Author Topic: the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build  (Read 2298 times)

Legacy_Adyana Fenn

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               i was trying to create a character that will be uncommon at worst and surprisingly good at best. a character that will be very playable, that won't get boring after a while, with a power to stand on its own. here's what i came up with.

but first, a little offtopic drift:
pure sorcerer - my first ever nwn character. went through oc, sou and hotu. not boring at all, but overall - epic fail. pure mages aren't my cup of tea it seems. in some situations (the worst of all - no resting) their firepower is on par with that of a rat. uncommon? not this one.
fighter/weapon master - went through hotu. damage, damage, damage, and two kukris that after a while you can't look at. seeking for moar damage at all costs, obvious way is to enhance kukris to the max - at this point it even gets kinda cheesy. tactics? what tactics? click - kill - next. not uncommon at all.
cleric/monk/ranger (if my memory doesn't fail - 1lvl of monk and 1lvl of ranger) - went through part of hotu. i got bored for the same reasons as with weapon master, but this build was kinda interesting. ranger - dual wield, monk - wisdom bonus to AC, kamas, cleric - darkfire and all the rest. damage? a lot of it. uncommon? maybe. tactics? unless you need a rocket scientist to cast darkfire... neeext.

there were few other builds, not worth mentioning, but now let's get on topic.
archer. able to survive close encounter with an orc party, yet able to kill them off from the distance as well.
archer. the most classy of all, not willing to sway an axe just to say 'hello', yet not thumbing nervously through her spellbook after seeing a distant shadow moving.
arcane archer. the one. and only. killing machine. that takes a level of wizard. then burns the spellbook in a campfire.

race: yay, we have a choice? er, no. unless our archer is supposed to be half-deaf, half-blind and half-brained, half-elf is not an option. elf she will be.

classes: yay, it seems at least here we have a choice! our elven archer won't like xp penalty, so wizard is the only option to meet arcane archer requirements, but that still gives us one class to go!
or so it seems.

- fighter: high BAB, and what else? feats, feats, useless feats. our elven archer just started giggling at those, because compared to her extremely high AB and damage bonuses, fighter feats are nothing but a bad joke.
- ranger/druid/cleric: high/medium/medium BAB and... and... useless feats coupled with useless spells, which would require some wisdom points. if you wanna scream that cleric spells aren't useless, she says she doesn't want to thumb through her spellbook when single arrow can do the trick. i guess that even if she would want to, burning that spellbook in a campfire solved the problem already. she'll get back to the wisdom points after some short meditation.
- monk: wicked BAB, useless feats - all perfect for someone that gets blood on his hands instead of watching it splash from the distance, but she has a class. AC bonus from wisdom and zen archery, you ask? her inner voice told her that an archer without reflex is as good as dead. the truth is, reflex is required to avoid most of the dangers she'll encounter, and she prefers to be clever and alive than wise and dead.
- sorcerer/bard - she's a wizard, right? what? campfire needs more fuel?
- paladin - without a sword, he's like an archer without a bow. neeext.
- rogue: medium BAB, useful feats and sneak attacks. sneak attacks that will add a lot of damage... to her face, when she'll try to flank some distant goblin while a group of orcs will be running in her direction. she may try to flank all the enemies fighting with her henchmen, then hope that her henchmen will take care of those already running at her, so she can flank them as well - or she may realize that when caught in the middle of a fight, alone, surrounded by enemies, her only way to survive is to be a proud archer, not some hiding, lockpicking and pickpocketing rogue. locks? ever heard of imbue arrow?
- prestige classes other than arcane archer: as useless as all of the above, but with additional requirements.
- none - what? you want her to be a wizard all the way to the arcane archer? after throwing that spellbook to the campfire? you're joking, right?

and that leaves us... barbarian. high BAB, useful feats - uncanny dodge will prevent her dexterity bonus to AC from fading away when caught flat-footed, while barbarian rage... well. she says that a little bit of rage helps her to deal even more damage with her mighty weapon, and even if you can't imagine her raging with a bow in her hands, you sure as hell wouldn't want to stand in her way when she's doing so.

levels: 9lvl barbarian -> 1lvl wizard -> arcane archer all the way. why? first, she gets maximum possible BAB for arcane archer. second, she can take only 10 levels of arcane archer pre-epic, so that leaves us with 10 levels for barbarian and wizard combined, and since that spellbook is long gone in the campfire... also, choose fey as wizard's animal companion - with only one level, it'll be able to at least open some locks.

