Bioware Archive

Bioware Archive V2 => General Discussion => Topic started by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 27, 2014, 01:54:01 am

Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 27, 2014, 01:54:01 am


I am here to tell you all about my favorite server of all time on neverwinter. Dungeon Eternal X (DeX) is by far the best server I've ever played on. It is a full PvP server with plenty of awesome things added in. There are multiple factions, a well balanced server, quick leveling, the ability to pk at will, knowledgable dms and so so much more. I am looking to bring this server back to it's original glory and have you all come and try it out....



Here is the IP address for the server... I really hope you come give it a shot. I need friends to play with lol



I really hope to see you there


- Mario



Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 27, 2014, 02:02:15 am



^^^ there is a link for the forums for DeX as well ^^^


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_icywind1980 on September 28, 2014, 02:30:28 pm


I decided to check this server out today. It seemed pretty fun but leveling went super fast. The crafting system is a little confusing though. I can't seem to get anything better than +1 and I'm level 21. I also couldn't find anywhere to buy healing, but some NPC kept following me around and healing me, so I guess that's okay. Otherwise seemed like a fun mod, could use more players to really be something great, though.


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 29, 2014, 04:12:10 pm


You have to find the other towns to get gear better than +1. Healing kits can be purchased in "baba yaga's hut" from baba himself. I certainly agree it needs more players to be the badass server it is supposed to be, thats why i came here, to hopefully find people like you who are willing to give it a shot. Hopefully you come back, and we can play together sometime... 


(My name on DeX is Mario)


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_icywind1980 on September 29, 2014, 07:13:51 pm


I'll give it another shot again soon. What time zone are you in and when do you play? I'm in GMT +1. I can usually play a little while during the daytime hours.


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 29, 2014, 08:57:26 pm


I am Eastern Standard Time and play randomly throughout the day really. lol


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_Lazarus Magni on September 30, 2014, 02:21:51 am


DeX is a great module. Was one of my favorites for PVP back in the day. You might want to repost this under the PW section to get more exposure.


Title: Dungeon Eternal X
Post by: Legacy_CurbStomper21 on September 30, 2014, 10:31:06 pm


Good look. Will do that.