Author Topic: Missing GameSpy server list  (Read 1729 times)


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Missing GameSpy server list
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:54:30 am »

               The GameSpy list of servers seems to have vanished from many (perhaps all) online lists.  Only time will tell whether or not the list returns.

Until it does, and just in case it never does, I have started a proboards forum as a makeshift replacement.

My email address is in the stickied post in the General area.  Send your server details to me and I will add them to the appropriate board.  Anyone may read the boards to find an appropriate server to direct connect to, but only members may post and only an administrator may post server details except for Tech Support servers.

I will accept server details via private messages either here or on the above forum, but I might not be able to check every private message every day so be patient if I don't respond immediately.  Delays are very likely if I get a rush of server admins asking for their server details to be added.

I don't know if this forum is necessary or not, but at the least it will act as a useful backup for GameSpy.

Note that you need a static IP address for the above forum to be of any use to you since it's not feasible to update the server list every day (the usual time before an IP lease expires for non-static addresses).