base stats: strength: 16, dexterity: 18, all the rest: 10. no, she doesn't need higher constitution - reflex is her primary concern. besides, her constitution gets temporary raised while raging, and combine that with d12 hit die of 9 barbarian levels... it works pretty well. barbarian rage rises strength to 20, which gives her +5 damage bonus for mighty bows - so all she needs to focus on is dexterity.

skills: barbarian: discipline, arcane archer: hide, move silently. the rest is up to you.

feats: point blank shot, rapid shot, weapon focus, improved critical - at least these are mandatory.

my bowbarian goes through hotu right now, and she does pretty well. very well, i would say. what do you think, is it possible to create more efficient arcane archer build? and if yes - will it be as good from purely roleplaying point of view?


                     Modifié par Adyana Fenn, 30 janvier 2012 - 12:56 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 01:09:36 am »

               depends where you play and which levels you play, many builders out there build for lvl 40 not taking "how long and hard it takes to get max lvl" in consideration (and I am one of them). This is usually useable on persistant worlds.

Thats something completely different than building for single player module where game ends before you reach such levels. In such environment you must combine the classes differenty, "skill dumps" (spare skillpoints and then divide them when taking 1lvl of good-skill-set class) should be done at least each fourth level etc. You also don't know what level you reach and when you reach max level, the game ends.

Specifically in OCs almost any build is viable, OCs were designed in order newbie would be able to complete them without any character building knowledge. Creating powerbuilds only make game too easy even on highest difficulty setting and there aren't many ways to make it harder.

Anyway, wizard is more suitable for multiclassing with AA as his high intelligence gives you many skill points and his bonus feats give you ability to take combat related feats. Sorcerrer can hardly afford to take all metamagic feats...

Tip2: i wouldnt care about AC, you are shooting from distance spells and arrows so noone should even reach you, and if they do, then you still got spell protections like stoneskin or offensive one such as mestils acid sheath.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 30 janvier 2012 - 01:11 .


Legacy_Adyana Fenn

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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 01:46:03 am »

               well, all those protective spells won't do much good against strong enemy imho, unless cast by a high level wizard. besides, AC gets high because of dexterity anyway and dexterity is a must for an archer, so why not retain that bonus with uncanny dodge when possible? bonus combat related feats? like what? AA doesn't really need that many feats at all, that's the whole point of discarding fighter. besides, barbarian and AA have BAB=1, wizard has half of that. are you suggesting exchanging high BAB for some theoretically useful (you didn't mention anything specific) skill points and bonus feats?

also, i disagree with the claim that OCs were designed in a way making it possible to complete them with any character. there are defaults, there is automatic leveling - that's for newbies. when someone plays with manual leveling, he's expected to know what's he doing, otherwise he won't survive his first fight with a bunch (5-10) of enemies.

game too easy? as long as you're playing with a character on a level that's expected in particular module, i fail to see how the game can be too easy, unless it's terribly unbalanced/has a bias towards some particular class. that's the whole point of building characters for single player, imho - apart from roleplaying, of course - to create a character as good as possible within defined boundaries, like starting level. after all, where's the fun if you need 10 potions and 2 henchmen to kill a dragon?

as for bowbarian, same leveling scenario should work for persistent worlds i guess - never played on those, but this build gets rather stable since level 15 and only gets stronger and stronger with each additional arcane archer level, maxing out the damage. it should be possible to play it since level one (who said pure barbarian can't be an archer?) - the main thing missing would be AB bonus from AA, but that shouldn't change the gameplay. as for higher levels, it's designed to take maximum amount of AA levels, and to get some epic barbarian/other class feats, you would have to level up that class much higher anyway. so, as far as i'm concerned, it seems you're missing the point of this build - to create an archer as good as possible. an archer - not a spellcaster shooting half the amount of arrows and struggling to survive close encounter with a bunch of drows.



