Well, I've been playing SoU for the first time and wondered why it seems to have a low reputation compared to HotU and HOF user made modules. It's actually a very decent and quite hardcore NWN/D&D experience, and perhaps this is why it's not as beloved as other NWN related content. I can't recall having so much difficulty in playing Neverwinter Nights & modules in many years. The puzzles are numerous, the combat challenging sometimes brutal. However, I am quite willing to accept the possibility that I've gimped myself by taking 5 levels of bard and (currently) six of RDD, and selecting the Recommended options when leveling. I think I should have started taking Fighter feats when I began the Bard build because I feel like a dainty flower repeatedly picked & plucked by all the baddies in this game.
Luckily, I have the female dwarf rogue as my henchmen, and she's a good tank, but she now suffers what I call the "Special Olympics" bug, with inexplicably reduced movement speed in the last half of the game. I strip her naked, bombard her with Restoration spells and she STILL walks & runs like a 105 year old lady (human). I don't know what happened there. Maybe all that poison she absorbed from spider attacks took its toll.
I'm just about to enter the final showdown with the Medusa boss-beotch. My intention is to continue with the RDD build into HotU but now I don't know. I just don't know. He feels gimped. Should I just create a new character from scratch & use a level up mod to being him up to speed? What are some other fun builds for HotU? I'm gearing my RDD towards dual-wielding but only have the dual weapon & ambidextrous feats,
Some other thoughts:
- I play with Project Q and it looks gorgeous but I notice elongated spiky shadows on my PC & henchmen in certain areas. Is there a fix for this other than disabling Shadows?
- the SoU expansion ran kind of choppy on my decent rig until I used an SSD drive. Still had occasional choppiness & chug so I forced my Nvidia card to run at full clock speed. Now it flies.