Author Topic: class Restricted Quest/Events  (Read 849 times)


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class Restricted Quest/Events
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:15:15 am »

               I'm trying to edit the OC so that I can get these quests using any class. The only ones I know are the Cloaktower membership and the druid challenges. Can anyone pinpoint other quests or events(this includes quest rewards and such that are only available to certain classes even though other class can also take the quest)?



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 10:03:10 am »

               So far I have edited the Cloaktower Membership and the Druid Challenge Circle so that I can take them no matter what class I'm in. Are there another other quest/quest rewards/events that have class specific requirements?



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 06:59:11 pm »

               I don't recall if any other significant quests are truly class-specific on the OC. However, there are item-creation opportunities in Chapters 2 and 3 that may not be doable if the PC is not able to cast certain spells. For instance, in Castle Jhareg, there is an alchemists' apparatus that will create some clerical potions if one can cast the appropriate spells. Similarly, there are opportunities to create magic items using books found from Eltoora's quests in Chapters 2 and 3, if one can cast certain arcane spells. And, there is a chance to create a magic staff when retrieving the snow globe in Chapter 3 and that requires casting a spell.

Now, I don't know if those "quests" fit the criteria for your modifications. For one thing, I don't recall whether a character gets XP for completing any of them, so it may only be an issue of getting some of the items. As far as I can recall, all of the items are available through other means (either at shops or as random loot drops), unlike, say, the unique Many-Starred cloak from Eltoora's Chapter 1 quest. Second, I think many (possibly all) of the item-creation tasks can be accomplished merely by casting the needed spells from a device or scroll, so there isn't really a class restriction if the PC can use the spell through an appropriate item instead.



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 06:34:59 am »

               Can you only make an item only one time once you found the tomes/ingredients needed for it? For example, can I make two Feyduster blades in chapter 1 using Marrok's forge or creating two Ring of Elemental Resistance once I find the Tome of Life or not?



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 12:42:12 am »

               Short answer: It's limited to one each of the special items.

I can't check all the scripts at the moment, but I think each creation script is limited to creating a given item once. I believe that's even the case for the Marrok/Barun forge items, even though those are also to be limited by the availability of the specialty components (dragon's blood, etc.) in Chapter 1 and supposedly by economics in Chapter 3* where some of the components are easily available.

[*As I understand it, the OC was designed before the appraise skill was introduced. So, it's possible to turn a better profit by paying to forge Barun's items (for some items) and then selling them than by just selling the base items. For example, if one finds a +1 Morningstar, even if the PC won't use the Drone +4. it's still worth more to pay Barun 25,000 GP to forge the Drone and sell it than to just sell the +1 weapon. That's true of a couple items even with a neutral appraise from the merchant and there are many weapons like that if one gets a good appraise roll. So much so that, even if one had to buy the +1 base weapon, it may still be worthwhile to forge Barun's weapon just to sell it. Of course, that would require some planning ahead, since Chapter 3 shops don't sell many +1 weapons. And, by that point in the game, the PC typically has more gold than he needs anyway.]



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2012, 02:34:20 am »

               Although it may be possible to turn a profit with crafted items in Ch 3, I've never noticed that it could be done. The example MrZork furnished may be the rare exception but never tried it by maxing Appraise which may make a difference.  But just for standard Appraise levels (zero plus INT modifier), the crafting process is not equitable in Ch 3 unless you plan to use the item.  However, in Ch 1, craft as many of the items as you can and pay attention to the relative values because it may be better to craft items with higher intrinsic resultant value with those extremely rare components (like adamantine).  If in doubt which might be the better profit, save before crafting each, note the final value and reload using a different item if it is not all that impressive, saving the rare component for a better choice. (BTW, Durga has some of the highest "buy" rates around so is handy to use for crafting comparison.)

The only other restrictive quest that comes to mind is the Tamora quest for some minor XP, but that one is gender-specific rarther than class-specific.  Also, to get all the druid circle combat opportunities you will need at least druid 7.  (XP/loot can be mined in those battles by dropping the intermediary rewards temporarily.)

Allocation to certain rogue skills (sry, cannot recall which ones are checked atm '<img'> ) are needed to gain access to Blackmarket/covert item vendors beginning in Ch 2 (IIRC).  The one run by Torgo in Ch 1 Moonstone Mask is usable by all skill sets.

The magic lab in Ch 2 can be used by any class that has allocated to UMD with the proviso that they procure the necessary components, wands, rods, scrolls or other items to cast spells on the container.  There are never any XP rewards for the lab creation activities, however.

There are no class-specific activities other than for arcanist classes and druids, though clerics can perform a few peripheral class-specific actions in a few places that also provide no XP, just minor advantages.



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class Restricted Quest/Events
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 06:03:36 am »

               Good catch on the Shady Characters, Hip. I had forgotten about the skill checks for the rogue merchants that start in Luskan. My toon usually has at least some ranks in set trap by that stage.

Regarding the forging-for-profit issue: I want to emphasize that using Barun's forge nets a bit of a gain for several items for many typical PCs if one goes through a little bother, but it really isn't worth it because the PC has so much gold by midway through Chapter 3 that adding another 20 or 30 thousand gold to the total by forging all the most profitable items is a drop in the bucket. Sometime during my first couple of runs through the OC, I was curious about this and worked out the numbers. If anyone is similarly curious, an example follows, But, be forewarned that, when you open your fifth chest with a Crossbow of the Unicorn, you'll wonder why you bothered. ;-)

To pick a number, if one gets a favorable appraise adjustment of +10 on the merchant roll, there will be 8 items where it's more profitable to forge the +1 base item than to just sell it. (For anyone looking for an easy benchmark to see what their roll was, at a +10 adjustment, the merchant is offering 1260 GP for a stack of ten CCW potions.) The Drone and Sentinel are the highest profit items to sell, followed by the Fey Spear and then the Uthgardt Blade and some also-rans. In Chapter 3, there are several merchants with intelligence of 10 and none have any ranks in the appraise, giving them an appraise skill level of 1 (the minimum for the merchant). Getting a +10 adjustment may seem like a lot and it may be tough for a half-orc barbarian, but a PC with 14 INT can bump to 20 INT easily with potions and items one will likely find (and are available at merchants) by Chapter 3. That's an appraise skill level of 5 without any ranks in the skill and it's not hard to beat at least one merchant's d10 roll by at least 6 to get the +10 adjustment. Tougher with Eltoora, though. :-) Obviously, wizards and toons with skill ranks in appraise (pretty much a waste of skill points in the OC) can do better and will turn a profit on more items.