Author Topic: Henchman solutions  (Read 9075 times)


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Henchman solutions
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:04:22 pm »

               (Recompiled & edited from OC forum sticky, topic originator: Ashnara, 2004)

Note: Some of the issues described herein were addressed and corrected in the final (v1.69) Bioware patch.
Debugging with Alternate Console Interface
The Rehiring Problem
Incomplete Henchman Stories
Missing Henchman Quest Items and Contract Artifacts
Lost/misplaced Henchman Quest Reward
Henchman Quest Reward: Requirements
Henchman Quest Reward: Spoilers
Henchman Quest Reward: Description
Vanishing Henchman
Stuck Henchman Remedy
Henchman Not Switching Between Melee and Range Attack
Henchman In-game Preferences Resetting
Tomi Stays in Stealth Mode
Tomi Refuses to Disable/unlock or Remains Unresponsive
DM Client with Multiplayer in OC
Override Effects on Henchman with LINUX & MAC (as of v1.6.1)

Debugging with Alternate Console Interface

Some of you may have trouble using the ~/` key or maybe it doesn't even appear on your keyboard. If this is the case then you can use the chat window to type in your console commands. It is the small window next to the word talk at the bottom of your screen.

To use DebugMode with the chat window you put ## in front of your console command. The following is an example of how to spawn in an item using the chat window:

To access DebugMode using this window, click in the window and then type:

##DebugMode 1 (this opens DebugMode)

##dm_spawnitem XXXXXXX (Replace X's with tag or blueprint resref, which will depend on the item you are spawning. With most items, you will be able to use the tag, but with some you will have to use the blueprint resref.)

At this point the item will appear under your cursor, so be sure it is over a spot where you can pick the item up. Always be sure to close DebugMode when you are finished by clicking in the chat window and typing:

##DebugMode 0 (DebugMode is now closed)

Here is a quick example of how to use the chat window to spawn in Daelan's chapter 2 quest item which you get when you kill Gorkan in Mutamin's Challenge.

##DebugMode 1

##dm_spawnitem NW_HEN_DAE2QT

##DebugMode 0

The Rehiring Problem 

A number of people are having trouble rehiring henchmen after they have dismissed them. The majority of the time this is caused by dismissing the henchmen by way of the radial menu or by hiring another one and dropping the current henchman. The henchmen are scripted to be dismissed by the conversation dialogue. When they are not dismissed through conversation, it can cause problems. Example: they give you the line that they are working for someone else. This can be fixed by using DebugMode to reset their NW_L_HENHIRED variable.

What you need to do:

Before doing anything else, be sure to make a backup save (new save, not a quicksave). This will give you a save to go back to if something goes wrong. The next thing you need to do is drop the contract they gave you (the item they gave you when you hired them). You will get a new one when you rehire them. Make sure you type the following carefully. It is case sensitive. To enter DebugMode type:

~ or ` (depends on keyboard, key next to the 1 key)

DebugMode 1

You should see the word Success in the upper left corner of your screen. Next type:

~ or ` (whichever worked before)

dm_setvarint NW_L_HENHIRED FALSE

Your cursor will change to target mode, so click on the henchman you need to reset. The reason for this is because the variable is stored on the henchman. Some people have gotten 0 to work in place of FALSE here, but most of the time I have had to use FALSE. Then before doing anything else, be sure to close DebugMode by typing:

~ or ` (again whichever worked)

DebugMode  0

You should now be able to rehire the henchman and go on with the game. Under some circumstances relating to their quests, you may have to reset a henchman completely. 

Incomplete Henchman Stories

If you have a henchman who refuses to complete their story for you or if you did not have their reward item on you when you first talked to them in chapter 2 or 3, then the following should help you solve the problem.

