08 am »


Thats the main reason for Kindle Store - no agent would be required. They allow for practically anyone to publish their works with the novel/story being available for sale within 24 hours of publish.

Kindle was just the first I considered, but really im just looking for anything that allows free publishing.




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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 12:02:18 pm »


So I have made a start at writing a new Sci-Fi/Fantasy story based around this character. I am getting to the point where I am tempted to publish on Kindle Store.


I was wondering if anyone here has tries their hand at publishing on Kindle Store, or had any experience with publishing/writing they wished to share?


I've been working for a while now on writing my Sanctum of the Archmage Saga for e-publication. A short introduction to the series (Prologue to Chaos) is available on Kindle. The first full-length novel in the series, Dawn of Chaos, is nearly complete and should be coming out in the next few months.

Although I'm just getting started with self-publishing, a few others in the NWN community have experience with or are exploring publishing as well. Savant has published his Aielund Saga in novel form, for example, and Kookoo from the "Resurrection Gone Wrong" mods has a number of fantasy titles available on Amazon.


I've been studying the self-publishing industry fairly intensively for the last year in preparation for my foray into it, and I couldn't be more optimistic about its future and potential (especially e-publishing). It's relatively easy and provides a degree of control and flexibility over your work that has been unprecedented until the last few years. Kindle is by far the largest (and thus probably the first and primary) platform you'll want to target, but you shouldn't have to restrict yourself. You should be able to publish to both Kindle and Smashwords if you want, as well as Barnes and Noble (Nook) and others, without the need for an agent.


It takes a little study, but it's not hard to pick up how to work with the various formats. I use Scrivener for my writing, which I highly recommend. It allows me to "compile" my manuscript to epub format with a few keystrokes, which I can then convert to Amazon's mobi format with the Kindle Previewer. All the e-book formats are essentially little web pages inside a container file, and despite their differences they're actually very similar.


My best suggestion if you're interested in pursuing this is to pick up a copy of Write. Publish. Repeat, which provides a terrific introduction to self-publishing. And good luck!




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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2016, 04:53:59 pm »


Thanks for the feedback

I too have been using Scrivener - once I started writing my fan fictions, it became addictive, however in order to publish professionally, I needed something original and free from the fan fiction. So that's a little slower going - because I have so many characters to make and maintain.


Mines more a Sci-Fi / Romance set in present day New York - an interesting experience for me, given I've never been there...

Would probably put the age range around 15+  - it deals with adult themes.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Anyone here publish on Kindle Store?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 06:19:29 pm »


I don't know if you'll find it useful but I came across this tutorial on deviantArt called the "Getting Published" tutorial. BTW, I think that da is a really good place to look for tutorials on loads of artistic stuff including writing, you just have to search.