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 02:16:56 am »


Adyana Fenn wrote...

well, all those protective spells won't do much good against strong enemy imho, unless cast by a high level wizard. besides, AC gets high because of dexterity anyway and dexterity is a must for an archer, so why not retain that bonus with uncanny dodge when possible?

how often you get flatfooted in singleplayer? I don't say that uncanny dodge is bad choice, what I am saying is that you can live without it with the same success.

bonus combat related feats? like what? AA doesn't really need that many
feats at all, that's the whole point of discarding fighter. besides,
barbarian and AA have BAB=1, wizard has half of that.

combat feats like rapid shot, improved critical, blind fight (that can substitute uncanny very well), but also point blank shot, weapon specialization and weapon focus and when epic, epic weapon focus, epic weapon specialization and epic prowess - even they are required to being AA, wizard will be able to take them and all magic feats without problems while sorcerrer will have a hard time in that

are you suggesting
exchanging high BAB for some theoretically useful (you didn't mention
anything specific) skill points and bonus feats?

No I am suggesting that wizard is better choice than sorcerrer for spellswords/spellbow.

My favorite build for pvm 40lvl is Wizard 23 Fighter 2 AA 15, 62AB(+7bow) with more than ten True strikes to reach 75AB, all metamagic feats (thus 20igms without intelligence items), and epic penetration to be able to penetrate 32SR, all combat feats, all spell levels, epic warding. No-ac as with warding and damage shields, noone melee withstand much and mainly even with epic mage armor it wouldnt have AC required to not being hit by standard monsters in pvm. In pvp its unplayable, neither your barbarian nor this get AC needed to avoid being hit.
(EDIT2: please do not suggest that 4fighters would be better, its environment specific build where is access to the weapon specialization on items)

EDIT: Anyway I should be more specifics: I did not meant that wizard is better choice in order to get Arcane Archer. For "pure-AA" builds, bard is much better, what I meant is that wizard is better for making so called "multiclassed mage" or "spellbow".


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 30 janvier 2012 - 02:40 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 02:16:58 am »

               I agree with all ShaDoOoW's comments & suggestions except for taking Wiz to get AA.  I'd use Bard/AA for the UMD & Tumble dumps and select Weapon Finesse for rapier in early levels until you can get enough BAB for AA levels (from then on, only use the rapier to avoid the zillion AoOs while trying to PBS with a bow when being flanked.)  I typically elect to "eat" the penalty in favor of a stronger more versatile toon in the end.  If the XP penalty is hard to swallow, use half-elf with martial prof., but you'll lose 1AB  worth of DEX in the process.  Your choice.  In a short campaign (<level 30), the fastest way to qualify for AA is via fighter (or any fighter class), benefiting from weapon spec along the route and gaining extra feat slots.  Trying to reach BAB 6 solely with pre-epic bard or wiz (or sorc for that matter) takes way too long IMO and may prevent reaching pre-epic BAB16 (6 APR w/RS & haste) depending on which arcane class you try to do it with.  FE's via ranger is another way to go but I personally value the feats I can select myself rather than those pre-assigned by the ranger class. (I consider Called Shot a staple of any AA.)

On servers with a de-leveler/re-leveler, you can go with an elven Wiz AA initially, making sure to take the first level as the tertiary class (Ftr, rgr, cleric or whatever) and then re-level using bard in the mix to avoid all the XP penalty.

Here is a sample divine AA level 40 build that will do little to help with HotU though you can practice with it a little to get the hang of it before going to play on a 40-cap PW.

Here is a sample DevCrit AA.  These also come in charismatic styles.

edit: Just noticing ShaDoOoW's build suggestion.... I build high-damage/high AB AAs' rather than caster AAs so my comments above were in regards to that fact.  It all comes down to play style and preferences.  If you play a more artillery-focused archer, then the more levels in AA the higher the damage and attack rating at the expense of spellcasting prowess.  With UMD, stacks of scrolls and items like Monk robes, sequenceer robes & all divine and arcane scrolls can usually compensate for the buffing capacity of a higher arcane potential.  So it really depends on the environment as to how to build the best one.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 30 janvier 2012 - 02:43 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 02:43:22 am »

               You seek the Path? When working up my last build, the Unflinching Fletcher, that was exactly the terminology I ended up using. I have always been partial to the monk-based AA; the added defensive abilities makes for a good standalone character. In my playthrough of HotU I only found difficulty with the dracolich.

Granted most of the build choices are biased by the world it was designed for, but the basic structure of the build is the same through the end of Chapter II at level 40. The efficiency in the build for me comes from the defensive abilities monk provides--you do more damage when you aren't face down in the dirt or running away from things that might hurt you.

