Author Topic: How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?  (Read 3376 times)


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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2014, 07:55:42 pm »



in effects in the "nwnplayer.ini" file there is Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0.


And I still keep a copy of that file as it was at the single player new installation. It seems to have inside only the following lines:


[Server Options]


One Party Only=1

[Game Options]

Client CPU Affinity=0

Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0

Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0


Could it be the reason ?



Greetings and Thanks


It's not the file you saved that matters.  What is the setting in the nwnplayer.ini that is in the X:\NeverwinterNights\NWN folder while you are playing now?  "0" or "1"?  If it's "0", you should have no problem forging any of the special weapons or armor.




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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2014, 10:19:57 pm »



Unless Bioware changed the default for SP item restrictions in the nwnplayer.ini during one of the patches, the version shouldn't matter. There may have been a choice about this during installation but TBH I can't remember that far back. The only other way it could have gotten changed is if you changed it yourself at some point (or whoever installed the game). I always thought the default installation set it at Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0.


It's not the file you saved that matters.  What is the setting in the nwnplayer.ini that is in the X:\NeverwinterNights\NWN folder while you are playing now?  "0" or "1"?  If it's "0", you should have no problem forging any of the special weapons or armor.



well, Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0.


This was indeed also the value in the file I have posted that is just the default that installation makes.



Greetings and Thanks





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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2014, 05:12:55 am »


I hadn't heard about the item level restriction changing either, though I can't be sure that it didn't. A while back, there was a discussion where it was mentioned that the OC was initially likely to get the PC to or close to level 20 by the end. It's possible ILR was enabled by default at that point in the OC's development, since PCs were hitting higher levels and it wouldn't cause as many problems.


At any rate, I agree that it's best to have ILR turned off. See the ILR entry in the NWN Wiki for more details.


When the OC was released ILR was mandatory.  This was changed to be off with the SoU expansion (where certain items beyond the required level were given for use in a specific chapter).  I assume at that point the ILR parameter was supported as an .ini entry, but if we are looking at a patch, it would be a very early one.




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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2014, 02:21:13 pm »




I set the ILR to ON ("1") and with v1.69 installed, a level 10 fighter was able to get Barun to make the +4 version.  It is unequippable (red), though, as expected.  The engine diagnostic only reports that the level is insufficient to use it, not specifying the qualifying level.  I am assuming that the qualified level has been determined by the OP in a previous game.


So, since it's the current save using the ILR setting, my suggestion is to make the flail anyway and ID it, then stash in inventory until reaching the level requirement (or any of the other high-level weapons/armor you can forge).  Surely, if Level 15 is what is required, that is easy enough to reach unless many of the XP opportunities have been skipped.  End of game level should be no lower than 16 even with a henchman, summon and familiar/anml companion partaking in the majority of the combat episodes.


edit:  Oh, btw... you could save your character at the end of Ch 3, change the ini to turn off ILR (if you haven't already), then start a new OC game at Ch 4 using your pregenerated saved toon.  Any of the high-level weapons should now be usable at any level (assuming you have the proficiency, naturally).  The only caveat is that there probably won't be a henchman appearing since the module carries forth the one you had in Ch 3 which won't be loading the new chapter (4).  Up to you.  Seems like a lot of finagling to me just to use a +4 flail.  <-----totally unnecessary. See Shadooow's comment about ILR and saved games.  It's EZ PZ.




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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2014, 04:30:53 pm »



well, it is I think.








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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2014, 05:15:17 pm »


ILR setting should not be saved within save game...




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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2014, 11:23:43 pm »


ILR setting should not be saved within save game...


Super!  Then the OP is good to go just by using the right settings in the ini.  No muss, no fuss. '<img'>




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How should be the weapon Foundation Light Flail used ?
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2014, 07:05:48 am »


Ini settings is independant on the module/savegame and can be toggled anytime, also any patches can be installed anytime and wont screw save games.