You may need the henchmen tags so here they are:

Sharwyn - NW_HEN_SHA
Daelan - NW_HEN_DAE
Grimgnaw - NW_HEN_GRI
Boddyknock - NW_HEN_BOD

Before doing anything else, be sure to make a backup save (new save, not a quicksave). This will give you a save to go back to if something goes wrong. The next thing to do is to drop the contract they gave you when you hired them. Then make sure you have their reward item on you from the previous chapter. After doing all of this, you are ready to enter DebugMode. Be sure to type carefully. It is case sensitive. To enter DebugMode type:

~ or ` (depends on keyboard, key next to the 1 key)

DebugMode 1

You should see Success in the upper left corner of your screen. Next type:

~ or ` (whichever worked before)

dm_setvarint NW_L_HENHIRED FALSE

Your cursor will change to target mode so click on the henchman you are resetting. Remember this variable is stored on the henchman, and tells the henchman whether you have ever hired him or not. Next type:

~ or ` (again whichever worked)

dm_setvarint NW_L_HENNW_HEN_XXX0 FALSE (replace the X's with the 3 initials from the henchman's tag that you are resetting, and replace the 0 with the chapter number you are in 1, 2, 3, or 4)

Your cursor will change to target mode, so click on your character. This variable is stored on the PC, and keeps track of whether you have talked to the henchman before.

~ or ` (whichever worked)

dm_setvarint NW_L_HENSTORYCX 0 (replace the X with the chapter number)

Your cursor will change to target mode, so click on the henchman you are resetting. This variable is stored on the henchman and tracks how much of his story the henchman has told you. Then be sure to close DebugMode by typing: 

~ or ` (whichever worked)

DebugMode 0

By resetting some or all of these variables, you should be able to get the henchman to complete his story and give you his quest.

Missing Henchman Quest Items and Contract Artifacts

(Information added to legacy thread, 8/19/2010, HipMaestro)

All of the retrievable items for the henchman quests and their respective contract artifacts (obtained in Chapter 1 by paying a mercenary fee) are PLOT items and cannot be sold (unless noted otherwise below):

Henchman Contract Artifacts
Tomi: Contract - NW_HEN_GALPERS
Daelen: Feather - NW_HEN_DAEPERS
Sharwyn: Contract - NW_HEN_SHAPERS
Grimgnaw: Gem - NW_HEN_GRIPERS
Boddyknock: Gem - NW_HEN_BODPERS
Linu: Flower- NW_HEN_LINPERS

Chapter 1 Quest Items and Codes
Tomi: Official Document - NW_HEN_GAL1QT
Daelen: Brooch - NW_HEN_DAE1QT  (Warning!: Can be sold due to a non-plot status error set in the item parameters.)
Sharwyn: Celestial Elixir - NW_HEN_SHA1QT
Grimgnaw: Silver Ring - NW_HEN_GRI1QT
Boddyknock: Leaven Bread Recipe - NW_HEN_BOD1QT
Linu: Silver Chalice of Moonbow - NW_HEN_LIN1QT

Chapter 2 Quest Items and Codes
Tomi:  Star of Calimshan - NW_HEN_GAL2QT
Daelen: Great Axe - NW_HEN_DAE2QT
Sharwyn: Lock of Nymph's Hair - NW_HEN_SHA2QT
Grimgnaw: Corpse Hand - NW_HEN_GRI2QT
Boddyknock: Prism Blossom Seed - NW_HEN_BOD2QT
Linu: Journal of Synth La'neral - NW_HEN_LIN2QT

Chapter 3 Quest Items and Codes
Tomi:  Ashes of Running Wolf - NW_HEN_GAL3QT
Daelen: Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear - NW_HEN_DAE3QT
Sharwyn: Tamorlyn's Song - NW_HEN_SHA3QT
Grimgnaw: Dagger - NW_HEN_GRI3QT
Boddyknock: Dragon Scale - NW_HEN_BOD3QT
Linu: Volcanis Oak Seed - NW_HEN_LIN3QT

Lost/misplaced Henchman Quest Reward 

Check the Divining Pool first.  Each chapter has a pool.  Note: OC quest rewards cannot be sold.

Henchman Quest Reward: Requirements

A listing of the reward items from chapter 1 that you will need to start henchman quests in chapter two.

