Bioware Archive

Bioware Archive V2 => Builders - Scripting => Topic started by: Legacy_Bassix on July 20, 2016, 12:05:20 pm

Title: Creating Bluff/Persuade checks in Toolset
Post by: Legacy_Bassix on July 20, 2016, 12:05:20 pm


Hi all,

At the moment I'm working on a module with the Aurora Toolset. So far it's all going great, but I can't figure out how to script a bluff or persuade check. Does someone have a link to a good tutorial, or could they explain it to me? That would be a big help!

Thanks in advance!


Title: Creating Bluff/Persuade checks in Toolset
Post by: Legacy_henesua on July 20, 2016, 02:24:11 pm


The function GetIsSkillSuccessful()  would be the key function call in your script.


I assume you are working on a conversation option for a bluff check. So you need to write a "starting conditional" script, and apply it to a conversation option in you conversation editor in the "Actions Taken" tab.


Check out this tutorial on making a quest. Its got the pieces you need.


here is a rough example of the script. you'll want to change the skill and dc depending on the situation.

When you save these scripts use a name that says what it is such as: ck_bluff_15

int StartingConditional()
  object pc    = GetPCSpeaker();
  int skill    = SKILL_BLUFF; // this is a constant integer for the skill
                              // see:
  int skill_dc = 15;
  return GetIsSkillSuccessful( pc, skill, skill_dc);


Title: Creating Bluff/Persuade checks in Toolset
Post by: Legacy_AndrueD on July 20, 2016, 02:35:54 pm


Both these shud help


The Guide to Building Volume I – The Aurora Toolset Manual


LS-TK Script Generator (Lilac Soul's Script Generator, updated for NWN 1.69)