Author Topic: Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?  (Read 3335 times)


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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2013, 08:42:30 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...
<may be missing...>

If you copy the "Prelude.nwm" file from the "nwm" folder to the "modules" folder and then change the extension to mod ("Prelude.mod"), you can load the module in the toolset.

<...the point>

Never knew this, this may be what I am looking for.

HipMaestro wrote...
True, Rolo, but the file manipulation should not be necessary.  

Any module that appears in the nwm folder should be automatically able to be opened in the toolset just by checking the Campaign Modules selection at the bottom of the Open screen.  That window will not appear unless the Start normally option has been checked on the Welcome screen. However, the Welcome screen itself includes an option called Show this screen on startup so if it has been unchecked I am not sure how modules in nwm folder can be accessed at all without the Welcome screen appearing (I've never unchecked it myself and have no desire to disable the access of campaign modules in order to test the point.).

So, if the

file is there is to be copied and renamed into the modules folder, then by default, it MUST be accessible via the toolset as an .nwm module UNLESS somehow it was assigned some level of protection that prohibits the toolset from accessing it there. No clue how that could happen but it's the the only gliche I can venture as a factor.

Or maybe ~I~ am missing the point. 

Might be.
I still have saved *.MOD files of the Chapters except the Prelude, last I remember playing when you finish a Chapter, a *.MOD file gets created for that Chapter. This lets you open the Chapter in the Toolset if you want but I never recall seeing the Prelude get created.
Didn't need to CODEWORD for this.



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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2013, 01:48:12 am »

               My *.mod files were all obtained by copying and pasting the *.nwm files into the mod folder and renaming the extension to *.mod.  Finishing chapters shouldn't copy the file in itself though.



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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2013, 05:01:11 pm »

               My experience is the same as WhiZard's: The campaign module NWM files aren't automatically copied to the modules folder as MOD files by completing the chapter (or anything else done in the game). They can be copied over manually, if one chooses. That isn't necessary though, as all of the campaign modules can be edited directly as NWM files. (If one wants to keep the games original NWM files as backups or something, there are other easy ways to do that, e.g. just make a copy of the NWM folder.)

As Hip notes, opening the NWM files directly in the Toolset is as easy as clicking the "campaign modules" radio button in the Open dialog. I don't recall if there is any special requirement to have played through the Prelude before the Toolset will open it.

Also, if the Toolset's welcome screen doesn't open when the Toolset start up, I believe there is a checkbox under Tools-->Options to re-enable it. However, that shouldn't be necessary, as the option to open campaign modules is available in the normal Open (File-->Open or Ctrl-O) dialog.


                     Modifié par MrZork, 30 septembre 2013 - 04:02 .



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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2015, 07:30:45 pm »


 With all the issues some people have the OC, I'd be suprised if no one has released an "improved" version of the OC. The OC can even be very easily accessed via toolset so I wonder if anyone has? And, in your opinion, is it good? Also, IF the OC was to be "improved" by someone, what improvements would you like to see? 

Obviously the number of chest could be reduced '<img'>

I have a soft spot for the OC since it was my first PC RPG ever, so it carries a lot of sentimental value.  I would reduce all the barrels, crates and chests to next to nothing.  There is no shortage of gold in your pockets by the end of the game, so you wouldn't miss it and it would probably shed at least a couple hours off of completion time.  I would trim down some of the sword fodder encounters.  It didn't get nearly as bad as the NWN2 OC, but it still gets repetitive.  For the most part, the story itself is good enough and side quests are too.  With the content you remove, you could make your romance with Aribeth a little more meaningful as well as develop a couple others.  I can't think of any off the top of my head, but there have to be a handful of NPCs along the way that might be more fun to get to know better.




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2015, 09:54:54 pm »


If I were to improve the OC, I'd most of all include blank scrolls, bone wands and empty bottles in stores, so that all these crafting feats are actually useful, as they should be.


Then maybe horse support... though horses would fit mainly chapters 2 and 3, since it would be a bit weird for characters to ride horses in Neverwinter.




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2015, 03:44:44 pm »


I worked on it for a while back a few years. Mostly, I was about an actual rebuild of the OC story, preserving the great (sometimes REALLY great) dialogue, and tweaking/adding to it, while utilizing the great CC available. Keeping closely to the OC design for areas, while using great new assets like tilesets, placeables, and creature upgrades would make it look like a whole different game too. Removal of all those lootable barrels that happen to contain gold and magic potions, certainly. And possibly integrating better party control (like the great henchman system) would all be goals too.

But, you know, time.

