Bioware Archive

Bioware Archive V2 => Builders - Scripting => Topic started by: Legacy_TripleXM on August 01, 2016, 02:59:00 am

Title: Creature Vulnerabilities
Post by: Legacy_TripleXM on August 01, 2016, 02:59:00 am


So, I want Frost Goblins to be vulnerable to Fire but I'm not sure where to apply it. I can't find an option to add anything like this in the creatures properties panel in the toolset. Would I instead add EffectDamageImmunityDecrease to it's onSpawn script?




Title: Creature Vulnerabilities
Post by: Legacy_Proleric on August 01, 2016, 07:04:34 am


You can do this by giving the goblin a creature skin with the item property Damage Vulnerabilty : Fire.


Title: Creature Vulnerabilities
Post by: Legacy_TripleXM on August 03, 2016, 03:25:40 am


Thank you!


Title: Creature Vulnerabilities
Post by: Legacy_Terrorble on August 04, 2016, 05:28:14 am


Shadow's boost system is easy for doing just this sort of thing.  And, if you want a NPC that has 100% fire immune and 20% elec immune you can do that without having to make a separate skin for that scenario.  It allows you to specify a % chance of the NPC having the bonus, and allows other bonuses like AB/AC and damage.  It's a great way to give repetitive mobs variety.

