Author Topic: Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)  (Read 3491 times)


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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:52:44 pm »

                Just installed NMN after nearly 7 years with the aim to play certainly SoU and HotU (probably the OC too) but feeling a little overwhelmed choosing what to play. I have played various CRPGs before (BG, IWD and so on) but I always struggle a bit when it comes time to choose a character.

I guess I prefer it when I can make a person who is a little of everything (the sort of thing you get with The Elder Scrolls type of games). I tend to prefer mages / thieves / bards as characters as I like Magic, I like sneaking / scouting for traps and picking the odd lock '<img'>

In theory multiclassing will allow me to do that in NWN, but I do wonder if I'm better playing a single classed character. I find it unlikely that I'll ever play through these games again with another character. I have enough of a backlog '<img'>

Any thoughts on being a Wizard / Sorceror / Bard / Thief, or some combination there of?


                     Modifié par duemoko, 01 février 2013 - 05:58 .


Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 09:29:07 pm »

               One of the problems is that multiclassing to a magic user can leave you underpowered in magic as well as health. A good compromise may be to just play Rogue and bump your Use Magic Device skill. This will let you use scrolls and wands for your magic. Another alternative would be to roll an Arcane Archer based on Rogue (sneak attack can do wonders for your archery).


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 10:00:18 pm »

               <getting all...>

When I played through the OC->SoU->HotU with Rolo, I was already pretty comfortable with the mechanics of NwN. I *always* play Rolo as a roguish wizard. So before starting the OC, I read up on the thinking behind various builds -and was enormously impressed with Webshaman's treatise on the Melee Mage. Not just the build, but his explanations about *why*.

I played all the way through, starting with a rogue and adding two levels if wizard for every one of rogue. I also stuck to my rather (in)famous raven familiar Bother.

If you love the character and do a bit of research into how that character can use the mechanics of the game, you will, I think, enjoy playing the character you *want*, regardless of number crunching or "best builds" opinions =)




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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 06:18:06 am »

               If you try to be both a caster and a thief, you won't do either very well, so since you are playing 2 campaigns, I suggest you do one of each.

In the OC, play as a Melee Mage. If you are Good-aligned, you can take the character onward into the Aribeth's Redemption series.

For the other campaign, I suggest SoU, The Nether Scrolls bridge module, HotU, and then the Sands of Fate series to bring you all the way to level 40.
Sands of Fate 1
Sands of Fate 2
Sands of Fate 3

For your character, how about this build I made a couple months ago?

Hin Hero (Rogue 24 / Fighter 6 / Champion of Torm 10)
Halfling, Non-Evil
Playable 1 - 40, PvM

STR: 12
DEX: 18 (32)
CON: 14
WIS: 10
INT: 14
CHA: 8

Leveling Guide:
Halfling: (Fearless, Good Aim, Lucky, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Move Silently, Small Stature)
01: Rogue(1): Toughness
02: Rogue(2): {Evasion}
03: Fighter(1): Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Dagger
04: Fighter(2): DEX+1, Blind Fight, (DEX=19)
05: Rogue(3): {Uncanny Dodge I}
06: Fighter(3): Knockdown
07: Rogue(4)
08: Fighter(4): DEX+1, Weapon Specialization: Dagger, (DEX=20)
09: Rogue(5): Improved Knockdown
10: Champion of Torm(1)
11: Champion of Torm(2): Two-Weapon Fighting
12: Rogue(6): DEX+1, Ambidexterity, (DEX=21)
13: Champion of Torm(3): {Smite Evil}
14: Champion of Torm(4): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
15: Rogue(7): Improved Critical: Dagger
16: Rogue(8): DEX+1, (DEX=22)
17: Rogue(9)
18: Rogue(10): Iron Will, Improved Evasion
19: Rogue(11)
20: Rogue(12): DEX+1, (DEX=23)
21: Champion of Torm(5): Great Dexterity I, (DEX=24)
22: Rogue(13): Defensive Roll
23: Champion of Torm(6): Epic Weapon Focus: Dagger
24: Rogue(14): DEX+1, Great Dexterity II, (DEX=26)
25: Champion of Torm(7)
26: Champion of Torm(8): Epic Weapon Specialization: Dagger
27: Rogue(15): Great Dexterity III, (DEX=27)
28: Rogue(16): DEX+1, Epic Dodge, (DEX=28)
29: Champion of Torm(9)
30: Champion of Torm(10): Great Dexterity IV, Epic Prowess, (DEX=29)
31: Rogue(17)
32: Rogue(18): DEX+1, (DEX=30)
33: Fighter(5): Self Concealment I
34: Fighter(6): Armor Skin
35: Rogue(19): Self Concealment II
36: Rogue(20): DEX+1, Self Concealment III, (DEX=31)
37: Rogue(21)
38: Rogue(22)
39: Rogue(23): Self Concealment IV
40: Rogue(24): DEX+1, Self Concealment V, (DEX=32)