As for the purely roleplaying point of view, I'll let you be the judge of the premise:

The Arcane Archer is the bridger of gaps between the high damage output of a mage and the weapon-focused combat of a fighter. Through their studies they acquire the knowledge to imbue arrows with devastating magics and use their bow to rain down destruction upon any in their sight.

The Order of Kennerthym (those sworn to challenges) is a monastic group of Grey Elves, taking the arcane power acquired through their studies and balancing it with defensive training to enable them to stand alone against enemies that would give any other archer cause to flee. The Order was born of necessity, as the Grey Elves are physically weaker than some of their more commonly encountered kin, developing in isolation in the harsh northern mountains near the Spine of the World. Here they encountered many challenges to their continued existence, fostering a culture valuing self-defense in all aspects of life and a natural talent for archery well served on the uneven mountainous terrain not easily traversed.

Outside of their native homelands this has led them to tackle challenges many would consider impossible, often being described as arrogant for their perceived recklessness in putting their own lives in danger. In actuality, the Order knows no other reality, as they spend much of their early lives in constant danger. What is death to those that have stared it down daily?



Legacy_Adyana Fenn

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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 01:38:26 pm »

               ShaDoOoW: perhaps i should be more specific. i mean a character that will be playable in OCs. in that case, 4 levels of fighter wouldn't be better - they would be a must for weapon specialization. imho, even in persistent worlds this bowbarian should scale rather well - i may be wrong, of course, but even you've said wizard is better than sorcerer, not that BAB lose is definitely worth it. everyone gets some damage sometimes when surrounded by enemies, in any scenario - will spellbow stand on its own better in such case? and in case of feats, bowbarian gets everything you've mentioned apart from weapon specialization (mere +2 damage) and epic feats on level 15 already.

HipMaestro: weapon finesse may be interesting in OC as well, in case of bowbarian it would make it possible to use something else than a bow before reaching AA levels. on the other hand, when having many levels of AA already, it gets kinda useless.

you're both right, it's spellcasting ability vs bow damage and BAB, a matter of play style. on the other hand, what i've based my build upon is the attempt to maximize stats usage. everyone gets AC bonus from dex, barbarian gives uncanny dodge for that and str bonus for damage, while AA makes some decent use out of dex - that means str and dex are all a bowbarian has to care about. spellbows need either int or cha additionally, and while sacrificing str may be just something to deal with, there's one problem then with such builds - you're either rising your combat abilities (rising dex), or spellcasting abilities (rising int or cha), never both at a time. bowbarian rises just dex, because she already has all the strength she needs, thanks to barbarian levels.

for a spellcaster with decent damage and AB, i would rather use cleric/AA, together with 1lvl of wizard. spare points would go into dex, but most of them would go into wis, and with zen archery wisdom would be a power behind both sides of the coin. in such case though, i would rather dump AA and wizard altogether, in favor of 1lvl monk/1lvl assassin - for AC bonus from wisdom and death attack, which would at least add 1d6 of damage in some situations. rising wisdom for such build would rise AB, AC and spellcasting abilities, all at the same time - but since it's not AA, it falls outside of scope of this topic.

Balduvard: from the roleplaying point of view, i perfectly agree - that's exactly what i'm trying to achieve with bowbarian '<img'> but when it comes to monk, apart from AC bonus from wisdom, it's rather focused on dealing a lot of damage in hand-to-hand combat, imho. of course with the exception of high level monks, but then it's kinda like following two routes at one time - you won't get good enough in any of them, because while wis and dex are both important for a monk, rising any of those won't increase the damage output (like increasing wis or int/cha for a spellcaster does), and rising str won't be much of a help for an archer, above her mighty bow level. what i'm trying to do is to unite AA with some other class, in such a way that single stat will matter the most for both. as said already, cleric with 1 lvl of a monk would fit such purpose better, but it wouldn't be AA.


                     Modifié par Adyana Fenn, 30 janvier 2012 - 01:42 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 01:48:28 pm »

               Zen Archery feat, Monk, a level of Sorcerer and Arcane Archer.

That could work from an aesthetic point of view.

Balduvard why didn't you use the zen archery feat?


