Author Topic: 2011 Yahoo Fantasy Football - Forgotten Realms Football (ID# 731944)  (Read 628 times)


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               I've taken the liberty of restarting the FFL we ran last season.  I've sent invites to those who participated who's email addresses weren't hidden. If you participated last year and wish to play this year, but hid your email, please PM me and I'll send you an invite.

Any slots unfilled by the beginning of next week I'll open up to new players.





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2011 Yahoo Fantasy Football - Forgotten Realms Football (ID# 731944)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2011, 10:23:54 am »

               We've still got 12 unfilled slots, so I'll give last year's players one more day to accept invites, then I'm going to open the league to "first come, first served".




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2011 Yahoo Fantasy Football - Forgotten Realms Football (ID# 731944)
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 12:26:14 pm »

               Alright, I'm opening the league to new players.  To join, you can search for the league using the ID listed above, or you can send me a PM with your email and I'll send you an invite.  The password for joining the league is "frf2011".  Please use a FR name for you team to keep IC '<img'>

I'll give folks here a couple of days to join, then I'll post this as a public league to fill any still open slots - if we don't get enough managers from here.