Grimgnaw ---> Amulet of the Long Death +1 ===>NW_HEN_GRI1RW
Daelen ---> Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1 ===>NW_HEN_DAE1RW
Sharwyn ---> Belt of the Performer +1 ===>NW_HEN_SHA1RW
Boddyknock ---> Lantanese Ring +1 ===> NW_HEN_BOD1RW
Linu ---> Pendant of the Elf +1 ===> NW_HEN_LIN1RW
Tomi ---> Ring of the Rogue +1 ===> NW_HEN_GAL1RW

The last capitalized part is the tag you need for the dm_spawnitem command Ashnara explained above.

If you need chapter 2 or chapter 3 items, just replace the "1" in the tag with 2 or 3.

Henchman Quest Reward: Spoilers

Each of the henchmen have a quest for you if you want to do them. They are all searching for a specific item. If you do their quest and return the item to them they will reward you with a magical item. This item will be upgraded by them if you also do their chapter 2 and chapter 3 quests. The following are the items that they are looking for in each chapter (table format: chapter - item, location):

Ch 1 - official documents, Wheelwright's Wagon Repair (Beggar's Nest)
Ch 2 - Star of Calimshan, Wanev’s Tower (South Road)
Ch 3 - ashes of Running Wolf, urn in Uthgardt fort (Homestead area)

Ch 1 - mother's brooch, chest on boat (Docks District)
Ch 2 - notched great axe, dwarf Gorkan's corpse (Mutamin’s Challenge, Green Griffon Inn)
Ch 3 - Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear, Zokan Thunderer (Elk Tribe headquarters)

Ch 1 - Celestial Elixir, Tanglebrook Estate (Peninsula District)
Ch 2 - lock of nymph’s hair, Nymph’s House (Neverwinter Woods)
Ch 3 - Tamorlyn's Song, present time Creator Race Ruins (south of Fort Ilkard)

Ch 1 - Silver Chalice of Moonbow, Meldanen's sanctum (Blacklake District)
Ch 2 - journal of Synth La’neral, corpse (Troll Caves, level 1)
Ch 3 - volcanic oak seed, stone pile (outside Creator Ruins)

Ch 1 - silver ring, desk in house (No Man's Land)
Ch 2 - mummified hand, chest in Arcane’s Brotherhood Tomb (Green Griffon Inn area)
Ch 3 - dagger, chest in Vaath's camp (Coldwood)

Ch 1 - leaven bread recipe, Siril's Bakery (Beggar's Nest)
Ch 2 - prism blossom seeds, crate in the Creator Ruins level 1 (archaeological area east of Port Llast)
Ch 3 - dragon scale, rubble pile in cave (Spine of the World)

The henchmen will tell you their story in parts as you level up, but you have to be a specific level before they will give you their quest reward (level 6 in chapter 1, level 10 in chapter 2, and level 15 in chapter 3). In order to do their quest in chapter 2 you must have done the corresponding one in chapter 1. The same goes for chapter 3, to complete their chapter 3 quest you must have done both previous quests (chapters 1 & 2).

You do not have to travel with a henchmen in order to do their quests. If your PC meets level requirements you only have to hire them, get their story, give them the item they want, and then dismiss them by way of the conversation dialogue (not the radial menu or just by dropping them when hiring another). The catch to this and the way a lot of people mess up the quests is that in chapter 2 and 3, you must have the reward item in your inventory when you first speak to the henchman.  If you don't then they will tell you their story, but never give you the quest for that chapter.

Henchman Quest Reward: Description

Ch 1 - Ring of the Rogue +1 - Dexterity +1, Disable Traps +1, Open Locks +1
Ch 2 - Ring of the Rogue +3 - Dexterity +3, Disable Traps +2, Open Locks +2
Ch 3 - Ring of the Rogue +4 - Dexterity +4, Disable Traps +2, Hide +2, Move Silently +2,
             Open Locks +2, Pick Pocket +2

Ch 1 - Pendant of the Elf +1 - Dexterity +1, Darkvision
Ch 2 - Pendant of the Elf +3 - Dexterity +3, Darkvision
Ch 3 - Pendant of the Elf +4 - Dexterity +4, Immunity to Mind Affecting Spells (replaces Darkvision)

