Author Topic: Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?  (Read 586 times)


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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« on: September 15, 2011, 04:28:52 am »


First of all, this new SocialNetwork sucks. I've been for two hours searching for documentation/help and the ones that would probably help me were hosted on older bioware forums, which now are unavailable in order to give us this. I'm so pissed off for this sh** I had to put it out.

To the problem: I'm trying to handle animals during animal empathy routine though I've been failing badly to locate their heartbeat script. I've tried NW_G0_Dominate, NW_CH_AC1 and NW_C2_DEFAULT1. None of those makes my animal empathy dominated animal interact with me.

Any of you guys tried handling it before and succeeded? I need some light.




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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 04:49:27 am »

               The scripts loaded when a NPC/PC are put into a differant state are listed in statescripts.2da

empanthy/domaniated/companion/henchman  all basicly run the same scripts as PCDominate

10  PCDominateHeartbeat       NW_CH_AC1
11  PCDominatePerceived       NW_CH_AC2
12  PCDominateSpellCast       NW_CH_ACB
13  PCDominateAttacked        NW_CH_AC5
14  PCDominateDamaged         NW_CH_AC6
15  PCDominateDisturbed       NW_CH_AC8
16  PCDominateEndCombatRnd    NW_CH_AC3
17  PCDominateDialogue        NW_CH_AC4
18  PCDominateOnSpawnIn       NW_CH_AC9
19  PCDominateRested          NW_CH_ACA
20  PCDominateDeath           NW_CH_AC7
21  PCDominateUserDefine      NW_CH_ACD
22  PCDominateBlocked         NW_CH_ACE

Try asking for a solution nicer next time,  Other then just cussing about not being able to find something.  If you had asked if there was still a way to get the old information from the old bio-boards,  You would be directed to.  NWN Omnibus: Offline search tool for select legacy BioWare forums, documents, CCG, Lexicon and more


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 06:01:46 pm »

               <snatches the scroll...>

Lightfoot8 wrote...
The scripts loaded when a NPC/PC are put into a differant state are listed in statescripts.2da

Hey! Thanks, Lightfoot! I was just thinking about this...
(for when my alpha creatures leave the Combat state...)

<...and vanishes into the shadows>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 16 septembre 2011 - 05:02 .



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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 03:03:35 pm »


Lightfoot8 wrote...

The scripts loaded when a NPC/PC are put into a differant state are listed in statescripts.2da

empanthy/domaniated/companion/henchman  all basicly run the same scripts as PCDominate

10  PCDominateHeartbeat       NW_CH_AC1
11  PCDominatePerceived       NW_CH_AC2
12  PCDominateSpellCast       NW_CH_ACB
13  PCDominateAttacked        NW_CH_AC5
14  PCDominateDamaged         NW_CH_AC6
15  PCDominateDisturbed       NW_CH_AC8
16  PCDominateEndCombatRnd    NW_CH_AC3
17  PCDominateDialogue        NW_CH_AC4
18  PCDominateOnSpawnIn       NW_CH_AC9
19  PCDominateRested          NW_CH_ACA
20  PCDominateDeath           NW_CH_AC7
21  PCDominateUserDefine      NW_CH_ACD
22  PCDominateBlocked         NW_CH_ACE

Like I stated on my post, I've modified NW_CH_AC1 yet didn't had results. Not even debuging it the system wouldn't work.

Try asking for a solution nicer next time,  Other then just cussing about not being able to find something.  If you had asked if there was still a way to get the old information from the old bio-boards,  You would be directed to.  NWN Omnibus: Offline search tool for select legacy BioWare forums, documents, CCG, Lexicon and more

I spent two/three hours looking for people with the same problem and all I could find was links to the old forums that are now offline, I hope you understand the reasons I was pissed off. Like I stated earlier, the edit of the CH_AC1 script didn't worked at all, even trying differet approaches to it, or just forcing the animal empathy creature to speak a string. Nothing happened.




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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2011, 06:38:40 pm »

               For interacting, do you mean in the way that an animal companion will, with the conversation menu options, or simply responding to voice commands given by the PC?



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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2011, 10:14:11 pm »

               Bard, I've been trying to make the following. Once a druid/ranger gets empathy of an animal, I would like to set its faction to neutral. And once he looses the animal from his control, after a certain amount of time, the animal would become hostile again. This way we would prevent in our PW that animals auto attack druids in middle combat if they lose control.

For that, I'm using default heartbeat routine + dominted heartbeat routine. 



                     Modifié par DiaboSatan, 17 septembre 2011 - 09:15 .



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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2011, 10:32:22 pm »

               I'm away from home at the moment, so I can't check, but is animal empathy controlled by a spell script?  That would be the place to make that change if it is.
 Clear the animals personal reputations towards the caster, which should reset it to neutral if it was neutral to start with, then use SetIsTemporaryFriend (sp?  can't easily check proper function name here) with a duration in excess of the AE duration, set to decay, so the animal will gradually return to it's original faction views of the PC.

 I won't be home again until tuesday now, but hopefully someone else can check what script handles AE if you can't find one for it.



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Animal Empathy Heartbeat script?
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2011, 09:02:01 am »

               The scripts listed are the correct scripts that run in the standard system.  If that is not the script that is running while your animal is dominated you may have a modified version of the states.2da causing you creatures to load a differant script set.  

 Or your problem my be that once your creature is no longer dominated he is no longer running that script set you will have to  set up a system where the domanated script set links into the creatures standard script set to get the effect that you want.