Hitpoints: 424
Skillpoints: 334
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 30/24/40
Saving Throw bonuses: Traps: +5, Fear: +2
BAB: 27
AB (max, naked): 43 (melee), 41 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 32/34
Spell Casting:
Alignment Changes: 0

Disable Trap 43(47), Hide 43(54), Lore 21(23), Move Silently 43(56), Open Lock 43(54), Search 43(45), Set Trap 32(45), Tumble 40(51), UMD 26(25)

01: Disable Trap(4), Hide(4), Move Silently(4), Open Lock(4), Search(4), Set Trap(4), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(8)
02: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), UMD(1), Save(10)
03: Save(14)
04: Save(18)
05: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Set Trap(3), Tumble(3), UMD(1), Save(6)
06: Save(10)
07: Disable Trap(2), Hide(2), Move Silently(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(2), Tumble(2), Save(6)
08: Save(10)
09: Disable Trap(2), Hide(2), Move Silently(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(2), Tumble(2), Save(6)
10: Save(10)
11: Save(14)
12: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Set Trap(3), Tumble(3), Save(3)
13: Save(7)
14: Save(11)
15: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Set Trap(3), Tumble(3)
16: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), UMD(2)
17: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), UMD(3)
18: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), UMD(2)
19: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), UMD(3)
20: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), Save(3)
21: Save(7)
22: Disable Trap(2), Hide(2), Move Silently(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(2), Tumble(2), Save(3)
23: Save(7)
24: Disable Trap(2), Hide(2), Move Silently(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2), Set Trap(2), Tumble(2), Save(3)
25: Save(7)
26: Save(11)
27: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Set Trap(3), Tumble(3)
28: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Set Trap(1), Tumble(1), Save(3)
29: Save(7)
30: Save(11)
31: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Set Trap(1), Tumble(3), UMD(2)
32: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Tumble(1), UMD(4)
33: Save(4)
34: Save(8)
35: Disable Trap(3), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Open Lock(3), Search(3), Tumble(3)
36: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Tumble(1), UMD(4)
37: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(4), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1), Tumble(1)
38: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(5), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
39: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(5), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
40: Disable Trap(1), Hide(1), Lore(5), Move Silently(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)


                     Modifié par Empyre65, 02 février 2013 - 06:22 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 04:54:36 pm »

               <quite astounded...>

Empyre65 wrote...
If you try to be both a caster and a thief, you won't do either very well, so since you are playing 2 campaigns, I suggest you do one of each.

Of course you must be right :-)

< find he's not very well>



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 07:55:03 pm »

               I'm sorry, Rolo. You're the exception. You do it well. I should have thought that through and realized that what I said was at least potentially insulting.

Thinking about it some more, Rolo's approach wouldn't be so bad at all. He'd wind up at about Wizard 27 / Rogue 13. He would actually be a pretty good Rogue, with no more than 2 levels of not-Rogue in a row (just like the build I posted), so the Rogue skills wouldn't get too far behind. The spell penetration would be not very good (overcoming spell resistance), however. Oh, and the high INT required for the Wizard would mean lots of skill points for the Rogue.


                     Modifié par Empyre65, 02 février 2013 - 07:56 .



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 10:49:50 pm »

               There are 2 different environments so figure on 2 different build "schedules", assuming you want to optimize them for those 2 campaigns (I consider SoU/HotU as a single campaign because that is how they were designed).

With the OC, your toon will be limited to a maximum of 18 levels by the end of the campaign.  That means that most prestige classes will be impractical due the heavy upfront investment to qualify for them. CoT is a rare exception. 

