Author Topic: Is it just me or are the stores in game useless cause of you having no gold?  (Read 2031 times)


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               I get past act 1 with basically no gold yet in act 1 so many NPC vendors have nice gear for thousands and tens of thousands of gold or more. Not sure what i'm doing wrong as I do pick up all the trash loot and sell it but it just doesn't add up. 



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               Chapter 1 is the "leanest" module of the campaign other than the Prelude.

The loot is based on character level so if you postpone your housekeeping until your PC has gained several levels, the reward will be much higher and since you will be looting critical heal potions and +10 heal kits, won't need to be spending gold on them at the store.

The OC is actually one of the more lucrative loot seeds of the campaigns so try to learn to economize. SoU is VERY tough.

How much gold your PC amasses depends somewhat on the class (arcanists and UMD'ers tend to spend quite a bit on scrolls & wands & such).

BTW, did you find all the reagents to craft the custom items with Marrok?  That process alone usually nets my character in the neighborhood of at least 20K gold or so when I sell the stuff I don't use.  Each custom item crafted will net 1-4K gold.

How often are you forced to pay the 100g to ID a magical item?  That really adds up and there are more efficient methods to ID them.

You should eventually be cash-flushed and leave the game with at least 300K or more in gold in your inventory.  Have patience.  The worm will turn.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 18 avril 2011 - 12:46 .



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               Not too sure what you mean by "postpone your housekeeping".You mean put off selling what I loot cause my level effects sell price?

Btw does specializing in a weapon type really make those weapons drop more?

I never use the heal kits cause I don't really understand them I tended to use potions. I also need to buy a few at least at start normally to stay alive or I die alot.



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Peteed wrote...
Not too sure what you mean by "postpone your housekeeping".You mean put off selling what I loot cause my level effects sell price?

I meant the process of scouring every open room, nook  and cranny for chests, barrels, bags, etc.  IIRC the seeding occurs as part of the OnDisturbed action so as soon as you open it, it will seed the loot.  Postpone that action until the character level is higher for better loot seeds.  It's not a normal process but the most cost-effective one.  So if you don't mind revisiting the areas again, your PC will benefit economically.

Btw does specializing in a weapon type really make those weapons drop more?

Only weapon focus is needed and will influence loot spawns in boss chests.

I never use the heal kits cause I don't really understand them I tended to use potions. I also need to buy a few at least at start normally to stay alive or I die alot.

In combat, healing via heal kits will NOT cause an attack of opportunity (AoO).  Healing by potions or spells will.  Also, in areas where spell-casting has been neutralized by design (potions are really just "spells in a bottle") heal kits will work unless otherwise scripted.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 18 avril 2011 - 01:36 .



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HipMaestro wrote...

Peteed wrote...
Not too sure what you mean by "postpone your housekeeping".You mean put off selling what I loot cause my level effects sell price?

I meant the process of scouring every open room, nook  and cranny for chests and barrels.  IIRC the seeding occurs as part of the OnDisturbed action so as soon as you open it, it will seed the loot.  Postpone that action until the character level is higher for better loot seeds.  It's not a normal process but the most cost-effective one. 

Btw does specializing in a weapon type really make those weapons drop more?

Only weapon focus is needed and will influence loot spawns in boss chests.

I never use the heal kits cause I don't really understand them I tended to use potions. I also need to buy a few at least at start normally to stay alive or I die alot.

In combat, healing via heal kits will NOT cause an attack of opportunity.  Healing by potions or spells will.  Also, in areas where spellcasting has been neutralized (potions are really just "spells in a bottle) heal kits will work unless otherwise scripted.

Never seen a "boss chest" in NWN do you mean bosses body or do some of the bosses actually have special chests?



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Peteed wrote...
Never seen a "boss chest" in NWN do you mean bosses body or do some of the bosses actually have special chests?

There is usually (almost always!) a lootable container in the vicinity of a boss.  If you save before opening it, you can reload to examine a selection of random boss-type item seeds.  For example, in Gulnan's sanctum, there are two chests which can be looted.  Both are considered "boss" chests and will offer weapon focus-determined items.

There are probably in excess of 20 boss chests throughout the OC though I haven't actually stopped to count them all.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 18 avril 2011 - 01:45 .


Legacy_Mystery X

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               I just finished the OC with a sorceror (which was a rough time).  Until the final chapter, the only things I bought from vendors were healing kits and crossbow ammunition.  Otherwise, the equipment I looted was a sufficient source of gear.

If you really want some of the nicer items from vendors, you will finally have enough gold to buy one or two of the top-end items by the end of chapter 2.  But you should be finding sufficient gear from loot, so these items from the vendors are more luxuries than necessities.



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               Very true. Never buy anything in NWN.
NWN is a school of life.



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HipMaestro wrote...

There is usually (almost always!) a lootable container in the vicinity of a boss.  If you save before opening it, you can reload to examine a selection of random boss-type item seeds. 

I consider that cheesy and an exploit. As is leaving behind chests to open at a higher level for better spawns.

Just avoid wasting money and try to hold off on purchases, you will usually find better right after you buy it.

Make sure you can open all locks to get all loot: There is henchman for that.

Make sure you can ID all gear for free: There is a henchman for that.

Check rates at a couple of shops to see who is offering the best deals, when you sell gear.

You can get plenty of cash without exploiting the save/open chest/reload cheese to maximize gear.



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               I don't know one way or the other, but I thought that HipMaestro was less advocating saved-game mining and more just giving an example that would illustrate that there are some chests that are more likely to give items geared toward the opening character's weapon feats. A similar dynamic is true of class-specific treasures (those that are more likely to generate treasure usable by the class of the character opening or breaking the chest.).