Ch 1 - Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1 - Strength +1, Immunity to Fear
Ch 2 - Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +3 - Strength +3, Immunity to Fear
Ch 3 - Amulet of the Uthgard +4 - Strength +4, Immunity to Fear, Spell Resistance (12)

Ch 1 - Amulet of the Long Death +1 - Constitution +1, Spell Resistance (10)
Ch 2 - Amulet of the Long Death +3 - Constitution +3, Spell Resistance (10)
Ch 3 - Amulet of the Silent Lord +4 - Constitution +4, Immunity to Level/Ability Drain, Spell Resistance (10)

Ch 1 - Lantanese Ring +1 - Charisma +1, Regeneration +1
Ch 2 - Lantanese Ring +3 - Charisma +3, Regeneration +1
Ch 3 - Prophyro's Ring +4 - Charisma +4, Regeneration +1

Ch 1 - Belt of the Performer +1 - Charisma +1, Perform +1, Persuade +1
Ch 2 - Belt of the Performer +3 - Charisma +3, Perform +2, Persuade +2
Ch 3 - Belt of the Performer +5 - Charisma +5, Perform +4, Persuade +4

Note: There are no henchmen quests (or rewards) for chapter 4.

Vanishing Henchman

Here is the info I have about spawning in a henchman that has completely disappeared from the game.

Warning: Be sure the henchman is not lost somewhere in the chapter before doing this. I do not know what the
results will be if you spawn in another one and he/she is still in the game.

Be sure to make a backup save before ever trying this.

You will be using the DM Client to search for the lost henchman and to spawn him in if he has disappeared completely. Again please make a backup save before doing any of this.

From the very first screen choose the DM Client. Next screen choose Multiplayer. Then on the next screen login with your Bioware user name and password. On the next screen choose Load Internet/Lan Game.

The next screen you see should let you choose your saved game. Before doing so though, click the Advanced Options button in the lower right corner, and make sure Post Game to Internet is NOT selected. The rest doesn't matter so click OK to go back to previous screen. Now you are ready to select the saved game you want to check and possibly respawn a henchman in, so choose that save and click Load. You should then see a screen telling that it is loading the saved game.

From the next screen choose the DM character and click Play. This will load you as the DM into your saved game.

Once you are into your saved game if you look at the top of your screen you will see the word Chooser. Click this. It will display a list of all of the areas in the chapter. If you click on an area you will see the word Creatures. Clicking on or expanding Creatures will allow you to see a list of all the creatures in the area including your henchman if he is there. What you need to do is go through the list of areas carefully making sure that your henchman is not in the Creature list of any area. If he is listed in the Creature list then you will know where to find him when you restart your game. If you want the exact location, click on his name and then click the GoTo icon at the top. As the DM will be transported to where he is. Now that you know where to go to find him, just escape out, save nothing, and restart in single player and go pick him up.

If he is not listed under Creatures in any area, he has disappeared from the chapter and you can try to recreate him. To do this, select the area where you think he should be in your saved game from the list in the Chooser window. (Example: Trade of Blades, City Core Hall of Justice, wherever you think he should be). Then from the icons at the top click the GoTo icon and you will be transported there. Once you are there close the Chooser window and open the Creator window.

From the Creator window choose Creatures/Standard/NPCs/Other. Under this you will find a list of the henchmen at different levels. From this list you will have to find your henchman of the approximate level he was at when he disappeared. To create your henchman again, select the one you think might be him, click the Create button at the top of the window and then click the spot on the floor where you want to create him.

Once he has been created you will need to find out if he is the one you want, so right click him and from the radial menu pick the More options icon, then the eye icon at the top, and the view character sheet. This should let you determine whether he is the one you want or not. If he is the wrong one, down at the bottom of the window are several icons. Click the one that says kill and click on the henchman you created to get rid of him. Then try another one.