The last wizard I played through the OC was a Wiz 17/Rog 1 who exploited the skill synergy between wiz INT and rogue skills to recover/set all traps and gain access to monk equipment as early as CH 1.  I took the single rogue at level 8 as a skill dump level only with the added benefit of access to shortbow & rapier so that the special crafting available had some merit.  It happened to be a gnome with starting INT & CON set at 18.  Grabbed +2AC from Tumble 10 and 11 pts to ea. of Disable/Set Traps & UMD.  IIRC spare points went to Search to make traps easier to spot from a distance.  Used a Umber Hulk polymorph, w/ext. haste, empowered Bull's, ext. Death Armor for Ch 1 melee skirmishes (like that Gauntlet combat against uber SR foes).  In Ch 2, Tensor's will have access to all 3 recipro shields.  With high CON you can take lots of damage without needing healing.  Imp Expertise will get your AC into the 40's easily but beware that some environments have nerfed Expertise for casters.  You can cetainly opt with sorc/rog, but will lose the skill synergy big time.  BTW, if you don't mind the sacrifice, Craft Wand does work in the OC (wands of ILMS can be handy) though charges will be rather paltry unless you save/reload.

SoU/HotU... figure 28 levels max (about level 14-15 in SoU). You have lots of flexibility here.  In order to take advantage of the weapon enhancements, I recommend a cleric/monk or equivalent class synergy.  However arcanists gain access to their own personal construct so that could be fun as well.  A similar template to the OC wiz/rog would work well.  IMO SoU is the toughest module series to complete because the combat is so well-balanced for the character level.

Mostly, it depends on your own playstyle which build is best for you.  For example, if you are not a planner, using traps to supplement your attack by thinning numbers may not appeal to you.  Lots of options are available but deciding where you want your combat prowess to mature is the key.  Level 40 builds that reach optimization near the end of the build (like druid dragon builds) will be nearly worthless unless used on a level 40 (or higher) server.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2013, 06:39:05 pm »


Empyre65 wrote...
I'm sorry, Rolo. You're the exception. You do it well. I should have thought that through and realized that what I said was at least potentially insulting.

No offense taken, though I hope I've also given none :-) <he does tend to mock absolutes...>

But you make me want to clarify my point: Whatever you *love* to play, you can make work, even with "handicaps" based on game mechanics. But you have to do your homework, learn the mechanics.

The epic builds that are really well documented are a fantastic resource for players new to the game, but not new to gaming. They explain in detail the most efficient/powerful builds. But that's only one (major!) aspect of your character. You have to *enjoy* playing the character, too.

Sometime in the middle of the UO beta, in a frantic/intense multi-player free-for-all I learned for the first time the meaning of "griefer" and completely lost my interest in PvP. And fixated my interest in *playing*. I've since become a confirmed RP/Explorer/crafter. I did it in UO (beta & production) for 2 years and in EQ (alpha/beta & production) for 2 years. I enjoyed the hell out of those games while friends of mine skyrocketed in level and burned out, abandoning the games as soon as every new (and disappointing) thing became available.

I've been involved with NwN since before alpha. Still here :-)

You've heard the expression "Do what you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life"? 
Play what you love to play and you'll never lose. =)

That's not for everyone.
But it's advice you don't seem to see all that often when people ask "What's the best...?"

<...even while he picks pockets>


Legacy_Sir Adril

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2013, 05:26:40 am »


Rolo Kipp wrote...

Whatever you *love* to play, you can make work, even with "handicaps" based on game mechanics. But you have to do your homework, learn the mechanics.

I absolutely agree, play what you love, just learn to optimize it a bit. I've had some rather odd success with classes that really shouldn't be good bedfellows, let alone be a class combination you'd consider using. I'm not too crazy about the spell flinging classes, I tend to play tanks with ranged capability (fighters, rangers), as opposed to nuclear silos (wizards, sorcerers), but I think Sorcerer/Paladin would be pretty potent. You wouldn't have to dip far into Paladin to gain the benefits either.

With a high CHA for your Divine Grace (add CHA bonus to all saving throws), Divine Health (immunity to disease), and Lay On Hands (heal Paladin Levels x CHA bonus) at Pal lvl 1, and your Smite Evil and Aura of Courage at Pal lvl 2, you're setting yourself up for some benefits that will help a lot of classes. You'll sacrifice a little bit of spellcasting for the extra hit points, weapon and armor proficiencies the Paladin gives you, but it might be worthwhile. It gets better at epic levels when you can take Automatic Still Spell, which eliminates your armor check penalty for casting. I've also combined Paladin and Fighter before to gain from Weapon Specialization (you'll need four levels of fighter to get it). If you do add your Fighter levels to this already potent build, it's probably best to take them late so you don't short yourself in Paladin and Sorcerer early on - at epic levels it will open up Epic Weapon Specialization for you.

