Author Topic: What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?  (Read 1734 times)


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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« on: August 30, 2015, 06:55:47 pm »


Of the main NPCs, I thought it would be fun to see what kind of romance/friendship/relationship you would see yourself having with each of them if you met them in real life. 


Tommy-drinking buddy who I end up getting locked up with at least once. I get nailed and he gets off scott free. 

Daelan-I don't know if I can be friends with him.  He's too intense and single mindedly dutiful for my taste. 

Grimnaw-Guy I barely remember from high school who isn't in a very good place in life.  He shows up and makes things very awkward for the date I am inevitably on when I see him for the first time in 20 years.

Boddyknock-Annoying guy who thinks he is my buddy, but I just haven't had the heart to tell him he gets on my nerves and I want him to go away. 

Aarin Gend-We hang out a few times, but keep my distance after a while because you never successfully get into his head or have a feel where he is coming from. 

Aribeth-Fantastic relationship that eventually breaks down because she eventually becomes emotionally exhausting for me. I'll miss her and be tempted to rekindle things, but can't bring myself to do it.  Can't live with her, can't live without her.

Sharwyn-She would be a fantastic FWB, though I would never be mentally on the same page with her.  One aspect would be fantastic though. 

Linu-If she weren't so damn religious, I could marry a woman like Linu. She's charmingly awkward.  She's genuinely kind, attractive, wise...I just can't get behind the whole higher power thing.  If she can accept that, this has potential.




Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 07:26:51 pm »


Aribeth would be my sex-slave!

Tommy my punshing bag!

Boddyknock my guy whose duty is to collect the money from the!

Linu the victim of my violent phantasies against church people!




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 01:15:12 pm »


That escalated quickly '<img'> ':ph34r:'


Nasher would get boot to the head from me. I wonder if I would get sentenced to hanging as well..

Aribeth.. same. But it would be more fluffy. If it would work.. maybe ':wub:' then. Most probable I would fix her up to be at least neutral, lawful/chaotic and then she would consider me as a friend and go for some other man..

Fenthick.. boot wouldn't feel right since he's dead.


I will have to think some more.



Neverwinter mob - my eugenic lab-rats (hey that's plural NPC, right?). Serves them right.

Linu & Sharwyn - lovers of course. I'm kidding, I would not be up to their standards ':lol:' '<img'> + as uncle said Linu would hate me for being an atheist.

Tommy - one-sided relationship I would have to end when he borrows too much from me to never give it back.

Daelan - fixed Aribeth would probably fall for him.

Grim(g)naw - Fun at parties. Definitely. Kind of reminds me of my best buddy in RL, though not so extreme.

Boddyknock - Reminds me of the same best buddy, I guess a mixture of them both.

Aarin Gend - He would drink with me whenever I was down, meaning probably every few days. I would find after those meetings that I 'forgot' my treasure map at the bar or spoke too much.

Good Lizard Lady ™ - I would be quite angry at her for dying with that stone, probably would try to raise her, do some quest to do so blah blah and then I would slap her for not planning ahead.. I mean she helped me but forgot to save her own as*?

Deekin - you forget him bastards! He(It?) would be my pet. Doom doom doom!


SoU henchies('cept Deekin) - forgot them, same with HotU.


Devil guy?/Evil Lizard Lady/Medusa/Evil (surprisingly) Drow Lady - all dead deadly enemies.


We are dangerously bordering fanfiction now '<img'> BEWARE!




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2015, 05:40:18 pm »


Oh man, I hate Lord Nasher.  I hated him even more when they brought him back for NWN2 in a more prominent role.  There would definitely be an overthrow in Neverwinter with your friend Uncle Joe taking power. 




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2015, 07:02:41 pm »


Why not make an edit of NWN2 Campaign replacing Nasher with Uncle Joe? ':lol:'




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2015, 07:38:15 am »


I definitely know who my love interest would be. The choice is simple: female Silver Dragon! Imagine the length of the tongue... *wink-wink*




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2015, 03:31:58 pm »


I definitely know who my love interest would be. The choice is simple: female Silver Dragon! Imagine the length of the tongue... *wink-wink*

Man, this discussion could go in a really weird, unintended direction.  


I would also love to date that shadowy thief, I can't remember her name, the one that isn't the instructor, in the stealth training room of the academy.  We'd have a classic Bonnie and Clyde type romance going about the land doing crimes and each other. 



Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2015, 08:32:33 pm »


i didnt know I could choose critters too. So my love affair would be one of the filthy trolls. Who ever stinks the most gets my precious big witchy butt to taste and FRRTTTTTTt.... gone in the wind he is '<img'> or "love is in the AIR" hrrrrrr '<img'>




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2015, 09:04:12 pm »


I. Can't. Unread. That. BAD WITCH! No cookie for you today.


I think Slaadi being frog-like should have longer tongues, but, uh, so uglyyy. Dragons are the way to go with their polymorphing abilities..




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What kind of relationship would you have with these NPCs?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2015, 09:21:52 pm »


I. Can't. Unread. That. BAD WITCH! No cookie for you today.


I think Slaadi being frog-like should have longer tongues, but, uh, so uglyyy. Dragons are the way to go with their polymorphing abilities..

You're not a man unless you can take your dragons in their original dragon form.  

Silk is the girl at the training academy.  Just played up to the conversation with her. She's as sexy as I remember.