Bioware Archive

Bioware Archive V2 => Official Campaign => Topic started by: Legacy_AstoundingArcaneArcher on July 03, 2011, 05:11:04 am

Title: Module Help Needed!
Post by: Legacy_AstoundingArcaneArcher on July 03, 2011, 05:11:04 am

module has LOTS of problems, I am just at my wits end with it. Any help
would be very appreciated and you will be credited in the module
description. Thank you!


Please note: this is a work in progess.

Title: Module Help Needed!
Post by: Legacy_HipMaestro on July 03, 2011, 01:21:16 pm

               Since this topic has nothing to do with the OC your concerns would be better addressed by posting this request in either the "Scripting", "Modules"or "Custom Content & CEP" subforums.  If you are essentially, just looking for testers, state that need clearly.  If you are looking for scripting help, declare the specific issues up front in the appropriate subforum.

Good luck with your new module! ;)


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 03 juillet 2011 - 12:23 .