Actually... now I've written all that out, it sounds like I'd enjoy that class combination.


Legacy_Westan Willows

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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2013, 12:17:42 am »


Sir Adril wrote...

Rolo Kipp wrote...

Whatever you *love* to play, you can make work, even with "handicaps" based on game mechanics. But you have to do your homework, learn the mechanics.

I absolutely agree, play what you love, just learn to optimize it a bit. I've had some rather odd success with classes that really shouldn't be good bedfellows, let alone be a class combination you'd consider using. I'm not too crazy about the spell flinging classes, I tend to play tanks with ranged capability (fighters, rangers), as opposed to nuclear silos (wizards, sorcerers), but I think Sorcerer/Paladin would be pretty potent. You wouldn't have to dip far into Paladin to gain the benefits either.

With a high CHA for your Divine Grace (add CHA bonus to all saving throws), Divine Health (immunity to disease), and Lay On Hands (heal Paladin Levels x CHA bonus) at Pal lvl 1, and your Smite Evil and Aura of Courage at Pal lvl 2, you're setting yourself up for some benefits that will help a lot of classes. You'll sacrifice a little bit of spellcasting for the extra hit points, weapon and armor proficiencies the Paladin gives you, but it might be worthwhile. It gets better at epic levels when you can take Automatic Still Spell, which eliminates your armor check penalty for casting. I've also combined Paladin and Fighter before to gain from Weapon Specialization (you'll need four levels of fighter to get it). If you do add your Fighter levels to this already potent build, it's probably best to take them late so you don't short yourself in Paladin and Sorcerer early on - at epic levels it will open up Epic Weapon Specialization for you.

Actually... now I've written all that out, it sounds like I'd enjoy that class combination.

 Interesting. I have been trying to make a Fighter/Sorcerer/RDD and not getting far. maybe I should try Paladin/Sorcerer/rdd?



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2013, 03:17:07 pm »


Westan Willows wrote...
 Interesting. I have been trying to make a Fighter/Sorcerer/RDD and not getting far. maybe I should try Paladin/Sorcerer/rdd?

A problem adding RDD into campaigns with a relatively short lifespan is that melee potential and casting potential evolve too slowly together.  So, except for how lenient the OC was designed, the effectiveness comes very late with a cap of clvl 18.  The SoU/HotU series is a better opportunity with 28 levels or so to take full advantage of RDD features, but SoU could be very tough to deal with having only 13-15 levels to develop the combo and the same issue as with the OC applies.

Paladin/Sorcerer is a perfect synergy providing almost instant melee capabilities with Divine Might/Divine Shield and Divine Grace saves without significantly diminishing your casting prowess... all in two pally levels.  Typically, the best combat potential in either case is either 4 or 8 levels of RDD pre-epic and picking up the wings after clvl 20. 


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 20 octobre 2013 - 02:20 .



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2013, 11:07:50 pm »

               Earlier this year, I played this build in the OC, followed by the Aribeth's Redemption series. I got RDD 10 before the end of the OC and Dev Crit before the end of the Aribeth's Redemption series.

Level 40 Dragon (Bard 11 / Fighter 14 / Red Dragon Disciple 15)
Human, Non-Lawful
Playable 1 - 40, PvM
Designed for the OC plus follow-up modules like Aribeth series

STR: 16 (40)
DEX: 14
CON: 12 (14)
WIS: 8
INT: 14 (16)
CHA: 12 (14)

