Author Topic: Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running  (Read 1134 times)


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Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:30:17 pm »

                I decided to replay the original campaign, this time with a henchman, since I've always played "lone ranger" style. But a problem appeared with Sharwyn. She attacks once, then stays three or four rounds running away, then returns to attack, then runs away again. In open spaces, she runs a good distance away, stops, keeps looking at nothing while enemies attack her, then she returns to attack. In closed spaces, it's the same, except she runs against the wall and keeps running while the enemy kills her. Even if I keep smashing the hotkey to Attack Nearest, she'll ignore the command, and even die while doing nothing.

At first, I thought she was running away from area spells, like Stinking Cloud, so I stopped using it, but the problem persisted. Then I noticed she kept changing her melee weapons, from two-bladed sword to greatsword to scythe to greatsword every round. So I took away all weapons except one, and nothing. Then I decided to keep her as ranged combatant, but it didn't solved anything.

This is weird, because it doesn't happen to anyone else in any other campaign. And only happens with TonyK's module. Without it, she fights like the brainless combatant that the henchnam usually are. The closest problem is with Linu, but only because she doesn't pick items from the ground, no matter how many times I tell her to.

Anyone know how can this problem be solved? Or should I give up from her and get other henchman?



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Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 07:47:31 pm »

               Definitely a TonyK Ai-specific issue since nothing even close to this occurs with the default AI.  I'm guessing you need to tweak the utility's settings and retest until you achieve what you desire.

TBH, since this isn't either an OC-related issue (it's the hench AI used by the custom utility... not the module itself) or spoilerish in nature, I would post the same question in one or more of the following venues: 1) the general NWN BSN forum, 2) BSN NWN Tools & Plugins forum and/or 3) the Vault page for TonyK's download (assuming the author still supports it or provides an email contact).

It's a matter of finding enough users of the custom AI that have played the OC with it and actually remember what they experienced and the adjustments they made.  It may take a while until someone in that category stumbles upon your topic.  All I can offer is that I remember needing to experiment a lot with the utility you are using and only fumbled around with it in HotU, which is probably a significantly different beast to balance than the OC. '<img'>


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 13 février 2013 - 07:51 .



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Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2013, 12:57:13 am »

               Thank you for the tip. I started to look for someone who had this same experience, and I found this bugfix on the vault by user Melliuc. I put it on the override file, and everything started to work fine.

'My henchman stops fighting' bugfix

It's kinda odd, since the description says it happens on all henchman with regular AI, and to me, it happened only to Sharwyn with TonyK's AI, but hey, the problem is fixed, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.


                     Modifié par Kolbarten, 14 février 2013 - 04:42 .



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Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2013, 05:31:54 am »


Kolbarten wrote...

Thank you for the tip. I started to look for someone who had this same experience, and I found this bugfix on the vault by user Melliuc. I put it on the override file, and everything started to work fine.

'My henchman stops fighting' bugfix

It's kinda odd, since the description says it happens on all henchman with regular AI, and to me, it happened only to Sharwyn with TonyK's AI, but hey, the problem is fixed, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

Congratulations stumbling upon a remedy.  I've used that fix (or one just like it) to jumpstart Nathyrra in HotU as she tries to cast spells regardless of how one uses the radial commands to adjust her AI.  If it fixes how TonyK's AI operates Sharwyn then great!

TBH, most all users of TonyK's utility within the OC is limited to gaining access to hench inventory, rather than changing the default AI.  Keep us posted within this thread should you notice any other peculiarities of using the custom AI since I cannot recall any other threads in BSN's NWN forum pertaining to these sorts of issues.  Good luck!



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Sharwyn with TonyK's AI keeps running
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 08:58:45 pm »

               Odd... it never happened to me and I played the OC so many times I cannot count. I simply noticed that the henchies become slower in reacting after you issue commands like attack nearest, guard me etc.I always hope the AI works its way through. If it ever comes that tehy become "unstable" I switch them or wait for the level up, usually problems get "resetted" this way.