Bioware Archive

Bioware Archive V2 => Official Campaign => Topic started by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 03:36:56 pm

Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 03:36:56 pm


I have reached the top of the wizard Wanev's tower, and have gotten the key to kill the imp and aquired Wanev's gem (and complete the quest). But, every time I get the key, open the door behind Wanev, and enter in, my game crashes. I have tried this three times, but every time I do, mid-way into loading the next screen, my game crashes. I even tried restarting to a previous saved fie, but still I have the same problem. Can anyone help me? Thanks so much!


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_AndrueD on December 26, 2015, 07:53:30 pm


If this only time module have problem with transition I am thinking it just corrupt save. If this happen again prolly need re-install of OC but that mean start Ch 2 all over with toon you save. [Problem shouldn't be in .bic but in .sav, but dunno for sure.] I sure you not like restart so jump into summon chamber with console.

Use command: dm_jumptopoint 36 25 MAP_M2Q3DD

That be just near Wanev door but other side. Be sure to turn off debug mode when toon get to new place.

This not really cheat cuz it needed to play the game you have with the burp. Dunno if have the same problem going other way thru door. Am thinking it prolly different load screen. But if it also bug going back, use teleport then walk back to Wanev.

Sorry I read your problem wrong in tech forum. I am thinking your toon trapped on other side trying to get back instead the way you mean. Hope you get to play ok after jump. Restart is very boring :(


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 08:00:32 pm


Well, I have had quite a few problems with Neverwinter Nights - crashes, disappearing items, having to start the game a few times just to play the Official Campaign. How do I play my character in Chapter 2 if I restart the Official Campaign? If I am starting over, won't I lose my game? And how do I insert the code messaged above? Starting over is a real kill for the game :(


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_werelynx on December 26, 2015, 08:28:54 pm


1) Run critical rebuild patch 1.69 - if you have this many problems your installation might not be complete. Make a copy of saves a character file beforehand.

2) you may want to export the character and restart the chapter (you will lose all progress in that chapter, but progress from chapters "prelude" and ch1 should be okay)


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 08:41:38 pm


How do I install the rebuild, and export characters? This is very frustrating, I did so much in this chapter, it's a shame to lose so much (lose as in repeating all the quests I had finished)


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 08:52:23 pm


Oh, another question - what do you mean by "Make a copy of saves a character file beforehand"



Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_AndrueD on December 26, 2015, 08:55:51 pm


How do I install the rebuild, and export characters? This is very frustrating, I did so much in this chapter, it's a shame to lose so much (lose as in repeating all the quests I had finished)

From new vault http://neverwinterva...rebuild-english

I run from NWN folder but maybe donna matter where on HD you run from.


Export toon same screen as where game saved.  Am thinking it upper RH corner iirc.  Last save will be highest number in pre-gen toons in list.


Ch 2 should be white to load when start new game. If no, edit/save nwnplayer.ini after type CODEWORD=hacktastic

under [Game Options) section.  Make no difference where in that section you type it. It unlock all OC chapter.


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_AndrueD on December 26, 2015, 09:10:06 pm


Oh, another question - what do you mean by "Make a copy of saves a character file beforehand"


Am thinking he mean the folder for game you play when burp.  It hold .sav, .bic, 2 .tga and .txt files.


Folder either have the name of game save you make last or Autosave, ea with number before name.  Copy whole folder to temp folder (give temp any name you like).  Then maybe move back into folder C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\saves after rebuild. Didna know this work but werelynx say it work so do that.... if I know what he mean.


Oh, just remembering something ppl forget sometime... make sure install NWN off main drive (C: is my drive) not the Program x86 folder where many games install.


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_AndrueD on December 26, 2015, 09:23:43 pm


Well, I have had quite a few problems with Neverwinter Nights - crashes, disappearing items, having to start the game a few times just to play the Official Campaign. How do I play my character in Chapter 2 if I restart the Official Campaign? If I am starting over, won't I lose my game? And how do I insert the code messaged above? Starting over is a real kill for the game :(

Yah,with so many problem you prolly get many more.  Something corrupt.  Also, maybe bad vdriver match cause area load problems.  Could be both bad install + wrong driver together.  Repatch is best idea.  Make sure no hak or override in rebuild so move all CC stuff to temp folder til get OC running right then move back... if you install any CC stuff before trying OC.


If you do all this and still have crashing and burps like you say, then time to repost to Tech Support since spoilers can't fix it.  Then you need to give all machine stat like OS, vcard/driver, ActiveX version, etc. since it could be many things.  But wait til you rebuild and try new game or load save.


Title: Problem exiting Wanev's Tower...
Post by: Legacy_Gavindale on December 26, 2015, 09:46:04 pm


I followed everyone's directions, and I am now able to proceed in my game. Thanks so much, everyone!