Recently I thought this would be an incredible Community Project: similar to the monthly projects, but bent on producing assets for use in an updated OC.

That, or simply a community module showcasing all the great stuff this game has to offer TODAY. Such a project could really draw in new people who are, even now, still just getting the game. But I blather on, don't I?




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2015, 06:17:07 pm »


I would love to see a changes that really flex the strength of the OC which is that it made me connect with its NPCs and henchmen. Any changes that furthered that and cut down on game time wasted on mind numbing repetitive tasks, would make this game infinitely replayable.  The only thing that keeps me from still not having a constant game going 8 years after first buying this is that I just can't do all the chests and goblins.  The completionist in me doesn't allow me to just forget about them either.  Conversely there are so many potentially great personalities in this game that I would love to see their roles become even more meaningful to the adventure. 

I agree with Frith that better party control would be a very welcome update too, since almost every other game related to the NWN OC has it. 

This would perhaps be a huge undertaking, but what if, for instance, as a druid PC, you could join the druids in Neverwinter Wood and bring one of them along as your henchman and the circle could somehow serve some purpose in subsequent chapters?  Maybe after joining the mages guild, Eltoora plays a larger role and becomes available as a henchman in Ch. 2 or 3?  




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2015, 01:18:55 am »

Like was done by Adam Miller, reduce creature XP, provide more XP through quests giving better control over leveling so later encounters can be planned for properly.


Redesign the henchmen, they were made for before HOTU when you could only have 1, now you can have 2. Give them some interaction with each other and the PC based on alignment and race.


Add horses to outdoors areas.


Redesign the NPCs with later content (classes, spells, etc.) and tweak the story some.


Redo the crafting with the later content.


Modify the start, the academy should have different training per class, not the generic 4 types.


Look into redoing the artwork on the tilesets, 


Just for starters.




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2015, 01:36:49 am »




Modify the start, the academy should have different training per class, not the generic 4 types.



This definitely plays into the idea of individualizing the paths the character takes bases on his or her chosen class.  They did a good job of at least making sure there was a little bit of content here and there, but didn't get much deeper than a quick tip of the hat.  This would have gotten that ball rolling right from go.  

Speaking of the academy and what I was talking about the NPCs, as a rogue, you have a conversation with some other student in your training room.  I would have liked to have crossed her path again at some point.  Maybe a rogue only romance option? 




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2015, 10:33:30 pm »


Shameless plugin: http://neverwinterva...eries-list-nwn1

See under "Official Campaigns and their continuations, expansions, side stories etc.:" at the bottom of the page.




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2015, 04:09:53 am »


This definitely plays into the idea of individualizing the paths the character takes bases on his or her chosen class.  They did a good job of at least making sure there was a little bit of content here and there, but didn't get much deeper than a quick tip of the hat.  This would have gotten that ball rolling right from go.  

Speaking of the academy and what I was talking about the NPCs, as a rogue, you have a conversation with some other student in your training room.  I would have liked to have crossed her path again at some point.  Maybe a rogue only romance option? 

There was another in the Wizard area, both were only for males it seems.




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2015, 04:58:42 pm »


I loved the OC, though on reflection looking back it was a Monty Hall module and found it amusing the citizens of Neverwinter allowed their houses to be robbed blind (unlike Baldur's) while keeping their valuables in crates and chests in broad daylight :-)




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2015, 08:08:15 pm »


I loved the OC, though on reflection looking back it was a Monty Hall module and found it amusing the citizens of Neverwinter allowed their houses to be robbed blind (unlike Baldur's) while keeping their valuables in crates and chests in broad daylight :-)

Yeah, if there is one silly detail of this game is that you can literally walk around town in broad daylight and help yourself to handfuls of money and semi-precious gems that are just seemingly sitting there for the convenience of whomever passes. Otherwise, I really do love the OC and still enjoy an occasional play through.  I'm still chipping away at my beauty and the beast campaign with my ugly half orc and Sharwyn.  




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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2015, 02:20:56 am »


I loved the OC, though on reflection looking back it was a Monty Hall module and found it amusing the citizens of Neverwinter allowed their houses to be robbed blind (unlike Baldur's) while keeping their valuables in crates and chests in broad daylight :-)


Some chests and crates are also left outside in Baldur's Gate, some aren't (just like NWN)... and you could just punch Suzy homemaker unconscious before robbing her blind, thereby incurring no reputation loss for theft.



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Has anyone ever tried to "improve" the OC?
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2016, 05:46:23 am »


What kinds of problems are they having? I really didn't had any problem at all...what kinds of problems??? I played the "Diamond Edition",everything was pretty smooth,fantastic even,what are they talking about??