Leveling Guide:
Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Bard(1): Toughness, Power Attack
02: Bard(2)
03: Fighter(1): Cleave, Weapon Focus: Scimitar
04: Fighter(2): STR+1, Blind Fight, (STR=17)
05: Fighter(3)
06: Red Dragon Disciple(1): Knockdown
07: Red Dragon Disciple(2): (STR=19)
08: Red Dragon Disciple(3): STR+1, (STR=20)
09: Red Dragon Disciple(4): Dodge, (STR=22)
10: Red Dragon Disciple(5)
11: Red Dragon Disciple(6)
12: Bard(3): STR+1, Improved Critical: Scimitar, (STR=23)
13: Red Dragon Disciple(7): (CON=14)
14: Red Dragon Disciple(8)
15: Red Dragon Disciple(9): Mobility, (INT=16)
16: Red Dragon Disciple(10): STR+1, {Darkvision}, (STR=28), (CHA=14)
17: Bard(4)
18: Fighter(4): Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar
19: Fighter(5)
20: Fighter(6): STR+1, Great Cleave, (STR=29)
21: Fighter(7): Epic Weapon Focus: Scimitar
22: Bard(5)
23: Fighter(8): Overwhelming Critical: Scimitar
24: Fighter(9): STR+1, Great Strength I, (STR=31)
25: Fighter(10): Devastating Critical: Scimitar
26: Fighter(11)
27: Bard(6): Great Strength II, (STR=32)
28: Fighter(12): STR+1, Epic Weapon Specialization: Scimitar, (STR=33)
29: Red Dragon Disciple(11)
30: Fighter(13): Great Strength III, (STR=34)
31: Fighter(14): Epic Prowess
32: Bard(7): STR+1, (STR=35)
33: Red Dragon Disciple(12): Great Strength IV, (STR=36)
34: Bard(8)
35: Red Dragon Disciple(13)
36: Bard(9): STR+1, Great Strength V, (STR=38)
37: Bard(10)
38: Red Dragon Disciple(14): Armor Skin
39: Bard(11): Great Strength VI, (STR=39)
40: Red Dragon Disciple(15): STR+1, (STR=40)

Hitpoints: 470
Skillpoints: 268
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 25/22/23
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +9
BAB: 26
AB (max, naked): 45 (melee), 29 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 27/37
Spell Casting: Bard(4)
Alignment Changes: 0

Discipline 43(58), Listen 43(42), Lore 18(32), Perform 16(18), Spellcraft 42(45), Spot 43(42), Tumble 40(42), UMD 23(25)

01: Discipline(4), Listen(4), Lore(4), Perform(2), Spellcraft(3), Tumble(4), UMD(4), Save(3)
02: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Lore(1), Perform(3), Tumble(1), Save(3)
03: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Save(6)
04: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Save(9)
05: Discipline(1), Lore(1), Save(12)
06: Discipline(1), Listen(4), Spot(9), Save(3)
07: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(1), Save(5)
08: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(1), Save(7)
09: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(1), Save(9)
10: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(1), Save(11)
11: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(1), Save(13)
12: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Perform(3), Tumble(10), UMD(5)
13: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(2)
14: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(2), Spot(1)
15: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Save(1)
16: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(1), Save(3)
17: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Tumble(5), UMD(4)
18: Discipline(1), Save(5)
19: Discipline(1), Save(10)
20: Discipline(1), Save(15)
21: Discipline(1), Save(20)
22: Discipline(1), Listen(5), Perform(2), Spellcraft(10), Tumble(5), UMD(5)
23: Discipline(1), Save(5)
24: Discipline(1), Save(10)
25: Discipline(1), Save(15)
26: Discipline(1), Save(20)
27: Discipline(1), Listen(5), Spellcraft(7), Tumble(5), UMD(5), Save(5)
28: Discipline(1), Save(10)
29: Discipline(1), Listen(2), Spot(13)
30: Discipline(1), Lore(4), Save(1)
31: Discipline(1), Save(6)
32: Discipline(1), Listen(3), Perform(3), Spellcraft(2), Tumble(5)
33: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spot(4)
34: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Lore(1), Spellcraft(4), Tumble(1)
35: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(2), Spot(2)
36: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Lore(5), Tumble(1)
37: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(3), Tumble(3)
38: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(1), Spot(3)
39: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Perform(3), Spellcraft(3)
40: Discipline(1), Listen(1), Spellcraft(2), Spot(2)


                     Modifié par Empyre65, 20 octobre 2013 - 10:10 .



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« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2013, 11:13:59 pm »

               Why would you do that versus something like Bard 20/Fighter 10/RDD 10?  Or more specifically, why go past RDD 10 versus getting more Fighter or Bard levels?



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2013, 11:39:11 pm »

               This gives me all the feats I need, +1 AC for the 15th level of RDD, some later Spot skill dumps, and 5 levels of d12 hit dice.

If you prefer, you could drop 5 levels of RDD for 2 levels of Fighter (to replace the lost RDD feat) and 3 levels of Bard (for a slightly stronger song). For this purpose, the point is moot because you probably wouldn't reach the 11th level of RDD anyway.



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Overwhelmed by character choices (OC / SoU & HotU)
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2013, 12:05:18 am »

               Well, if you could trade those 5 RDD levels in a vacuum for bard levels, for example, you'd pick up 3 AC.  I'd also probably go 8 Bard/4 Fighter/8 RDD pre-epic.  Not really important for the OC or anything, but that build can be hugely optimized.