When you have the correct one created, you will need to save the game (new save) and quit NWN. No need to save your DM character when asked. After quitting NWN go back and load the game (the new save) in single player mode. This time you will be given the option to select a pre-made character. You should find the character from your saved game as a blank portrait in the list of characters. Select it and finish loading. Then go talk to your henchman and seewhat happens.

Important note: The henchman-replacement procedure will only work in modules where henchmen are able to be hired.  In the Luskan and Chapter 4 modules, although a henchman can be created as described, it cannot be hired due to the design features of those two modules.

Stuck Henchman Remedy

1) Use: Save and Reload -or-

2) Use: Stone of Recall.  Usually, the return via portal will correct the positioning bug.  Otherwise, walk back to offending area.

Henchman Not Switching Between Melee and Range Attack

Progbear, 2005:
I have found that every time my henchman levels up, they immediately revert to their melee weapons regardless of what they were using before. And if you open up a dialogue with them it will say, “Stop using your ranged weapons. Only use your melee weapons.” This was frustrating the heck out of me for the longest time.

The solution I’ve found is to just select “Stop using your ranged weapons...” and close the dialogue. Then start a new dialogue and then tell them to only use ranged weapons. The next time a fight starts, they’ll pull out their bow/crossbow/whatever.

Note: It usually takes a few combat encounters before the desired weapon switch actually takes place.

Henchman In-game Preferences Resetting

Any commands issued to a henchman regarding your preference for following distance, trap/lock handling, weapon type, etc. must be re-issued after each level-up and when each new module (chapter) is loaded.  The only exception is where your personal preferences happen to match the default AI settings.

Tomi Stays in Stealth Mode

I have lost Tomi in Chapter 2.
I'm back at the adventurer's guild and he's not there. When
I load as the DM as suggested above he is there!
I suspect he may be invisible or in hide mode. Maybe I dropped him that way.
Can anyone suggest the best way to get him back. I'm a level 11 druid and have no remove invisibility spells; if that is really the problem.
Unless he is meant to disappear because of something I've done. Does anyone know of this?

Go back into the DM Client exactly like you did before. As the DM go to some place like outside the building. Then from the chooser menu find Tomi, click on his name and then from the icons at the top click Jump. This should jump Tomi to you (the DM). Once he is there, save the game and exit. This will leave Tomi standing outside the building. Then load the game you just saved as a single player game and pick you char from the list of pre-made characters (should be blank pic) and finish loading. Wherever you are, go back to where you jumped Tomi to as the DM and see if he is there.

I tried what you said and on reload found that Tomi was there for a split second before disappearing again. If I went inside and then out again I had just enough time to select him to start a conversation before
he disappeared.

I then got Tomi to join me and sure enough he was in stealth mode! I then asked him to toggle stealth and voila he is visible again. He's not going to get much mercenary work if he hides in the shadows all the time is

I then reloaded my original game and paused the game just outside the guild then entered in pause mode. I could then select Tomi for a conversation, unpause, and I walked up to him and started a conversation even
though he is invisible. Now my game is back on track.

Tomi Refuses to Disable/unlock or Remains Unresponsive

Skill level is probably too low.  Key rogue skills are Search, Disable Trap and Open Lock.

Tomi must succeed in a Search check even if your own character has spotted it with its own check. 
Get him to move closer to the trap to avoid the Search check distance penalty. 

Try buffing with Fox's Cunning (for Disable Trap, Search) or Cat's Grace (for Open Lock). 
Repeat buff as needed to reach maximum ability modifier (+2 or +3 for full buff), if necessary to succeed check.

DM Client with Multiplayer in OC

Only DM commands which the HOST issues will correct flags and reset variables.

Override Effects on Henchman with LINUX & MAC (as of v1.6.1)

Andrew Gardner, 2002:
If you have those files (i.e. .ncs type) in your override directory at 1.61 on any platform, you will have this problem. In Windows, the updater would have automatically removed the files. In Linux, the update instructions explicitly tell the user to clear out their override before applying the next update (if you are experiencing this problem, you may have omitted this step). On the Mac, our instructions had not told the user to remove any files from override because users would only have gotten files there by unsupported means.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 19 août 2010 - 11:11 .


