Author Topic: Creature Levelup?  (Read 569 times)


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Creature Levelup?
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:27:35 pm »

               Looking for a scriptset or function that helps to level creatures who already have levels.

I have a levelup package based on the LevelUpHenchman function.  That script is pretty comprehensive by picking classes/packages, etc.. and I use it for some custom creatures my mod.  I probably knew this and forgot it because it wasn't relevant at the time, but LevelUpHenchman doesn't work on creatures other than lvl 1 where their properties may differ than the class package.  I'd like to have something that, if needed, levels an creature up to a specified CR - specifically creatures that already have levels (like the creatures in the standard pallette)

Not looking for anything too complex - just something that can add hp, abilities, saves, etc..., though spellcasters could be tricky.

If not, I can probably work something up myself, but thought I'd ping the group to see if anyone's tackled the problem already.

Thanks!  Any help or thoughts are appreciated.


                     Modifié par BelowTheBelt, 29 septembre 2011 - 07:50 .



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 11:11:19 pm »

               As far as I know, there is no "automatic" way to level up npc's that are custom level or leveled up by the level up wizard. It's one of the few limitations of the leveluphenchman function in that it requires them to be level 1.

You've already said a potential work around by adding feats/skills at appropriate levels, but as far as I know, I haven't seen anything that is currently public that accomplishes this. Might want to check nwn vault, as they may have something, but I've not run across it yet if there is.



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2011, 12:51:49 am »

               nwnx_funcs has a SetclassLevel function



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2011, 07:12:14 pm »

               Thanks, guys.  Much ad I figured, bit hoped someone had built something.

Axe - does that just set the level, or is there some process of levelling the creature that's involved with that function?

The process of buffing stats, skills, hp, and saves based on an additional amount of levels without actually levelling the creature is pretty straightforward.   Adding new spells and updating CR seems more challenging.  

Anyone have thoughts or done something like that before?




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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2011, 11:32:39 pm »

               Is npc level up still effectively useless?.....I been away for a while and looking to get back into NWN.  Last I heard the level up function would only level up "unmodified", ie 1st level, npc's and would use only the defined 2da for the creatures default package for autolevelup.



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2011, 01:22:56 am »


KMdS wrote...

Is npc level up still effectively useless?.....I been away for a while and looking to get back into NWN. Last I heard the level up function would only level up "unmodified", ie 1st level, npc's and would use only the defined 2da for the creatures default package for autolevelup.

That is basicly correct. 



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2011, 01:56:51 am »

               Creature leveling up is a viable way to create powerful creatures, however it is labor intensive but depending on your module is worth it once it is set up. Along with leveling creatures you can also add leveled up weaponry etc.  Probably the only set back is a creatures health pool which needs to be augmented with temporary hit points.

The module I made for a LAN party worked great and if any thing the monsters had to be toned down abit.  Even bosses auto level.



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2011, 04:19:42 am »

I always wondered if placing 2da's in the override folder for server defined additional auto level up packages might work? I know that the creation of haks would be a way around this but other than the custom hak folder in the CEP or the use of NWNX functions for linux systems to create specific serverside only haks, the override folder may be the only way around this. Creating and installing haks just for this may be counterproductive for new servers looking to establish a playerbase.  Anyone have any thoughts?


                     Modifié par KMdS, 02 octobre 2011 - 03:23 .



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2011, 01:49:39 pm »

               As you mention, it's pretty easy to change stats, stills, feats and equipment.  It doesn't seem to be all that expensive either. I can modify all attributes, all saving throws, set the # of base attacks via EffectAttackIncrease, grant some dodge ac, create a weapon & shield with a few random bonuses ... all in half a ms on average.  This is with one PC in a test module of course, so it will probably be somewhat slower in a large module.

I have not done spells yet, but I plan on setting a local var for each spell granted ... like "fireball" = 3 to allow 3 casting of fireball.  Then I'll need to modify the AI to use forced castings of spells as long as it has a positive # remaining.

One problem you might run into is that some spells are HD based rather than total HP based (like daze) & this approach doesn't change the creature's level.  I had planned on changing those spells to be based on current HP instead of HD to work around this, but  Axe's suggestion about the nwnx_funcs might be easier.  I'll have to look into that.

Setting CR is not that hard.  Just set module xp scale to 0 & use your own custom xp award system.  When you modify the creature's abilities set a local like "cr" to the creature's modified cr.  Finally, when the creature dies, read this local instead of using built in cr for your xp calculations.



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2011, 02:40:05 pm »

               Personally I use a random script to level up various NPC's and even henchman.
I like it because it ensures you never face the exact same npc or what have you twice.
It's a good way to keep things fresh. I also use several script sets to alter an npc's weapon/armor based on level to make sure any given npc can present a challenge.

If it's something you'd desire, just check my signature, one of the links is for that starter module that holds the scripts for level up.

An easy way to see how it actually works is to go into the module and hire the henchman. Fire them, and repeat the hiring process as many times as you want. (Check the henchman character sheet and watch it update. You'll never get the same henchman twice, and the more levels the more random it becomes.



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Creature Levelup?
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2011, 07:08:55 pm »

               Appreciate all the thoughts here.  I currently use a randomized LevelUpHenchman system for my boss creatures that selects classes and packages and also buffs all the stats.  It also adds randomized defensive and offensive effects (DR, sneak, etc...) based on the scaling of the creature.  However, to do this, all my bosses are custom and are lvl 1 creatures that are stored in my custom palette.  Because it is boss creatures at the end of a quest that fire the system, the load on the engine is infrequent, so isn't an issue.

The reason for this current topic is that I'm building a system to handle some special out-of-the-blue kind of chance encounters (like an orc hunting party) that goes beyond the random spawn tables I currently use.  Rather than making 20 different spawn groups with the multitude of classes of creatures that should be included in each type of camp, I'm using existing palette creatures and looking to buff them based on the level of the party that spawned it.  Not a unique idea in concept, I know.  And again, since the frequency of this type of spawn will be rare, engine load isn't a concern.

I may have to add a local on these as mentioned by FarHorizon and update the xp system.  Either that or add some code to provide bonus xp OnDeath of the clan boss to account for the low xp that the system will give.  I already have something like that in place to handle the treasure, which has to be scaled as well.

Xovian, I'll take a look at your scripts to see how you're doing things.  Maybe there's something I can incorporate.  Thanks for the suggestion.