Regarding general availability of money in the OC: Chapter one is a little lean; by the end of Chapter Two, I generally have enough gold for almost anything I want to buy; and by midway through Chapter Three I have way more gold than I could spend without just buying stuff I would almost never use.

As a side note, new players should ignore the Greater Archer/Brawler/Swordman Belts that Durga sells in Chapter One. They are among the priciest items and it's sort of ridiculous that they are for sale at that level (they are too powerful to drop as treasure). I think those items give people the wrong idea about the amount of gold needed to get cool stuff, and I consider their placement in Chapter One to be a mistake; Durga should probably sell the "normal" version of those belts.

As for waiting on the opening of random chests, barrels, etc., I try to leave the ones that I know I will be passing several times until when I am done with the area. For example, leave the stuff in the City Core tell near the end of Chapter 1, leave the big outdoor maps (e.g. Docks) until I am done with the missions in that area, but the indoor maps all get checked as I go because it's just too tedious to go back. I say that I try to do that, but the reality is that I get bored of even checking most of the minor crates and barrels in many areas and just skip them. The first time through, it was fun to go through them all, but on those occasions when I replay the OC now, I just stick to the chests and hunting for the items that I know I will need for quests. However, I do usually look at my spreadsheet of smuggler's coin values to get the most out of that and to make sure my character has enough to pay Marrok to forge a decent weapon by the end of Chapter One.



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Lowlander wrote...

HipMaestro wrote...
There is usually (almost always!) a lootable container in the vicinity of a boss.  If you save before opening it, you can reload to examine a selection of random boss-type item seeds. 

I consider that cheesy and an exploit. As is leaving behind chests to open at a higher level for better spawns.

Agreed.  But for someone struggling to get a handle on surviving the economic factors, it may temporarily provide a leg up to make progress in an otherwise unmanageable environment.  For that matter, reloading any save will always produce a different outcome. There is a fine line betwen cheese and resourcefulness, especially with purists.

Delaying looting an exploit?  Meh.  It's simply a consequence of wanting to make fast progress following the questing and leaving the unpleasant tedium for last.  If your playstyle makes better to "loot as you go", well..  follow your instinct, I suppose.  The OC has too many dang containers to begin with.

Make sure you can ID all gear for free: There is a henchman for that.

I'm curious.  Which henchman would that be?  They all have Lore skill set at 0 for the entire OC, including Sharwyn. 

Fox's Cunning combined with Lore potion should ID all but the most expensive items usually up to 5 or 6 at a time.  Just click fast before the spell effect wears off.

Check rates at a couple of shops to see who is offering the best deals, when you sell gear.

Investing in the Appraise skill also balances the economics in one's favor.

edit:  The REAL key is just as jml and others have indicated... try to rely on drops because as your PC gains levels the drops get better and better.  You will often spend (waste?) gold on items that seem valuable in Chapter 1 that drop like pocket lint in later chapters.  Also, avoid buying loads of potions since they will also start dropping like crazy.  Fortunately, the lenient OC allows unlimited resting (except for the very end) so healing should seldom be a problem.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 19 avril 2011 - 08:44 .


Legacy_Mystery X

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               If you are a few hundred experience away from making the next level that gets you better container contents, then you might want to put of searching containers until making a level.  Otherwise, you are probably just probably adding more complication to the game than it's worth.  In the long run, it isn't going to make a sizeable difference.  Getting a few healing kits at +6 rather than +1, or 50 gp rather than 25 gp, probably isn't a life or death difference.

And actually, those minor treasures probably make more of a critical difference for you at lower levels, than those moderate treasures make for you at higher levels.



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HipMaestro wrote...

Lowlander wrote...
Make sure you can ID all gear for free: There is a henchman for that.

I'm curious.  Which henchman would that be?  They all have Lore skill set at 0 for the entire OC, including Sharwyn. 

That's another reason to play with Tony K's AI: I think every OC henchie except Tomi has Lore maxed in the OC. And, Sharwyn's Bardic Knowledge feat means that she should be able to ID just about anything that drops in the OC. It's just silly that an NPC bard wouldn't have a good lore skill.



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               I did go to Sharwyn (she should have lore, she is a bard) initially to ID my stuff, I always use Tony K's AI, so that might be it. I travel with Tommy for his high lock pick skills.

Missing a chest or two while scooting through is not a exploit. Purposefully delaying opening them for higher levels is. You may as well type dm_givegold if you are going to exploit.



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Lowlander wrote...
I did go to Sharwyn (she should have lore, she is a bard) initially to ID my stuff, I always use Tony K's AI, so that might be it. I travel with Tommy for his high lock pick skills.

TK's AI is like night and day. Vanilla Sharwyn can't ID anything... well no more than any PC without any Lore.  My answers/suggestions on these boards always assume vanilla resources unless otherwise specified.  It's the only level playing field available.

Missing a chest or two while scooting through is not a exploit. Purposefully delaying opening them for higher levels is. You may as well type dm_givegold if you are going to exploit.

Ummm, how about 3 or 4?  Or maybe 8 or 10?  Didn't realize exploitation could be quantified so easily. *lol*

Nah. You like to loot as you go is all.  I consider looting containers a royal PITA that interrupts the flow of my gaming experience.  That's just the way I play, SP modules, online servers or LAN games.  My hungry nephews just love my technique so that they can grab all the loot that gets passed by but then again I level faster because I am engaged in solving quests and combat while they are fumbling about bashing chests.  You may call my play style exploitive if you like.  It matters little.  I get plenty survival loot just by the kill drops which are ususally superior anyways. Whatever floats your boat, dude. Life is too short to spend it clicking a mouse button every 5 seconds.

This discussion has meandered too far from the OT with all the point-counterpoint jargon.