Author Topic: Books, books all these books  (Read 2286 times)


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Books, books all these books
« on: October 13, 2010, 06:54:44 pm »

               I'm carrying around 10 blue books. Is there a way to tell if I need them all. I've noticed  that a few books I found were taken away after a quest.
Also is there any where you can store stuff.
I'm like a pack rat. Carry everything. 'Image



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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 07:06:44 pm »

               We all are. You could find some special bags on the road, chests or shops.
Blue books are usually to read only, not to be kept, and to be sold eventually. Some of them may have contents related to the story to help you with its understanding. Most of the time though, your journal should have anything you need written in that matter.
Books which aren't blue, but somehow special are to be considered more carefully. Usually, important books are marked as "plot items" and won't leave your inventory no matter what you try to get rid of them. ( 0 gold in shops)
They might go away only if the quest requires it.
Basically, sell anything you can sell.
Beside you could use any abandonned chest or barrel anywhere you find one, and make it your own as long as it suits you, hotel rooms, empty house, roads...
(Only risky if you're playing online... some people aren't like you and I... :innocent:)

Now, you could spawn some "no weight" containers, by reading the list in my signature, but that would make you a cheater... which is somehing you should be ashamed of. ':police:'
As a matter of fact, I really like feeling being ashamed of myself. ':bandit:'
(I never played without a good 10 bags...) 


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 13 octobre 2010 - 07:20 .



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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2010, 10:23:56 pm »

               Thanks. I have 4 magic bags now. I just re-counted and I have 18 blue books. Time to start selling I guess.
I'll wait to do the "cheating" on a 2nd play through. 'Image
I assume that if I use a chest or barrel, then I will have to retrieve it before I go to the next Chapter?
Thanks again.


                     Modifié par Chiefsonny, 13 octobre 2010 - 09:25 .



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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 11:21:50 pm »


Chiefsonny wrote...
I assume that if I use a chest or barrel, then I will have to retrieve it before I go to the next Chapter?

Yes. Each module has its own areas so you will not be able to access anything including temp storage containers from the prior module.

Blue books = fluff.

Other color books (like tan, red, green) may contain things like recipes, hints or instructions.  Rather than clog my PC's inventory with books I tend to just jot anything pertinent from them in the journal and either sell them or lay them down out of the way.  Anything earmarked as "plot" will/should be automatcially removed from the inventory when the next module loads.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 13 octobre 2010 - 10:22 .



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« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 09:47:15 pm »

               So, I am not the only one that seems to be unable to get rid of even the most silly thing in my inventory... Even rings or armor that I can't wait or that are surpassed by other items... You see, maybe I have a +3 sword, but there is the +1 +1d6 fire damage that can be useful with trolls or whatever so, keep it! And so on, my inventory is always full '-_-''



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« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 10:29:45 pm »


Vaalyah wrote...

So, I am not the only one... '-_-''

Indeed you're not. ;-) We are all not the only one! What could be better than packrating for free...
Consumption without pollution, nor money.

Also having the most basic questions, all of a sudden.
For instance, I have been playing NWN for a, good, while now and I'm still not certain about what seems to be obvious:
- Does a vampiric weapon which gives you some health points steal those very HPs from the opponent at the same time?
- Does a sword with an "enhancement +1, enhacement +3 against undeads" makes an "enhancement +4 against undeads... since I played a few modules with some "enhancement +3, enhancement +2 against undeads" weapon...?

About time making a thread about "the unobvious obvious"...

Just another packrat.



                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 23 octobre 2010 - 11:12 .



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« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2010, 04:04:34 am »


jmlzemaggo wrote...
- Does a vampiric weapon which gives you some health points steal those very HPs from the opponent at the same time?

Yup. take me to the wiki

- Does a sword with an "enhancement +1, enhacement +3 against undeads" makes an "enhancement +4 against undeads... since I played a few modules with some "enhancement +3, enhancement +2 against undeads" weapon...?

They don't stack. The highest enhancement always takes precedence regardless of qualifier. A +3 enhancement/+2 against Undead weapon was customized wrong.  There's no benefit assigning a qualified enhancement LOWER than the general one.  Take it back to whoever sold to you and demand a refund.
Now, what all this has to do with packratting is beyond me, j-m. Have you been taking your meds regularly? :innocent:

When  I played NWN the first time I must have collected two screens worth of all the different gems figuring there was some kind of crafting or recipe formulas available.  Finally, by Chapter 3, the suspense got the best of me and I just had to post the question on the forum.  I got one just one reply... "Sell them."


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 23 octobre 2010 - 03:09 .



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« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2010, 09:51:43 am »

               Thank you my Hip favorite. But see, it's not that obvious:
- The vampiric property doesn't do anything if the wielder of the sword is already at full health: So it's not a damaging effect. It doesn't cause anything, any damage on the opponent by itself. It's not the blood sucker we all might think it is, but more of an "existing damages converter".
Which makes me think... it's just what it says it is: a regenerator... And now I feel terrible...
- It works with undeads! I didn't know that either! And it's quite surprising... isn't it? It's not about blood, but energy, if not life itself.

HipMaestro wrote...
Take it back to whoever sold to you and demand a refund.

Funny... Why do you think I hate those free community guys & modules so much? Free is a disgrace, an imbalance. The unbearable ultimate power against money.
So shall be my revenge, forever unfulfilled and forever bleeding...

