Author Topic: 2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations  (Read 1123 times)


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2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations
« on: June 11, 2016, 10:24:29 pm »


I decided to ask two questions in one thread. No point in doing separate. So here they are:


Is it possible FadeToBlack() to be used together with a conversation? It seems the black screen is over the conversation window so there is no way? I know about the EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_BLACKOUT) that is used in ADwR but it doesn't hide the whole screen. I want to create this so that I can have a dialogue window with a description of a scene that is too complicated to be animated and created in the NWN engine.


And the second question:

What is the best way to create a conversation with floating text over the heads of two henchmen? I don't want a conversation window to appear, just the whole party walking and chatting. Is the FloatingTextStringOnCreature() the only way?



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2016, 12:08:11 am »


Re your first question. I have one of my own. Have you tried DelayCommand?





Legacy_Fester Pot

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2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2016, 03:25:37 am »


FadeToBlack first, then as TR mentioned, DelayCommand the start of the conversation.





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2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2016, 10:08:33 am »

               If you don't need the fade part, use BlackScreen then ActionStartConversation without delay. As others have observed, once the screen is black, any new conversation window appears on that black screen.

Regarding on-screen conversation with floating text, there's also SpeakString, if that makes a difference. You can manage the timing and presentation more easily using the Gestalt dialogue functions (available here).

Personally, I try to avoid floating text, as the conversation window gives the player more control to suit their own reading speed, but I can see that's tricky when the speakers are moving. You'd have to have the conversation owner moving with the group, so that no speaker ever moves out of range, and allow for the possibility that the walkers reach the end of the walk before the player has read all the lines.



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2 Questions: FadeToBlack and Henchmen Conversations
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2016, 10:40:15 am »


Oh, I didn't know that it will work with a delay. That's cool! It works perfect and just the way I want.


Okay, I decided to scrap the idea of floating text. Will use the dialogue window. Thank you for all the suggestions.


Man, some really nice people in this forum!