Author Topic: One intellect devourer's brain wanted  (Read 965 times)


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One intellect devourer's brain wanted
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:12:37 pm »


I decided to replay the OC with a wizard character on very hard difficulty setting...

I struggled in the beginning a bit, but then it got better when I reached the fifth level and got better spells.


And so I got an intellect devourer's brain. Or so I thought.


Frankly, I recall retrieving the brain from the remains and teleporting to Aribeth and company to progress. But I couldn't find any related conversation options... and then I checked my journal, which had no info on me defeating the devourer and taking the brain.


And then I finally checked my inventory to notice that I don't, in fact, have this brain with me. I'm not sure how this could have happened (I really DO remember taking it with me, and I checked to see if there's anything lying on the ground in the devourer's chamber, nothing was there) but I don't feel like starting all over and I only kept two save files, both of which have been overwritten after killing the devourer.


Any advice on what to do?


Edit: Ok, I dealt with the problem by loading the save file as a DM, placing Devourer's Brain on the ground, then logging again as my character in single-player and retrieving it.

Guess it will remain a mystery what exactly happened to the original one.




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One intellect devourer's brain wanted
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 09:56:03 pm »


If your inventory was full when you acquired the brain, it would drop to the ground and from there be moved to the pool for lost items.




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One intellect devourer's brain wanted
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 01:22:49 am »


If your inventory was full when you acquired the brain, it would drop to the ground and from there be moved to the pool for lost items.


Nope, I had space in my inventory.