                     Modifié par henesua, 30 janvier 2012 - 01:53 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2012, 04:00:34 pm »

               You needn't reject Fighter so readily. Fighter 10 / Wizard 3 / Arcane Archer 27 is a solid build. Pre-Epic, take 9 Fighter, 1 Wiz, and 10 AA. Take the final level of Fighter at 21 for Epic Weapon Spec., and Wiz at levels 24 and 40 for Spellcraft skill dumps (ending up with +9 bonus on saves against spells). For the "useless" feats, take Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus, Rapid Shot, Called Shot, Weapon Spec, Blind Fight, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Crit, Expertise, and Improved Expertise, all Pre-Epic, and none useless. In Epic, take Armor Skin and Epic Prowess, and all the rest are Great DEX.

You also forgot the option of a second Prestige class. With Bard 7 / RDD 10 / AA 23, you can have Dev Crit, with minimal sacrifice in DEX. With Bard 11 / Shadowdancer 10 / AA 19, you get your desired Uncanny Dodge, plus HiPS, and Epic Dodge.

With Rogue 15 / Wizard 3 / AA 22, you get Uncanny Dodge, Epic Dodge, and a lot of Rogue Skills, such as Disable Trap, Search, Set Trap, Open Lock, Tumble (for the AC bonus), and use Magic Device.

Coincidentally, I have been thinking about AA these last couple days, and made all these builds, so I can easily post any of these builds you want.

You can also find builds like these and more in The Epic Character Build Search Engine.


                     Modifié par Empyre65, 30 janvier 2012 - 04:02 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 04:16:19 pm »


Adyana Fenn wrote...

ShaDoOoW: perhaps i should be more specific. i mean a character that will be playable in OCs. in that case, 4 levels of fighter wouldn't be better - they would be a must for weapon specialization. imho, even in persistent worlds this bowbarian should scale rather well - i may be wrong, of course, but even you've said wizard is better than sorcerer, not that BAB lose is definitely worth it. everyone gets some damage sometimes when surrounded by enemies, in any scenario - will spellbow stand on its own better in such case? and in case of feats, bowbarian gets everything you've mentioned apart from weapon specialization (mere +2 damage) and epic feats on level 15 already.

Every build is viable in OC although you don't believe it. My favorite build as well athought I havent recommended it to play OC with. As Web-Shaman pointed out even a pure wizard using melee weapon with two attacks+haste and lowest AB possible is viable in OC (but hardly anywhere else, I havent yet seen a mod where you could hit anything with such low ab, not speaking about low dmg and 3 APRs).

While its possible to build build specifically for OCs or other singleplayer modules, maybe to be able to finish it without henchman I don't think it has any sense to do so.


Legacy_Adyana Fenn

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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2012, 06:36:30 pm »

               Empyre65: not that useless, agreed, but those aren't maxing out the damage. barbarian rage is the sole reason i've chosen barbarian over fighter - for bonus strength. expertise? 13+ int for a feat that is a bad joke for someone willing to fight mostly from the distance? you know it cannot be used while weilding a ranged weapon?

hips is cheesy and doesn't work as well as advertised, at least against AI. bard - waste of points into charisma, at the cost of lower dexterity. it would make an interesting spellbow, but that's a matter of personal preference - spreading one out too thin across stats is my main concern with spellbows.

you're right about the rdd though, but i would take as small amount of bard levels as possible, just to meet rdd requirements, then 10lvl of rdd and the rest in AA. that would give permanent +8 bonus over temporary +4 from barbarian rage, as well as +4 AC bonus. there are some drawbacks though, barbarian has d12 hit die, while that of rdd changes over time, and the worst thing is lower BAB. not much, but still. is rdd worth it, and will an archer make some serious use of permanent str increase over barbarian rage? i'm tempted to try, especially considering the fact that base stats would include 12 str and 18 dex (no need for more str for an archer with rdd bonuses), so that would leave some additional points for con. thanks for pointing out rdd, i was thinking about all the other classes, but somehow forgot about this one. should be fun, just 'a little bit' cheesy '<img'>

rogue - at first sight, it may be nice, but notice what i've said in my first post - a character that will be able to stand on its own. i've tried a rogue build recently (not AA, 1lvl assassin, 4lvl fighter, the rest - rogue), and it just confirms that rogue - while very interesting on its own and without doubt a fun character to play - just sucks when it comes to combat against many enemies. taking more levels of assassin may help, at the cost of theoretical doubling of feats, but such character to really shine should be playing without any henchmen at all, and that's not what i want to do. i want henchmen - because of roleplaying, but on the other hand, i want my character to withstand as much direct damage as an average tank would do.

