Author Topic: VirtualStudyRPG - Language learning NWN-multiplayer project, recruiting players and staff  (Read 1752 times)


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Hi everyone,

I'm launching a language-learning project with the help of NWN.

The idea is to have an in-game language-learning and language-exchange community of gamers whereas NWN is used as a simulation platform to see if this concept can work successfully and attract players. 


Please come by. You can join as a player or a staff member, as right now I'm the only one working on this project. The server is currently down, it requires some polishing before it's ready to be launched, but I expect it to be ready for initial test launch in about 4 days.


More information can be found on the website here:


Programmers/Scripters, 3D model-artists and polyglots are desired as staff members. As far as players...anyone who likes language-learning and would like to give it a shot :-)