Author Topic: (ROM) Placeables  (Read 820 times)


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(ROM) Placeables
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:36:11 am »

               Does anyone know who converted the ROM placeables?

I found them in the CEP, and I noticed they where from a game called Dungeon Siege, I wonder if they coverted the rest of the placeables? That game had a very nice selection of placeable items but unfortunately a horrendous crashprone editor that was barely useable. (I think it killed the community for that game)

If no one knows who converted them does anyone know how I can convert them myself? I have Dungeon Siege (And it's expansion pack) plus the modding tools nessecary to extract things from it.

(As an added note, I was able to find coverted pottery and tropical ferns from the game in two seperate hak files, but nothing else)


                     Modifié par SomeYahoo, 07 janvier 2013 - 02:37 .



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(ROM) Placeables
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 04:56:42 am »

               You might try looking here.  CEP appears to credit Realms of Mythology (ROM?) but I suspect the placeables are from a number of different places, originally.  Questions like this are best posed in the custom content forum, normally: Folks there are more likey to know the answer.



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(ROM) Placeables
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 06:54:12 pm »

               Thank you!! That SiegeNWN program is probably one of the best thing I've ever found.

Now if only there was a converter like this for Unreal Tournament 2004 mesh files, I had a lot of custom ones in that game.


                     Modifié par SomeYahoo, 07 janvier 2013 - 06:58 .


Legacy_Fester Pot

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(ROM) Placeables
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 07:24:02 pm »

               Hey you, SomeYahoo!

Keep the community updated in the custom content forum of what you make for Neverwinter Nights. The builders will certainly make use of it.

On another note, I bought Dungeon Siege 3 years or so, just to play Ultima 5: Lazarus. If you haven't tried it, give it a whirl.



                     Modifié par Fester Pot, 07 janvier 2013 - 07:24 .



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(ROM) Placeables
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 10:31:22 pm »

               Ok I made a new thread there


I'll have to try out that mod sometime, after Mageworld I kinda got burnt out on long campaigns and haven't bothered since.


                     Modifié par SomeYahoo, 07 janvier 2013 - 10:39 .