Author Topic: Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!  (Read 4687 times)


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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« on: April 17, 2012, 11:56:55 am »

               Ive found the SOU campagin to be a lot of fun (huge improvement over the original OC, and better then the modules I played without the expansions), I found the demon-elf girl thingy ma bob in chapter 1 hard but I pulled through. However, in the chapter titled "Interlude" (I thought the interlude would be just a scene, or a small dungeon scroll.... it should have been called Chapter 2 lol)

Anyway, I've just beaten Kel-Garas... by cheating....

Shamefully I tried again and again to beat him with my level 7 ranger, but the results were always exactly the same. Id bring him down to near death (using alchmist's fire on a sword. I snuck up to him using the mask (invisiblity) This is the best method I found) but then he'd finish buffing himself, one especially annoying one was an immunity to fire, and heal himself to barely injured. Then I'd be trying to kill him but it would be absolutely futile! I'd do very small damage with each hit and hed regenerate before I can damage him again. Then hed completely destroy me with his horrible spells! In the end I cheated....

But I had the same problem when I used god mod! I just couldn't bring his health down... I had to tempeoary increase my attack base -__-

Then, being evil, I didn't have to fight him again in the temple haha

....but from what I heard it only gets harder.... so I ask, should I bother trying to continue with my ranger?



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 12:01:48 pm »

               I might add that apart from Kel Garas I had no problems with SOU what-so-ever.



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 03:02:16 pm »


simomate2 wrote...
I might add that apart from Kel Garas I had no problems with SOU what-so-ever.

There's always a trick to winning against some of the bosses and Kelgaras is no different. The key is in the special weapon you get from solving his tomb puzzle.  You need at least a +2 weapon to cut through his DR plus the fire enhancement will harm him A LOT. It doesn't matter what weapon you've focused in... use the quest weapon.  If he casts Protection from Elements just keep pounding him with your fire weapon and eventually after he takes 40 points of fire damage he will begin to suffer.  If you try doing it with alchemical fire, you will end up wasting too many rounds buffing your weapon and he will regen at the same time.

Also, though he has lots of nasty immunities like against sneaks & crits, his Discipline is horrible so can be KD'd pretty easily which is usually the tactic I find most effective vs. him.  Ignore his minions as they pose no significant danger except  to hamper your attack.   Keep in mind that he can only heal himself with negative energy though he has some regen.  Unless you are using Tony K's AI which usually forces a pre-buff, in which case his True Seeing will spot you as soon as you enter the room so stealth & invisibility will mean nothing.  Sanctuary will probably just force him to cast AoE spells.  Dunno about that.  Don't use TK's AI all that much myself.

If you engage in Lich-fighting (like Kelgaras), you always need some sort of reliable strategy to face them or you will become toast quickly.

Actually, the toughest battle (for me, anyway) was the one against one of the Wind creatures in the final chapter.  But once again, it just requires some planning and a few lucky rolls and they can be defeated without using the console.  Well, I did attack the Formian queen in her lair once, just for giggles, but she and her minions were so tough that I never tried it again.  Took w-a-a-a-a-y too long to dispatch them. '<img'>

But generally speaking, a ranger is a decent SoU/HotU class except IMO a UMD class like rogue, assassin or bard would help it immensely so it can use scrolls & other magic items. A DEX build will probably be harder, though, at least until you gain enough FEs.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 17 avril 2012 - 02:40 .


Legacy_Mystery X

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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 07:19:25 pm »

               I always thought that Kel-Garas was the toughest battle.  For me, surviving his initial volley of spells was the most challenging part (particularly those nasty Evard's Tentacle spells).  My general tactic is to pop into his line of sight, and when he starts casting a spell, duck around the corner.  Even if I am not quick enough to avoid the area of effect, I can be quick enough to be out of his line of sight by the time he is finished casting the spell, meaning he won't follow.  So assuming the one spell did not kill me outright, I can use my healing kits before making another run at drawing off the next spell.

If you can beat Kel-Garas with your ranger, you ought to be able to finish the game with your ranger.



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 03:35:15 pm »

               I played SoU very little, with a ranger, by the way. It was hard, really; I let KelGaras slaughter my animal companion, my evoked creature, my henchman while I was nailing him with arrows. You have to buff all your party with all of your disposable spells, scrolls and potions; keep the haste ones for yourself, you will be likely make him fail some concentration checks. Oh, no point into sending your allies without clarity spell cast on them. Even weak badgers may distract him from having his attentions on you. Fire arrows if available should be preferred



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2012, 03:54:18 pm »

               *Spoiler from HoU in this post*

Funny... Im in chapter 3 of HoU now, I've just found the knower of places and so far, Kel Garas was the hardest fight out of all the fights in both expansions. I think its because I never got desert fury in the interlude, I don't know



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2012, 05:08:06 am »


simomate2 wrote...
-clip- ...Kel Garas was the hardest fight out of all the fights in both expansions. I think its because I never got desert fury in the interlude, I don't know

Easy to resolve.  Replay... this time using Desert Fury.  '<img'>

The BioWare crew typically furnished access to items that would reduce the combat challenge against the bosses in their campaigns so that those playing through their content for the first time wouldn't need to pull their hair out to complete it.



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Fighting Kel Garas was ridulously hard!
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2012, 06:49:57 am »

               I like how Desert Fury changes to fit your needs. When I played as a Monk, Desert Fury was a kama.