Author Topic: NPC's as Mules for the Campaign Database  (Read 633 times)


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NPC's as Mules for the Campaign Database
« on: October 19, 2010, 10:36:12 pm »

               Maybe this has been discussed, but I'm curious and boolean logic didn't seem to turn up too much on the subject...

What's the general consensus on using NPC's as storage mules to haul large quantities of items to and from a campaign database?

For argument's sake we'll say a maximum of 100 items, with five variables on each one. 

Would it be painful to move them from / to the database on every access? (as in PC item storage, or a guild vault)

Move them to a temporary hang out location and back them up using an NPC mule periodically?

Would it truly be more effective to just store the items one by one, and call them back out one by one?

Or is there some ultra-easy & scalable method of generally managing item storage with variables/etc intact that I'm dismissing?