Author Topic: Customizing Harper Scout  (Read 1551 times)


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Customizing Harper Scout
« on: June 10, 2016, 04:15:38 pm »


Hello all.


I started playing in aventia nwn server few time ago. I decided try to add server customizing harper scout prestige class.


I'm trying to implement this changes 



I've changed skill tumble to be class skill for harper scout while I removed spellcraft as class skill for harper scout

With this 2 class skill modifications I expect a ac balanced character because could reach 40 on tumble and also will have good saves.


Added MonkEndurance Monk level 3 feat


We changed Tymora's smile feat script with following changes:

1)Duration raised to 2 hours

2)+2 to all saves per harper scout level until level 5 reaching a +10 on saves (cap on +20 on saves): We need to develop 5 level cap for this prestige class

(I could set lasting depending on level but at this moment I prefer focus what to do with other things)


Now I'm trying to create a customized monk ac bonus but for harper scout. The new feat in file feat.2da should be a copy of this feat:

16         MonkACBonus                           260         3      1                0


I don't know where to find the script that allows a monk get higher ac due to wisdom when not using armors.

In case you could know the script name, I would like to customize to change wisdom for other stat.

Is it linked the script to feat name in feat.2da?


How could add +1 Attack per round to this class?


Changes to perform:

Level 1 Monk speed DONE

Level 2 Maybe adding monk ac bonus but based in str stat instead of wisdom 

Level 3 Customized Tymora's smile DONE

Level 4 +1APR

Level 5 Maybe epic mage armor or epic warding (but most players casters or not casters would have access one or two protections making toons overpowered and saving requeriments for casters to having it). 


You will think it's unbalanced and maybe but noone plays a harper scout, it doesn't empower bard class (from my point of view) and the server where I play has not levels limit so there are very rough enemies.


Regards and thanks in advance.






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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2016, 05:32:43 pm »


Hi again. Finally I did following changes that can be downloaded from here:


A)Level 1 Monk speed -> Done based on no armor (default monk feat script)

B)Level 2 Maybe adding monk ac bonus but based in str stat instead of wisdom -> Done based on wisdom and no armor (default monk feat script)
C)Level 3 Customized Tymora's smile -> Done (+10 total saves during 2 hours)
D)Level 4 epic warding -> Done (1 daily use) USESPERDAY same as wizard default feat
E)Level 5 epic mage armor -> Done (1 daily use) USESPERDAY same as wizard default feat

I would have like modified monk speed and monk ac requeriments that could be used even wearing heavy armor but I don't know where to find those monk feat default scripts. I tried looking *.nss but I didn't see any about monk endurance (speed) or monk ac bonus.


Could you take a look if I did something wrong?


Regards and thanks in advance.




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2016, 09:54:08 pm »


I'm not aware of any editable script for monk WIS AC or monk speed.

I didn't think you could give players or NPCs monk feats and have them work unless they actually have the necessary monk levels.


I can see a way that AC based on strength could be done:


-identify heavy armor types in OnEquip event:

If this returns 6 or greater then it is heavy armor:

int GetItemACBase( object oItem)
  if( !GetIsObjectValid( oItem) || (GetBaseItemType( oItem) != BASE_ITEM_ARMOR)) return -1;
  string sACBase = Get2DAString( "des_crft_appear", "BaseAC", nTorso);
  return StringToInt( sACBase);


You could get the AC enhancement bonus from the armor, add the STR bonus you want to that, then have something apply the entire bonus to the armor, and then remove it when it is unequipped.




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 11:23:13 am »


Hi. Thanks for your answer.


I was able to customize Tymora Smile adding +2 saves for all levels in harper scout (getting +10 saves on total) and a duration of 2 hours (have in mind the server where I play has no level limits and +10 on saves is not so high as you could think). I did this changing variables in this script: x0_s2_harpsmile.nss


Even if I add your code snippet I would have to do in a monk nss script that is linked to monk feat MonkACBonus but I tried to find that script looking for nss and I didn't find anything. If I found it I would have to copy in a new nss script, customize it and link to new feat I would add to harper scout but I don't know where a feat knows what script has to call.


Regards and thanks for your help and code!!!




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 02:33:13 pm »


Any spell script called is defined in feat.2da. Look in the colums SPELLID. Not all  feats have a spell script, most are hard coded into the aurora game engine and therefore not modifiable without some sort o\f NWNX hook.




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2016, 01:55:50 pm »


Thank you very much.


So probably I should decompile engine and look for that feat script, copy in a new nss and link it to the new feat via feat.2da using id.


Regards and thanks for your help!!!




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2016, 11:11:33 am »


De-compile??? Let me know if you can. I'd be very interested. I've been aay for a while, so I have to ask if we've gotten to the point of being able to de-compile NWN?




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2016, 04:29:42 pm »


Then I understood it wrong. How can I customize scripts that I can't find as nss files in nwn folder and make clients using that modified code? I mean, now I'm trying to modify flurry of blows to make it activated by default. I tried to look in nss scripts if I was able to find something with flurry name but I didn't find it so I guess is developed in some other place.


Then, how can I "hook" nwnx code?






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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 04:38:47 pm »


Another question. In the server where I'm playing they are asking don't have to activate habilities (they should autoactivate) like flurry of blows, rapid shot and power attack.


I write how to achieve this changing file on server feats.2da:Hi.

I think changing the file feat.2da in flurry of blows feat for instance, there is a column that determines if a feat requires activation: IsActive
IsActive -> 1 if the feat requires activatation, 0 if the feat is passive/permanently active.
So changing that value in FlurryofBlows and setting it to 0, the feat would be permanently active (like monk speed and some other stuff).
This is a change on general server file and I'm sure it won't need any hak creation/download by server/clients.
Anyway, you could test it on a development server and check if a client connecting to that development server gets that feat permanently and don't need to activate.

Do you think that implementation will work on clients with no hak creation and download?




PS: Sorry for asking these questions but I'm new here and I have notions on development but I'm not experienced in nwn scripting.





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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2016, 04:03:33 pm »




I think changing the file feat.2da in flurry of blows feat for instance, there is a column that determines if a feat requires activation: IsActive
IsActive -> 1 if the feat requires activatation, 0 if the feat is passive/permanently active.
So changing that value in FlurryofBlows and setting it to 0, the feat would be permanently active (like monk speed and some other stuff).
This is a change on general server file and I'm sure it won't need any hak creation/download by server/clients.
Anyway, you could test it on a development server and check if a client connecting to that development server gets that feat permanently and don't need to activate.


I'm not sure what will happen if you do what is suggested. It may get you what you want.


The server defines how the game works, the modification suggested would be a server side modification. Clients playing on a server would not require the modification on their client to be affected.




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Customizing Harper Scout
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2016, 02:33:01 pm »


Thank you for all your help!!!


Now I'm trying to add monk speed to all classes but capped in level 3 so I was searching in nwnx files to check where monk gets that feat but I didn't find that code.


The only thing I'm thinking is adding that feat to all classes in each feat 2da file or changing speeds on CREATURESPEED.2DA but anyway I will keep looking for it.