Legacy_Westan Willows

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Henchman solutions
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 09:48:41 pm »

               Thanks HipMaestro



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« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 09:58:06 pm »

               Great job! I can't imagine how it would be with some colours in it, like in your signature, now that it's possible. And yes, you can call me Mr. Pain in the a...., I'd appreciate taht very much.

Great work! Hip, now I know where to find those in one place.



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« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 10:38:49 pm »

               I hope you won't mind I added it to my list (sig).


Legacy_Tren of Twilight Tower

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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 12:27:47 am »

               This is great information.  Thanks, Maestro!




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Henchman solutions
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2010, 03:07:36 pm »

               O_O wow! I just had needed this when I played the OC!



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« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2010, 11:34:55 am »

               I never did these quests of Henchmen!
I normally chose Tomi for his disarm trap and open lock ability. last time I picked the healer elf (don't remember her name!) for her abilities and good fighting ...
the sad thing about her is you must not change his weapon to ranged mode, so if you change it to melee again there is no shield at all until her levels upgrades to certain one!


                     Modifié par Adriano87, 14 septembre 2010 - 10:35 .



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« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2010, 05:55:46 pm »

               I had Tomi too, for the same reasons you have written. And since a rogue is what my PC needed most, I never played with another henchman, to say the truth



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« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2010, 06:35:04 pm »


Vaalyah wrote...

I had Tomi too, for the same reasons you have written. And since a rogue is what my PC needed most, I never played with another henchman, to say the truth

You could take only one level of rogue, and go solo. Fun!
Or with Sharwyn. More fun!
(I forgot which one but she is quite decent for either traps or locks...)



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« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 07:26:31 pm »


jmlzemaggo wrote...
Or with Sharwyn. More fun!
(I forgot which one but she is quite decent for either traps or locks...)

I had a terrible crush on Sharwyn, but she refused my advances, both in the OC and HotU. The result was a nasty inferiority complex and broken heart.  I will never forgive her for her coquettishness.

For some reason, how she used her "skills" never seemed to enter the picture ':blush:'


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 14 septembre 2010 - 06:28 .



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« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2010, 04:52:14 pm »

               :-D :-D :-D Hip, you're so crazy! It is time for a romance pack for the OC of NWN! Sure, you will be able to romance Sharwyn!


Legacy_Vansen Elamber

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« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2010, 11:59:29 pm »

               Heh, I thought I had the issue where I could not get the Hench to rejoin after dying but it turned out I accidently gave Linu her rose thing, soon as I took it back she wanted to go to work for me again!'<img'>



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« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2011, 03:57:08 pm »

               Thanks HipMaestro for your guidance with incomplete henchmen stories, but I still cannot get the conversation to the point where I can give them their quest item.  This is a very frustrating aspect of this game and I'm ready to chuck it.  Why oh why didn't the developers allow the players to give henchmen any item then get the appropriate reaction.  I think I have just about every quest item for Linu and Daelan in my inventory but they don't want to even talk about it.  Also I seem to have max'd my levels so it's no longer possible for me to level up to affect their reactions.  

Icewind Dale was so much better than Neverwinter Nights!



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« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2011, 08:54:05 pm »

               darkgreenheart, sorry if you are stuck, but there is always a chance someone can help if you post the actual details of your situation. In other words,
  • What level is your PC?
  • Which henchman is in your party (and is s/he actually in the party and not just being spoken to)?
  • What quest items are in your inventory when you talk to that henchman?
  • What does the henchman say when you ask them to continue their story?
Etc... In the worst case sceneario, you can use the console to get the chapter one items and then at least continue on and be able to complete the henchman quests in chapter two.



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« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2011, 02:02:49 am »

                I have been having problems with Daelan not switching between weapons. Current stats:
Pc - Half elf rogue
Chapter - 3
Console use - Gold only
I've tried the solution listed here and it isn't working. Regardless of what I do he walks around with a bow and uses only that in combat. I would highly prefer he switched back to his axe. 

Any ideas?':blush:'