ShaDoOoW: it's a matter of play style. if i can build a character able to deal with most of the enemies without constantly checking the amount of remining healing potions, why shouldn't i? because the game gets 'too easy' then? or because building a powerful character is a 'cheat' and we should be all running with halfling barbarians fighting with toothpics? when i've played nwn for the first time, using a pure sorcerer, i couldn't defeat Morag. i've made some silly mistake and i've ended up without spells in an area where resting is forbidden. even with my henchmen, there is no way in hell i could defeat her in such situation, and trust me, i've tried. sure, in general some builds will be just harder to play than others, i prefer to be able to focus on the roleplaying without dangers getting too much in my way, and i'm happy that you can't build a 15lvl character that will just kill everything that moves in hotu without getting his ass kicked and without using any potions or help from henchmen.


                     Modifié par Adyana Fenn, 30 janvier 2012 - 07:35 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2012, 06:38:21 pm »


Adyana Fenn wrote...
HipMaestro: weapon finesse may be interesting in OC as well, in case of bowbarian it would make it possible to use something else than a bow before reaching AA levels. on the other hand, when having many levels of AA already, it gets kinda useless..

Wpn finesse for a dexer archer (or even a zen one) protects against the insane number of AoOs you'll get when you are forced into tight quarters, the bane of any artillery archer.  Eventually, the crits will mount up and you'll need to retreat (if you can). UD will not help with AoOs, just Dex AC, it's still a ranged weapon.  Especially in the OC there is a craftable rapier that is silly effective (ummm... forget the name but it stuns for a few rounds), even through Chapter 2.  But as you have recognized, even a mediocre AA should be able to hold its own later on in the campaign, TBH, I myself get tired of kiting as I have been kiting with archers for like 20 years already, in video games like NWN and real life combat exercises.

That why fighter becomes attractive, lotsa feats to play with to enable at least some decent melee presence as back-up.

Consider the OC as a practice campaign.  Even with artificially-altered AI's installed ,few monster skins/abilities have been customized to the point where they have become challenging and that includes the bosses.  Still, it is fun to test out build concepts (like the white Elephants you are searching for) in preparation for better and more challenging NWN experiences elsewhere.

BTW, zen archery significantly nerfs the ranged touch DC of the Imbued Arrow for an AA.  Something to consider.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 30 janvier 2012 - 06:46 .



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2012, 06:52:41 pm »


Adyana Fenn wrote...

ShaDoOoW: it's a matter of play style. if i can build a character able to deal with most of the enemies without constantly checking the amount of remining healing potions, why shouldn't i? because the game gets 'too easy' then? or because building a powerful character is a 'cheat' and we should be all running with halfling barbarians fighting with toothpics?

You get me wrong, I understand powerbuilding and powerplaying. I am one of the munchkings there, I just haven't understand the point to do this in singleplayer modules. If you play it first, you don't have enough know how to make the best build, and what the point of playing the same singleplayer again? There aren't "tactics" modifications like for Baldurs Gate but there are numerous multiplayer servers where you can gain with powerbuilding much more than in any single player. For me singleplayer is a great chance to roleplay, to play whatever suits the story best etc.

Your example with Morag doesnt need any different build. Just different tactics. I played OC with sorcerrer as well, I know I had to repeat few fights, but once I knew what awaits me, I could prepare to that accordingly and beat it.



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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2012, 07:03:08 pm »


HipMaestro wrote...
BTW, zen archery significantly nerfs the ranged touch DC of the Imbued Arrow for an AA.  Something to consider.

Sounds like a bug. What say you, shadooow?


Legacy_Adyana Fenn

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the path of an arrow - or what's the most efficient arcane archer build
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2012, 07:26:27 pm »

               why a bug? as long as i understand it properly, i guess it's about zen archery making one rise wisdom instead of dexterity, and imbue arrow needs high dex.

i like OCs because of roleplaying, and imho there is a reason to play same singleplayer module again, just like there's a reason one reads same book again. from time to time, it's very refreshing, especially with new character, totally different than previous one.