HipMaestro wrote...
Now, what all this has to do with packratting is beyond me, j-m.

I understand. I so feel like beyond myself sometime... also because I found it one of the most beautiful english word. We need two, just for the same: "au-delà" Bummer, it's even nicer!
Anyway: none. Surprised? ;-) It's probably more a question of timing. And because of what Vaalyah wrote, and made me think about that. And I had to be loyal to a talking fellow player, taking the same risks. The least we could and ought to do.
But why did you answer, that’s the real question.
But it does, not with packrating maybe, but with packraters. We might feel being alone with that shame, or another question of ours, only 100s of players might have had the same one earlier, and still thinking they're all alone. But they're not. What matters is to realise our surroundings, if not surrounders.
One of the reason why, if there is any reason to my world, I'm no fool time earthling you see, when I answer something, I kind of do it widely, you won't be surprised I didn't say wisely, aiming also at what is hidding around, just not discovered yet.
I learned a lot from questions that were never asked.

HipMaestro wrote...
"Sell them."

I don't know what I like the most here, your gems story or that guy's as brief as definitive answer. On my first wizard play, I had some temporary difficulties with the whole resting idea. And I got that answer, probably from your same guy: « Get some sleep Â».
And I really went to bed! And find the solution the day after. In a blink. So the question is: What did that mean guy mean exactly... Was is talking to the wizard or my little selfish?
I learned a lot from questions that were never answered.

Now if you wanna come up with that « off-topic Â» thingy again, I don’t believe there is such a thing like being « off-topic Â». It’s only the topic itself which might not be clearly « on Â» yet. (Does what I just said make any sense? Well it does in french, and I know what you’re gonna say, french doesn’t make any sense anyway. You’re not wrong, for once.)

And let me assure you it was a pleasure pulling your leg as usual, Hip!

& thanks to you & The_Krit. Again... I hate those guys like you and him who know everything. Why am I no God myself...?
I'm such a jealous guy...



                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 23 octobre 2010 - 11:13 .



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« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2010, 09:17:36 pm »

               :-D guys, you two are so funny to read!

Can I add my stupid question too? I always asked myself: since two items with regeneration feature don't stuck (ie: a ring with reg=1 and an armor with reg=2. You just have the reg=2)... does a vampiric weapon stuck? Just to keep the theme of the party :-P



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« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2010, 12:28:34 am »

               We thought there was no one there anymore... Well, I did.
You're off-topic Vaalyah! You didn't use not even one time the word "book".
I did... Make a search, you'll see.
That's an old but quite efficient trick, and the only reason why I never got fired.
And Hip is always on topic. Because he knows the right people from what I heard. And he married The_Krit's sister, so...
My 2 cents would be the vampiric effect will stuck and add with the regeneration one as they don't come from the same energy sources?
And using both at the same time would be the most inelegant idea I could ever imagine. Or a good start for a nice vampire module...


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 23 octobre 2010 - 11:31 .



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« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2010, 11:13:54 am »


Regeneration effencts on two different items don't stack as such, but they will both work. In your example you won't get the message "healed 3 HP" but "healed 1 HP" followed by "healed 2 HP", which adds to 3 HP healed.

As to the Vampiric Regen, I have no idea what happens if you add this twice to the same weapon, but if you dualwield two weapons both with Vamp. Regen., you should get the healing effect on each weapon if  it damages your opponent. Each attack is an independent action after all.

Books: during my very first run through the OC I carried every single book back to the temple and put it on the ground, just in case I might need it later.... at the end of Ch 1 that temple looked like a hurricane went through a library.... ahem. I just sell them now - If I even bother to take them at all...



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« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2010, 11:50:27 am »


Terishia wrote...


Regeneration effencts on two different items don't stack as such, but they will both work. In your example you won't get the message "healed 3 HP" but "healed 1 HP" followed by "healed 2 HP", which adds to 3 HP healed.

That sounds quite logical... and that could actually happen in a game.

Terishia wrote...
As to the Vampiric Regen, I have no idea what happens...

Vampiric Regen will simply be added aside to the ring and armor's effects, on a successfull hit, as from different sources. 

Terishia wrote...
Books: during my very first run through the OC I carried every single book back to the temple and put it on the ground, just in case I might need it later.... at the end of Ch 1 that temple looked like a hurricane went through a library.... ahem. I just sell them now - If I even bother to take them at all...

;-) ***Memories***



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« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2010, 03:32:43 pm »


(so now I am ok with the off topic problem)

now, about regeneration, each time I equip two rings with reg feature, I get a message in the chat window "you are wearing two things with features that don't stack" or similar, as if you have an armor +2 natural bonus and an amulet +3 natural bonus. Same kind of bonuses don't stack.

When I played BG, I read carefully all the books that I found. And brought them with me. In BG2 I read everything (but not brought them with me). In NWN... well, I skip 80% of the books!


Legacy_Westan Willows

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« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2010, 09:23:34 pm »

               I take them then sell them.


Legacy_Vansen Elamber

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Books, books all these books
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2010, 04:05:50 pm »

               The thing I noticed about the books or notes that you need is when you pick them up you get the tone sound like when you get a quest from an NPC. Once you hear that sound and you have used to book or note for its intended purpose, ie give them to Aribeth to read, I think you can dispose of them any way you see fit....